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Eight Questions on Ghosts and UFOs: Is There a Link Between Them?


What is the connection, if any, between ghosts and UFOs? We, the human perceivers – we are the connection.

Question One: Are ghosts a phenomenon of The Past? 
By definition, ghosts “should” be in the past, being perceived by fellow humans there.  Think of a street in old New Orleans, around 1800. Women scurry around in long dresses, carriages with horses rattle by, and at the docks, slaves are unloading cargo. Watching the unloading is a beautiful brown-skinned woman in simple clothing, head wrapped turban-style. She seems troubled.
Move forward to 2013, and down by the New Orleans waterfront, a young man suddenly perceives the misty, translucent form of a mixed-race woman, wearing a head-wrap, looking disturbed.
This would be a typical ghost-sighting: Often the ghost is from a turbulent, colorful period of time and often the ghost is unhappy. Seldom does the ghost look like solid flesh, but rather has a phantom-like appearance.
Question Two:  Are UFOs a phenomenon of The Future?     
We don’t know what “time” UFOs are from, let alone their origin, but we can assume that in a hundred years, humans will have flying craft which do not fly aerodynamically like our current airplanes, but rather we will have craft which nullify gravity. Therefore our craft will be able to stop suddenly, make right angle turns, and maneuver in ways which airplanes cannot.
So, when a man steps out for a smoke in 2013 and suddenly spots a UFO (and how many times has this happened?!), we assume the UFO is in the 2013 skies, too, above this man. However, what if this man is perceiving into time, just as the young man who saw the ghost in New Orleans?
Question Three: Does the perceiver influence what is seen?
We are told by quantum physics that the perceiver not only perceives her reality, but also influences it. One of the most bizarre premises of quantum theory states that by the very act of perceiving, the observer affects the observed reality. 
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have recently conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that the greater the amount of “watching,” the greater the observer’s influence on what actually takes place. Thus, this cornerstone of quantum mechanics is again confirmed. Our minds mold reality itself.
The research team headed by Prof. Mordehai Heiblum, concluded that when a quantum “observer” is watching, particles behave as waves. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass through several openings in a barrier and then meet again at the other side of the barrier. This “meeting” is known as interference. 
Strange as it may sound, interference (waves) can only occur when no one is watching. Once an observer begins to watch, the picture changes dramatically: If a particle can be seen going through one opening, then it’s clear it didn’t go through another opening. In other words, when under observation, electrons are being “forced” to behave like particles and not like waves. Thus the mere act of observation affects the experimental findings. In fact, human observations seem to “cement” an event into solid reality, when in pure wave form, it had a number of outcomes. 
So, the human perceiver of The Past is the young 2013 man who perceives the ghost on the New Orleans waterfront. The human perceiver of The Future, is the 2013 man who stepped out for a smoke and saw a UFO. What if there are eddies and streams within time itself so that once in a while, The Past filters through to an observer, and other times, a stream from The Future reaches our consciousness?
Question Four: Is human perception affected by the Doppler Effect? The Past would signify the moving-away red shift, and The Future would signify the coming-closer blue shift.
Illustration: Red shift in light & time ripples away, blue shift comes forward
A quick reminder of what the Doppler Effect is: There are two Doppler Effects, one is about sound: This Doppler Effect is commonly heard when a vehicle sounding a siren passes, and recedes from an observer. The received frequency is higher (compared to the emitted frequency) during the approach, it is identical at the instant of passing by, and it is lower during the recession.
The second Doppler Effect is in the field of physics, and it is slightly different from the sonic Doppler Effect. A celestial object moving toward us shows a blue shift (Doppler Effect) and a celestial object moving away from us shows a red shift (Doppler Effect).
Picture:  From “The Big Bang Theory,” Sheldon models The Doppler Effect. We are almost always in The Present which is the dot in the middle.
The physics Doppler phenomenon involves electromagnetism, the aberration of light, and the dilation of time.
Is it possible that ghosts and UFOs also involve electromagnetic anomalies, the “distortion” of light as it usually acts, and as time then dilates, a window opens on The Past or the Future?   
Question Five: When we spot a ghost, are we perceiving back into The Past through a peephole in time?
Let’s assume that most of the time, we are standing in the center of the Doppler Effect. We perceive neither through the perception of the red shift nor the blue shift. We are the “normal” dot in the center.  This is what we call The Present.  
Ghosts could manifest because suddenly the perception of the human observer has shifted back through time. This could happen as the observer is subject to fluctuations of light and time which happen once in a while within human consciousness, which is a part of the Cosmos. Instead of standing in the center of the Doppler Effect, she suddenly has the “red shift” view of time. (Red shift leads to The Past, which we are moving away from).  
Question Six: When we spot a UFO, are we perceiving forward into The Future through a peephole in time? Is the observer’s human consciousness suddenly functioning through a window of blue shift perception, no longer perceiving from the middle dot of The Present?
Perhaps for some UFOs, it is a valid question to at least think about.
These UFOs would not be visiting us, they are going about their business in the Future, probably in the same physical spot as you now stand.
I realize that many instances of UFOs point to the fact that they are here with us in the Present. There are often more than one observer (perceiver); also, CE2 means there is physical evidence that the UFO was here (burned marks on ground or radar confirmation).  This doesn’t happen often, or at least we are not told about it. 
However, in a number of reports, UFOs simply wink out, as if a peephole into “some-when else” just closed. There is reason to think that in some cases, the human observer of The Present is the pivotal element of the sighting. The UFO is simply going about its business in some other time; in these cases, some fluke of The Cosmos, allowed the observer to perceive NOT in The Present.
Perhaps this is why UFO observers feel dizzy once in a while and describe the utter silence which descended during the sighting.
Question Seven: Why do ghosts usually belong to the near-past and not to the cave days? 
How often does someone see ghosts trudging from Africa to Europe as part of the early migration in which humans moved out of Mother Africa? How often does someone see a Neanderthal getting ready to throw a spear? Not often!
It seems ghosts are usually of the relatively recent past. Female ghosts often have long skirts. Sometimes a servant of Victorian days can still be seen on a moonlit night, going about his duties.
Sometimes ghosts are family members.  A friend of mine tells me that her grandfather still haunts the family home. Grandpa is from the recent past.
So it might be that the “red shift perception” of The Past works better if the ghost is nearer to The Present. As the red shift continues outward in the rippling pool of events/time, it grows more distant from the observer of The Present. We might perceive 1800 A.D. easier than 12,000 B.C. 
Who knows if the UFOs we spot in a blue shift of perception, are from a few hundred years in The Future or 2 million years in The Future? But consider: The mystery airships of the 1800s which did not come into existence until about 1920, or consider the airplane landing strips  created by The Incans. Did they see into The Future when airplanes do exist? It makes no sense that they saw UFOs because UFOs do not need landing strips – planes do. And planes would soon enough (a few hundred years), come into reality in human consciousness.
Question Eight: Is the connection between UFOs and ghosts simply the phenomenon of perception itself? UFOs shift perception to the Future while ghosts shift our perception to The Past.  99% of the time, we stand on the dot in the center called The Present. 
Is human consciousness subject to the quantum physics of the Cosmos? It seems impossible that human consciousness is a phenomenon outside of all the other wonders of The Universe.  If we are a part of it all, then we must consider that phenomena happen to us which are directly within the workings of the vast universe all around – phenomena which have real perceptions and results.
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