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ET Power Of Ascension

by Theresa J Thurmond Morris 

ET Community understands the power of Ascension

We the people in the extraterrestrial community are considered spiritual in many ways.
We are believers in Extraterrestrials or ET. Some of us choose to believe in many ways the ancient aliens as ancient astronauts.
We also believe in a higher power, God particle, and one all knowing, omnipresence we believe to be the all-encompassing GOD. That is the Omnipresent Omniverse, which we call GOD that has always been. God is the all knowing and all-powerful that we choose to believe as the ALL in all of us.
People ask me if I believe in prophets and in Jesus or Jehovah. I personally choose to, as this is my choice. I was born into the Christian Church and was raised a white Anglo Saxon protestant. This is my heritage, my culture, and in my demographic location is my tradition. I celebrate all the holidays in the United Sates of America.
I live on the North American continent, which has a history as does all places.
Due to my internet presence in this world in which we all live on this planet, the blue orb in space, I am in the larger group a sentient intelligent being that belongs to the species of earth.
What makes me somewhat different is my belief in one species on one planet in the larger scheme of things.
I believe in the extraterrestrials that come and go from this planet and always have. I believe that God has many species in the Omniverse and that we are only one planet, one species, in one space in one place in this particular galaxy, in this particular universe.
I think much larger and more expansive than even the greatest minds in the world. I do not mean this as a positive or negative to those who study the world psychology and profiles. How I mean this is that due to my own life experiences and observations, I have come to realize that I am simply essence with memories of prior lifetimes that include other places and other memories.
What I should like to bring to this planet from my other past lives is that I also have memories of the Andromeda Galaxy which is the closest galaxy to this one called the Milky Way Galaxy.
While knowing this personally, it is hard to explain to anyone else much less Stephen Hawking or Leonard Siskin, both wonderful minds in this world in which we presently reside. I Also enjoy Michio Kaku and it is these three men I most admire in the world because they work so hard at trying to understand parts of what I already know.
The hardest part about relating the future is to find common ground.
I am not an academic scholar. I am not a master of anything much less doctorate level in education of any disciplines. I am always interested in education and I read and research all the time. I am always “ON” as the saying goes with “Brain Training”.
I more than anything love people, places, and things, and was raised to think like the majority of Americans in the United States to believe as Christians meaning to believe in the icon and archetype personage, prophet, master, and Lord to most on this planet earth.  We believe in his life and teachings and the knowledge that there is one Omnipotent God and God Force that is beyond the macrocosm the highest Omniverse, and that this is outside the ALL and is ALL!
We the majority of Christians in America believe that the Omnipotent one God sent to this planet his only son whom was sent as divine immaculate conception to his mother Mary, who was born of immaculate conception, to her mother Elizabeth. They have a history on earth of being sent to earth to prepare the way for all of us before, during, and after the presence of the one called Emmanuel, Jehovah, and Jesus.
We all practice cultural traditions to honor this memory because we realize that he was of extraterrestrial origin that lived in a place called heaven where there are many mansions in heaven. We believe in the divine prophecy books that were found and transcribed into English for us in what we now call the King James Version written in 1611 and brought to our country by our ancestors as our ancestor who brought forth a new nation on this continent.
We are all aware of all the various religions in the world and that they all have their stories just like our Bible stories. We realize the Bible is a Guide used to share the principles we are to live by in accordance with some laws of humankind. There are versus that should not be taken out of context and each book has an original author and later transcribers. There are myths and legends that exist and there are many books that were not included in the King James Version.
Many Christians have various levels of understanding about what the King James Version and the New World Translations of the Bible represent to them, their family, friends, congregations, communities, and churches. The people who live among us are actually the church. We understand in the days of old in the time that these scriptures were written the various churches were written to by particular beings who were believers in the faith of the one man who became Jesus the Christ who lived and died for all our sins on this planet as we could not be perfect and live up to our creators expectations who wanted companionship and was alone as the Omnipotent one in the beginning.
We also understand that at one time, many people who lived upon the earth may have not been as mentally advanced, inspired, or understood the meaning of what this being allowed for all of us to learn to live by example and to be better for our future advancement. We call the future advancement of our lives with the shifting and uplifting of our kind the Ascension.
We believe that Jesus was the chosen one and was the one who volunteered to allow his heavenly father’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In other words he was chosen because he volunteered to do a mission that would serve his father’s will and not his own. That was recognized when he was impaled on a cross that at the time was a normal way to end a beings life on earth as a crucifixion. People were crucified in those days and he chose to come to earth so that we could learn a better way to be, do, and have, with faith, hope, charity, and the greatest part of us as essence as our spirit in a body and mind while we are here on this planet. He was our example to follow and therefore we know that the “ALL” sent him so that we could find a better way to the Omnipotent Omnipresence once again and have to suffer so much under the rulers of others in the past such as Caesar. The Christ consciousness at the time was all about render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s for on earth at the time that ruled would get his just due in time. We all die. We also may have future lessons to learn if we do not learn them here on the planet in this lifetime. We have learned to call Jesus our Lord and Savior on this planet because he chose us as essential spirits who would come in the future age after him and we who would choose him as a role model of a better life could choose his path. We would all recognize the way, the truth, and the light that he modeled. This is why we are called as his followers his people.
There were the chosen people who did believe in a God. They also learned to worship inanimate objects such as created iconic bulls and such made out of gold. These people at one time saw others from another place in space that was also of God’s people come to this planet in spacecraft. We saw them take gold form this planet and wanted to become as they were since they were able to leave this planet. We have stories of the Annunaki and other stories of ancient astronauts in China, India, Mexico, Eurasia, and even in North America still known among our Native American Indians who were said to be some of the first people as tribes that walked this continent.
We are finding out that we at one time were all on one continent called Pangaea. We also are realizing that there was once a land called Mu, that later became known as Lemuria before the world could understand the place called Atlantis before the one continent started separating into separate tectonic plates. This will all become known while we raise our spiritual awareness.
This means to all of us as Christians that this perfect being came to earth as a divine essence and entered into a body-mind-spirit that we all have and showed us how to live. We are to follow his example as to how best to honor our father in heaven.
In this day and time in 2010 soon to be 2011 on earth in what we call time, we are all learning to raise our awareness and consciousness and shift and uplift everyone in the entire world as one species. We believe this was the divine plan.
Those of us who believe in the divine plan are aware of what we now refer to as the Ascension Age. This is a time when our planet will combine the knowledge of our minds with the efforts to control our body-mind-spirit units and vessels that we are all using and are all in various descriptions with different colors, ethnic origins, and some have different belief systems based on their demographics, cultures, and traditions of which they were born into.
We have all learned that there are various manmade and some spiritually divine paths that were given at one time or another on earth. Some are thousands of years older than Christianity and some are much newer.
We in the Ascension Center Organization believe they are all paths to the same place and understanding we call enlightenment.
Regardless of whom we are, where we live, what we look like and when and where we leave this planet, we shall all find a path that leads to our own ascension.
Because of we choose to believe that our one “ALL KNOWING GOD” is the all in all of us as the spark, we believe this spark can be ignited with the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost and the breath of life that is in us all. We can choose to light and ignite that spark that gives us life with the breath that can come upon us as the fire that shall catch like a flame of the fire that burns inside us all. It is a metaphor for the eternal spiritual light in our entire DNA.
The breath that comes upon us when we become enlightened about our true path and reason to become as the one extraterrestrial that came to earth as Immaculate Conception, lead a life as a teacher, and then gave his life for all of us who come to earth is now our Lord and Master of this planet. It was by the choosing to come to earth and show us the way back home to the eternal all that made his life and his ascension so special for us!
We have been asked on earth to learn of him and we are made with an inner knowing inside our own essence with the mind inside the brain to decide through our own spirits free will to exercise our free choice. We honor this free will and free choice as the inner spirit and spark that no other being on earth can take from us. We are all created equal when it comes to this inner knowing and no other being can control the inner spark that was placed inside all of us as the spark of the creator and divine force we call life.
Without it, we cannot exist. This inner spark force of the “ALL” is what we come to know as our inner spirit that must grow and find the eternal pleasure and bond back to the all and Omnipotent from which we came. This Omnipotent is what we all recognize as the God or all that lies outside the macrocosm we call the Omniverse. We cannot get back there while we are inside the Macrocosm. We can only feel the spark and see the spark we call life in all those who come to earth in body-mind-spirits.
Science is now going to prove that the God Particle of the “ALL” lies in all things created in this universe which is only one inside a multiverse inside many dimensions we call the metaverse, that there lies inside the unknown xenoverse, which is the all levels, places, planes, dimensions, in time, and space time inside the macrocosm we call the Omniverse.
Those who are the smartest scientists and physicists in the world are exploring the universe with what we now call the Hadron Collider and the connections in space.
It is people like me who have come back form the dead like Lazarus once did while Jesus was alive that are called Avatars on earth in today’s time on earth.
We are also called Agashan Shaman Masters because we are here to guide the Lightworkers and Truthseekers. Some of us are just becoming awakened to our existence here as we came as most all and were not awakened to our mission and calling and election made sure until we actually died and crossed over for a time to be reminded of our memories and chosen quest. We are not saviors but servants of whom we regard as all the councils and angels to the most high as the Supreme High Beings who also exist in space in other places, planes, dimensions, and times, that belong to the God and the “ALL”.
These beings are considered extraterrestrials as ET. Those who are the teachers of the good, right, and light, are called the positive aspects of this universe.
The beings who have chosen to assist as extraterrestrial teachers chosen by our “ALL” as GOD and act in the negative energy as we consider the light to the dark are called the teachers of the darkness. They are doing the part of the opposite of light that we call dark. Many will explain we cannot understand the light without the dark and therefore that is one reason we are sent to learn about our own existence on this planet in a world of both positive and negative forces.
AS we grow more intelligent as spiritual intellectuals in the “ALL” of the “I AM”, we shall understand more about all the myths, legends, stories, and identities who have come along at certain times in our lives to serve as the Lightworkers and Truthseekers as our guides on this planet.
We will learn more about why Jesus came when he did and why he chose prophets. We will learn about martyrs and all the manmade religions of the world both ancient and modern.
We will learn how science actually was developed in form from the philosophy of our ancestors as our ancient ancestors knew would happen in time on earth. This mental and physical process of our minds lays in side our brains. We are now entering a new information age of our training the brains to understand more about all the minds that ever existed in space and on this planet.
Our future will include the reconstruction of some of what we thought that our ancestors knew. We shall learn of the former expectations of our humankind and who we are, why we are here, and how we got here. We will learn where we go when we leave this planet.
We shall learn about this planet being only one inhabited place in the universe. We will learn of the multilevel inside the space with branes that have other universe attached to the film vibrations that act as waves in the metaverse. We shall learn about all that is expansion that is a continuous flow and flux of the all that we know as the eternal expansion of the God force in us all and that flows inside us all in and out of everything.
We will learn of the one universe as an oval luminescent orb among many universes in the metaverse inside the xenoverse inside the Omniverse.
I am here to share the news that we can be more, do more, and have more for our entire species as we shift and uplift our new awareness of our actions in space as eternal essence. Love and Light. TJ 

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