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Egg Shaped UFO Hovers Over New York Route 207

By Roger Marsh,
UFO Examiner

The witness pulled over after seeing two others stopped and observing a strange hovering object.
Credits: Google Maps.

A Rock Tavern, NY, witness along Route 207 reports watching a hovering elongated egg-shaped object with an amber-yellow glow to an outer aura, according to November 3, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness had just left a meeting and traveled down Route 207, where two people who had been in the meeting had stopped along the side of the road and were outside observing “the thing in the sky.”
“We all started yelling at each other over what we’re looking at in disbelief,” the witness stated. “We were off of Route 207, up the street from Toleman. The object was in the trees hovering and it appeared to be over the MTA refuge area. Stewart Airport gets a lot of aerial traffic, but this thing was just hovering, not on a schedule to get somewhere.”
The witness described the object.
“It was shaped like an elongated egg next to a racquet ball next to an egg <0O0> where the ends slope down to a point with three interior compartments. It had an amber-yellow glow to the outer aura, with a brighter yellow-whitish pulsating inner glow. Each compartment appeared to have a black center to it. Three of us watched this thing for a few minutes as it was above the trees, but from our vantage point it appeared to be in the trees. It was in a north, northwest sky from us at 9:30-ish at night.”

The witness compared the object to common aircraft in the area.
“There were two aircraft both flying west and east of this object at much higher altitudes, their red and blue strobe lights identified them plain as day. This thing was pulsating yellow. Like dummies we changed our position to higher ground for a better look. By the time we got to the higher ground, mellow yellow was gone. None of us thought about using our phones or cameras to take a picture of it – but it was cool to watch.”
Rock Tavern is near New Windsor, NY. No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on November 3, 2011. The events occurred on November 1, 2011. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

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