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Elizabeth, PA Flyover of More than 40 Orange Orbs

Roger Marsh,
UFO Examiner

A Pennsylvania witness driving along Highway 51 just south of Elizabeth reports more than 40 “orange orbs” moving horizontally that eventually faded or disappeared from view on September 24, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness got off Highway 51 at West Newton Road and drove one mile along Rainbow Run Road and stopped at a clearing in hopes of getting a better vantage point.
“We were one of about seven cars parked viewing the same thing,” the witness stated. “No one had a clue of what it could be. No sound. Nothing. Just orange orbs.”
They watched as the objects continued moving horizontally.

Witnesses at Elizabeth, PA, watched more than 40 orange orbs move overhead.

Credits: Wikipedia.

“At this point we had only could view about 10 orbs with all the tree cover. After about two minutes, they just disappeared. Not much fading or anything.”
The witness then drove back to the highway – stopping near the ramp to Highway 51 and Rainbow Run Road.

From that vantage point after about the first two minutes, about five orange orbs reappeared. They too disappeared after about one minute. Again, after about another minute two, more orange orbs reappeared for a third time. These two orbs were present for about one minute. They seemed to join into one light as they ‘fly’ away. Then they disappeared, never to reappear.”
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on September 24, 2011. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Elizabeth is a borough in Allegheny County, population 1,493.
The witness made a reference to a previous UFO Examiner story from September 22: Multiple orange lights ‘move in unison’ over Pennsylvania.

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