“The Truth Seekers are a part of the Ascension Age or the other way around. Is the world made up of individuals within social cultures or the other way around? Seeking our God in the light of truth is rising!” Love and Light – TJ Morris ACIR
Four CORNERS will be the North American Home of the BIG POW WOW of 2012~ FOR ET/UFO SPIRITUAL GATHERERS! One of four places -TIBET, SWITZERLAND – and ONE MORE LOCATION for Truth Seekers to fill in the blank. This is a TREASURE HUNT for TRUTH! Many people do not realize that TIME TRAVEL was known among the ANASAZI. In addition, the Giganticus Pithicus was a part of prior culture. Whether it originally came from space is under scrutiny by anthropologists at this time. Theories and hypotheses are being developed along with the origin of humankind from space.
The governments may be keeping certain information under non-disclosure because of certain Presidential Orders of the past. However, it will be the undoing of their power structure since the critical mass consciousness is being taken back by the common folk. FAlternatively, those who desire to know more seek out the truth. I suppose I truly need to write an article for all those who are working with Steve Bassett, and Steven Greer. The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts …Note: This memo supports “Media Play” – by Steven M. Greer,
FOLKLIFE is changing around the world and the level of consciousness of the entire intelligent being species is raising! Some call it Atlantis Rising while others see it as the Aquarian Age of Ascension. We call the ENERGY by various words and meanings. It all boils down to the same core interest in our beginning or what we call GOD. Thank you writers of UFO Digest who share their stories. We have so many websites in cyberspace now that it is mind boggling for the most intelligent beings at the top of the information heap on earth.
It is because of people like you and all the brave astronauts, that we are able to nudge this world collective consciousness.
The struggle for subcultures in society in general has a complex physiology and mental life. We are now doing what we can to share the medieval times and all that happened prior to MU, YU, ATLANTIS, LEMURIA, LIFE ON MARS, VENUS, and BEFORE CHANGES DUE TO CATACLYSMS OCCURRED IN SPACE!
MARS AND VENUS was once thriving planets that shared intelligent beings like EARTH does now! The ANCIENT ONES knew this! So did the ANASAZI.
The answers to our origin are in space! SPACE is the way for every intelligent life form to find their origin core.
The basic core belief structures of who we are as truth seekers is changing at the cosmic, cellular, neural, and social levels.
I am very happy that Col. Philip J. Corso wrote a book before he died. He was sharing a lot of truth based on his military experience and he wanted to share what he knew before he expired in body-mind-spirit. I know he described the spacecraft retrieval and his experience seeing the dead gray aliens to the best of his human ability. Please read his book if you want to know about my friends spacecraft that is on earth today. Corso described the incident and the alien.
I knew the complete story before I ever read the book and knew of the information given to Stanton Friedman before he ever went to Louisiana to search for the story. I was in Louisiana seeing the same man in 1975. I was brought from San Diego, CA and returned back to the naval base that year. I was at Coronado in 1975. Most people have no idea about my naval and marine involvement at that time. Not even most of the military in the pentagon that think they know all about all. I also know that some of the records were destroyed in the basement of the Pentagon about the past. One needed to know the codes, and then even in the deepest most secured classified area the attendant left, and people destroyed some documents. It is a shame really.
However, they thought they were doing the best for all at the time. We all do the best we can with our choices we make when we are making them. On the other hand, we suffer the consequences.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ??The Day After Roswell is an American book about extraterrestrial spacecraft and the Roswell UFO incident. It was written by retired United States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, with help fromWilliam J. Birnes, and was published by Pocket Books in 1997. The book claims that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and was recovered by the United States government, who then sought a cover up all evidence of extraterrestrials.
The majority of the book is an account of Colonel Corso’s claims that he was assigned to a secret government program that provided some material recovered from crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where the items came from) to reverse engineer them for corporate use. The book contends that several aspects of modern technology such as fiber optics and computer chips were developed by using information taken from the craft.
Colonel Corso also claims the world was at “war” with extraterrestrials and that the Strategic Defense Initiative project was part of that campaign that was successfully concluded in Earth’s favor.
The book concludes with reproduction of information about Project Horizon a 1950’s US Army plan for bases on the Moon
The Day After Roswell and over 670000 other books are available for Amazon Kindle … Start reading The Day After Roswell on your Kindle in under a minute….
I was inspired to write this article by another of my peers on UFO Digest, Frank Abreu. The key words mentioned in article submitted by Frank Abreu on Sat, 08/28/2010 – 10:18
National Hero and sixth man to walk on the Moon comes clean
“A national hero and the sixth man to walk on the moon said that your government and others have been in contact with ET’s for over 67 years. That is an incredible statement. It was buried on page seven the next day in the NY Post…” Commercial Airline Pilot, Jim Courant
“The statement above brought it into focus for me. If you want the “Truth” you have to go out and look for it”. Frank Abreu
UFOS, SASQUATCH, MAYANS, and SUMERIANS are most interesting to me personally. You hit on every one of my main ingredients in my interest categories personally except one – GOD.
Since 2001 Space Odyssey the movie I viewed with astronauts and their wives and engineers at NASA, I have been aware of a Subculture of a socioeconomic class of people who could make a difference in this world!
The truth is that the ASTRONAUTS lives were geared their whole lives for sharing the future of our success as an intelligent being species.
The ET/UFO Community is now a major part of the world.
MAYAN/SUMERIAN/HOPI/AZTEC/ANASAZI Community all as subcultures in our cultural society are growing.
I believe in Giaganto Pithicus, they do exist.… Gigantopithecus bilaspurensis or Gigantopithecus giganteus? …
Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day Four Corners area of the United States, comprising southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwest New Mexico, and a lesser section of Colorado.
The cultural group has often been referred to in archaeology as the Anasazi, although the modern Puebloan peoples do not prefer the term. The word Anasazi is Navajo for “Ancient Ones” or “Ancient Enemy”.
Archaeologists still debate when this distinct culture emerged, but the current consensus, based on terminology defined by the Pecos Classification, suggests their emergence around 1200 BC, during the archaeologically designated Basket maker II Era. Beginning with the earliest explorations and excavations, researchers have believed that the Ancient Puebloans are ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples.
In general, modern Pueblo people claim these ancient people as their ancestors.
Tribal Wondering. – Atlantis Rising
Some scientists, who prefer to remain unnamed, have suggested that perhaps Giganticus Pithicus, a very large ape (ape-man) whatever, The ENLIGHTENMENT/GOD Community is growing along with the NEW AGE/AQUARIAN AGE OF ASCENSION. For example forums, comments, discussions can be viewed such as Atlantis Rising and UFO Digest.
4 CORNERS will be the North American Home of the BIG POW WOW of 2012~
The Ancient Pueblo were one of four major prehistoric archaeological traditions recognized in the American Southwest.
The others are the Mogollon, Hohokam and Patayan. In relation to neighboring cultures, the Ancient Pueblo occupied the northeast quadrant of the area. The Ancient Pueblo homeland centers on the Colorado Plateau, but extends from central New Mexico on the east to southern Nevada on the west. Areas of southern Nevada, Utah and Colorado form a loose northern boundary, while the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers in Arizona and the Rio Puerco and Rio Grande in New Mexico define the southern edge. However, structures and other evidence of Ancient Pueblo culture has been found extending east onto the American Great Plains, in areas near the Cimarron and Pecos rivers and in the Galisteo Basin.
The PHYSICS/PHILOSOPHY Community is growing with ECO/ENERGY subcultures.
The UNITED NATIONS/GLOBALIZATION ALLIANCE is now a part of the subcultures that will share in the future change of earth and all its inhabitants.
WE ARE CHANGING and WE ARE RESPONSIBLE! We shall create a new worldview of life and interpretation of social structures including the SOCIAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS! See my websites for instance. I once had over 1o websites and it was suggested I narrow my views or concentrate on three. Now I have to rebuild my reader and hit base as far as stats go in the Internet website world of numbers but that will come in time. I shall create these three and not give them away as I have done my energy creations in the past such as ROSWELL CONNECTION and UFO ASSOCIATION.
SOCIAL PARANORMAL NETWORK NEWS at www.socialparanormal.com,
AMERICAN NEWS MAGAZINE at www.americannewsmagazine.com
THERESA MORRIS ACE JOURNAL at www.theresamorris.com
I appreciate the interest in my life’s path on earth. Because I am somewhat of a hermit and high priestess oracle mystic type of being, I tend to live in cyberspace where I do not have to deal with the outside world.
Therefore, I spend much of my time exploring on the Internet, researching and learning about people and societies through human intelligence energy on line, and editing my husband’s books for him since he is an author too.
I finally had to break down and buy The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Signature Program – Franklin Covey – Stephen R. Covey – for my own personal Time Management so now I have to spend seven weeks learning a new approach to building habits of effectiveness. Even back in the day when I was a professional psychic and founded PSYCHIC NETWORK and ASCENSION CENTER -HAWAII I was always involved with other people. I joined People Synergistically Involved (PSI) Network 1990-1993, completed all courses, and went to the ranch. I see the word SYNERGY and know that this has been part of me and my world of thoughts about the universe. We all can use some grounding support and sharpening out tools.
Do you agree?
Thank you for being a part of my life and world. It is a pleasure sharing the writer world with you. We have so many writers and authors who are sharing powerful insights, social history, and movements of human thought rituals! TJ
“The Truth Seekers are a part of the Ascension Age or the other way around. Is the world made up of individuals within social cultures or the other way around? Seeking our God in the light of truth is rising!” Love and Light – TJ Morris ACIR
4 CORNERS will be the North American Home of the BIG POW WOW of 2012~ FOR ET/UFO SPIRITUAL GATHERERS! One of 4 places -TIBET, SWITZERLAND – and ONE MORE LOCATION for Truth Seekers to fill in the blank. This is a TREASURE HUNT for TRUTH!
Many people do not realize that TIME TRAVEL was known among the ANASAZI. Also, the Giganticuus Pithicus was a part of prior culture. Whether it originally came from space is under scrutiny by anthropologists at this time. Theories and hypotheses are being developed along with the origin of humankind from space.
The governments may be keeping certain information under non-disclosure because of certain Presidential Orders of the past.
But it will be the undoing of their power structure since the critical mass consciousness is being taken back by the common folk.
For those who desire to know more seek out the truth. I suppose I truly need to write an article for all those who are working with Steve Bassett, and Steven Greer.
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts …Note: This memo supports “Media Play” – by Steven M. Greer, …
FOLKLIFE is changing around the world and the level of consciousness of the entire intelligent being species is rising! Some call it Atlantis Rising while others see it as the Aquarian Age of Ascension. We call the ENERGY by various words and meanings. It all boils down to the same core interest in our beginning or what we call GOD.
Thank you writers of UFO Digest who share their stories. We have so many websites in cyberspace now that it is mind boggling for the most intelligent beings at the top of the information heap on earth.
It is because of people like you and all the brave astronauts, that we are able to nudge this world collective consciousness.
The struggle for subcultures in society in general have a complex physiology and mental life. We are now doing what we can to share the medieval times and all that happened prior to MU, YU, ATLANTIS, LEMURIA, LIFE ON MARS, VENUS, BEFORE CHANGES DUE TO CATACLYSMS OCCURRED IN SPACE!
MARS AND VENUS were once thriving planets that shared intelligent beings like EARTH does now! The ANCIENT ONES knew this! So did the ANASAZI.
The answers to our origin are in space! SPACE is the way for every intelligent life form to find their origin core.
The basic core belief structures of who we are as truth seekers is changing at the cosmic, cellular, neural,and social levels.
I am very happy that Col. Philip J. Corso wrote a book before he died. He was sharing a lot of truth based on his military experience and he wanted to share what he knew before he expired in body-mind-spirit. I know he described the spacecraft retrieval and his experience seeing the dead gray aliens to the best of his human ability. Please read his book if you want to know about my friends spacecraft that is on earth today. Corso described the incident and the alien.
I knew the complete story before I ever read the book and knew of the information given to Stanton Friedman before he ever went to Louisiana to search for the story. I was in Louisiana seeing the same man in 1975. I was brought from San Diego, CA and returned back to the naval base that year. I was at Coronado in 1975. Most people have no idea about my naval and marine involvement at that time. Not even most of the military in the pentagon that think they know all about all. I also know that some of the records were destroyed in the basement of the Pentagon about the past. One needed to know the codes and then even in the deepest most secured classified area the attendant left and people destroyed some documents. It’s a shame really.
But they thought they were doing the best for all at the time. We all do the best we can with our choices we make when we are making them. Or we suffer the consequences.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Day After Roswell is an American book about extraterrestrial spacecraft and the Roswell UFO incident. It was written by retired United States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, with help fromWilliam J. Birnes, and was published by Pocket Books in 1997. The book claims that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and was recovered by the United States government, who then sought a cover up all evidence of extraterrestrials.
The majority of the book is an account of Colonel Corso’s claims that he was assigned to a secret government program that provided some material recovered from crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where the items came from) to reverse engineer them for corporate use. The book contends that several aspects of modern technology such as fiber optics and computer chips were developed by using information taken from the craft.
Colonel Corso also claims the world was at “war” with extraterrestrials and that the Strategic Defense Initiative project was part of that campaign that was successfully concluded in Earth’s favour.
The book concludes with reproduction of information about Project Horizon a 1950’s US Army plan for bases on the Moon
The Day After Roswell and over 670000 other books are available for Amazon Kindle … Start reading The Day After Roswell on your Kindle in under a minute.…
www.amazon.com › … › Religion & Spirituality › Occult › UFOs
I was inspired to write this article by another of my peers on UFO Digest, Frank Abreu. The key words mentioned in article submitted by Frank Abreu on Sat, 08/28/2010 – 10:18
National Hero and sixth man to walk on the Moon comes clean
“A national hero and the sixth man to walk on the moon said that your government and others have been in contact with ET’s for over 67 years. That’s an incredible statement. It was buried on page seven the next day in the NY Post…” Commercial Airline Pilot, Jim Courant
“The statement above brought it into focus for me. If you want the “Truth” you have to go out and look for it”. Frank Abreu
UFOS, SASQUATCH, MAYANS, and SUMERIANS are most interesting to me personally. You basically hit on every one of my main ingredients in my interest categories personally except one – GOD.
Since 2001 Space Odyssey the movie I viewed with astronauts and their wives and engineers at NASA, I have been aware of a Subculture of a socioeconomic class of people who could make a difference in this world!
The truth is that the ASTRONAUTS lives were geared their whole lives for sharing the future of our success as an intelligent being species.
The ET/UFO Community is now a major part of the world.
MAYAN/SUMERIAN/HOPI/AZTEC/ANASAZI Community all as subcultures in our cultural society are growing.
I believe in Giaganto Pithicus, they do exist …. Gigantopithecus bilaspurensis or Gigantopithecus giganteus? …
Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day Four Corners area of the United States, comprising southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwest New Mexico, and a lesser section of Colorado.
The cultural group has often been referred to in archaeology as the Anasazi, although the term is not preferred by the modern Puebloan peoples. The word Anasazi is Navajo for “Ancient Ones” or “Ancient Enemy”.
Archaeologists still debate when this distinct culture emerged, but the current consensus, based on terminology defined by the Pecos Classification, suggests their emergence around 1200 BC, during the archaeologically designated Basketmaker II Era. Beginning with the earliest explorations and excavations, researchers have believed that the Ancient Puebloans are ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples.
In general, modern Pueblo people claim these ancient people as their ancestors.
Tribal Wondering. – Atlantis Rising
Some scientists, who prefer to remain unnamed, have suggested that perhaps Giganticus Pithicus, a very large ape (apeman) whatever, …The ENLIGHTENMENT/GOD Community is growing along with the NEW AGE/AQUARIAN AGE OF ASCENSION. For example forums, comments, discussions can be viewed such as Atlantis Rising and UFO Digest.
4 CORNERS will be the North American Home of the BIG POW WOW of 2012~
The Ancient Pueblo were one of four major prehistoric archaeological traditions recognized in the American Southwest.
The others are the Mogollon, Hohokam and Patayan. In relation to neighboring cultures, the Ancient Pueblo occupied the northeast quadrant of the area. The Ancient Pueblo homeland centers on the Colorado Plateau, but extends from central New Mexico on the east to southern Nevada on the west. Areas of southern Nevada, Utah and Colorado form a loose northern boundary, while the southern edge is defined by the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers in Arizona and the Rio Puerco and Rio Grande in New Mexico. However, structures and other evidence of Ancient Pueblo culture has been found extending east onto the American Great Plains, in areas near the Cimarron and Pecos rivers and in the Galisteo Basin.
The PHYSICS/PHILOSOPHY Community is growing with ECO/ENERGY subcultures. The UNITED NATIONS/GLOBALIZATION ALLIANCE is now a part of the subcultures that will share in the future change of earth and all it’s inhabitants.
WE ARE CHANGING and WE ARE RESPONSIBLE! We shall create a new worldview of life and interpretation of social structures including the SOCIAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS! See my websites for instance. I once had over 1o websites and it was suggested I narrow my views or concentrate on 3. Now I have to rebuild my reader and hit base as far as stats go in the Internet website world of numbers but that will come in time. I shall create these three and not give them away as I have done my energy creations in the past such as ROSWELL CONNECTION and UFO ASSOCIATION.
SOCIAL PARANORMAL NETWORK NEWS at www.socialparanormal.com,
AMERICAN NEWS MAGAZINE at www.americannewsmagazine.com
THERESA MORRIS ACE JOURNAL at www.theresamorris.com
I appreciate the interest in my life’s path on earth. Because I am somewhat of a hermit and high priestess oracle mystic type of being I tend to live in cyberspace where I do not have to deal with the outside world. Therefore, I spend much of my time exploring on the Internet, researching and learning about people and societies through human intelligence energy on line, and also editing my husbands books for him since he is an author too.
I finally had to break down and buy The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Signature Program – Franklin Covey – Stephen R. Covey – for my own personal Time Management so now I have to spend seven weeks learning a new approach to building habits of effectiveness. Even back in the day when I was a professional psychic and founded PSYCHIC NETWORK and ASCENSION CENTER -HAWAII I was always involved with other people. I joined People Synergistically Involved (PSI) Network 1990-1993 and completed all courses and went to the ranch. I see the word SYNERGY and know that this has been part of me and my world of thoughts about the universe. We all can use some grounding support and sharpening out tools.
Do you agree?
Thank you for being a part of my life and world. It is a pleasure sharing the writer world with you. We have so many writers and authors who are sharing powerful insights, social history, and movements of human thought rituals! TJ