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Earth’s Destiny Beyond 2012

We all have a story to tell and this is one that is in touch with all of our spirits as we are all in a soul’s collective with our universal programming. This author has a mission which we can all relate too in this lifetime. That is why I have agreed to share this book review. Alien Civilizations Exist and deep down in our DNA we all know it! This author shares his views on  some of my exact thoughts which I find most interesting being that we have never met nor has he told me that he shaped his book and thoughts around my past books or articles. So, I hope you can read it and see how similar we are in our point of view as Alien Hybrids with a mission here on earth to share all that we know and remember of our past lives and our modern day missions on earth!

Earth’s New Day – Earth’s Destiny Lies Beyond 2012 is a motivational and spiritually uplifting book by a writer who has a deep insight. Another story of one who has had paranormal experiences with beings from another place in space.

I share that alien civilizations exist and am an advocate of our Alien ET UFO Community of believers and experiencer’s who have had contact. Larry Gene Pierce has found his calling and mission in sharing his stories and views in this lifetime.

I for one am glad that others are willing to share their life stories in books such as this one and I am happy to offer a book review so that others may reach out and purchase Larry’s book. We can all assist each other as we are all the author of our own life’s story!

We can now begin shaping our future based on our own life experiences in the modern 21st century.

We are now sharing who we are in the Alien ET UFO Community by sharing our stories as authors. We also share our websites as links for our friends.

Larry has put his understanding of why we are all here in perspective in this book.  One may want to view Larry on, or visit him on

This book has an ISBN# 978-1-4507-8866-3 and can be ordered through Larry Pierce Books, at 1616 Atlgeld St., South Bend In 46614.

This book is about personal self discovery.

ET visitations which fit right in with our Alien ET UFO Community. This is a spiritual awareness book with enough paranormal experiences to make it a very interesting read. I liked it so much that I finished it in less than 2 hours but then I got interested in it and had no interruptions. I have another book I have been sent to read and do a review but it is very long. This one is such a personal heartfelt story that it made me want to read it all at once. It’s a personal essay and he speaks about aliens I haven’t heard of before.

Larry offers his insight into how one can enjoy the spiritual journey of self discovery and uses his own personal life as one with many ups and downs.

Larry refers to the day marked as December 21, 2012 to explain his ideas of what the “Shift” means to all of us on planet earth over the next twenty years.

Larry wants to remind us all of how special we all are and that we are all capable of doing great things.

He sights that fear of things which we do not know about can be lessened by improving our knowledge of things we do not understand.

The many insights I obtained form reading about another’s point of view is that there are many out in the world with the same inner guidance and understanding that many of us share.

There are many words of encouragement in his book and it was an easy read in large type.

The entire book was a collection of his personal views and insights and a description of his life.

One reason I found this book interesting enough to read in one day was that it allowed me to take inventory of what I share with others here on earth.

The people that I feel would be most interested in this book are those who are about learning self discovery and those who share the metaphysical world with me.

For instance, here is a list I made while reading his book. The actual review is four pages long so I won’t go into detail here so that others may want to assist Larry by  purchasing his book.

However, here are some of the ways that one can decide if they are a candidate for reading this book:

1. Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong or fit into your earth family?
2. Have a feeling of being from somewhere else?
3. Have health issues and share these with others who share your same interest?
4. Have psychic interests and abilities?
5. Life can seem like a struggle and experience being unsatisfied, homesickness for somewhere else?
6. Coping with anxiety through escape, alcohol, sex, drugs, TV?
7. Deep hidden anxieties as fear of being alone, depression, being a loner?
8. Experience dreams of out of body memories,sharing thoughts with guides, or others in dreams?
9. On a path of spirituality to discover what chakras, kundalini, metaphysics, meditation can offer?
10. Finally, reading books, watching movies, videos, documentaries, history channel, that can help one to find answers?

You are not alone. This book is for those who wonder about life after 2012 and the book is called Earth’s New Day.

Larry shares his ET visitations and this is a good book for those who may want to know Larry as one who has special gifts and talents in the paranormal community. Larry shares his visitations by several alien kinds as humanoids not of this planet.

I read Earth’s New Day and enjoyed it immensely. I hope you can find the time to read it also.

Please write your book and become one of our members of ACE FOLKLIFE.  TJ


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