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Ed Fleming’s ‘Ghosts and Halloween’

I know that this article is a bit off topic but with it being so close to Halloween I just had to write it.

Recently I have been going on ghost hunting adventures with Catch A Ghost Tours of Kansas.

One place in particular is the Wilson Rail Road Hotel located in Wilson KS. The Wilson Hotel is the site of filming of the 1973 movie “Paper Moon“, Starring Ryan O’Neal and his daughter Tatum. The location is steeped in history. Some of the stories include a Sheriff hanging himself in room 305 and a large fire on the third floor that took many lives. The Hotel is extremely active with paranormal activity. 

Initially when I had first arrived at the Hotel I took a K2 Meter with me. The K2 Meter measures EMF, Electro magnetic fields. I was getting a steady reading of 10 to 15 miligaus on the third floor. What this means is that the Hotel has a naturally recurring EMF field. High EMF’s can cause paranoia, nausea and hallucinations.

Naturally one can not rule out the possibility of ghost in a high EMF environment. It is theorized that Ghosts actually feed or draw energy for EMF fields. They can also do this to batteries sucking the juice right out of them.

In one of the rooms when I had passed through it with the EMF sweep I noticed everything was both tidy and orderly. There was no disturbance in the room other than the steady EMF reading that I was getting. I went on my way down the halll scanning other rooms and when I came back through the undisturbed room I noticed something disturbing. The Bed had been disturbed as if someone or something had been laying upon it. Even the pillow was disturbed! I then took a series of 5 photographs that clearly showed movement of the blankets and the pillow as its invisible inhabitant was moving around.

In room 305 a Camera and a Digital voice recorder was left running. A voice appeared on the recorder saying ” I don’t belong here”.

I brought the EMF detector into 305 and got a very strange K2 hit on the desk chair. I would hold the detector flat to the back of the char and flat to the seat of the chair. I moved it to the back of the chair and got nothing. I moved back to the front of the chair and the hits began again. Terry the owner of Catch A Ghost asked a question at this point. He asked “Is this your chair”? A voice was caught directly after the question. It was of a little girl stating “Yes”.

There is activity at the Wilson Railroad Hotel of that I am sure and it was a pleasure to be invited to go and investigate this location.  

There are many strange things in our world that most choose to ignore Ghost’s included. Remember the greatest fear of all is the fear of the unknown. So fear nothing because the world is full of the unknown.

Have a safe and happy Halloween and if it bumps in the night let it bump.

Ed Fleming (UFOII)

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