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Evolution Anomalies

        “Our ordinary mind always tries to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness will be to become bigger, fatter, shiner acorns; but that it is of interest only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge of something much better: that we can become oak trees”.  (E.F. Schumacher)

 The theory by scientists that man evolved from the ape again has many discrepancies in its findings and data; which raises a number of questions to the truth of those claims.   As we have learnt on occasions there have been brave people who will speak out against the set ridged ways of scientific thinking. Another person in the past was, Henry H Bauer who at that time was editor in chief of the ‘Journal of Scientific Exploration’, who gave a very poor assessment of science, he says:

 “Mainstream orthodoxy routinely resists novelties that later become accepted. Throughout the 20th century there are examples: Bretz’s Spokane flood. Mc Clintock’s recognition of ‘jumping genes’. Mitchell’s insights into biological energy mechanisms, Woese’s Archaea, and McCully’s homocysteine”.


 “Only late in the 20th century did science grudgingly accept that acupuncture can have some analgesic effect. They finally accepted that ball lightening exists, that it is not silly to search for intelligent life in the universe……

  “They also agreed that 5,000 year old megaliths include considerable knowledge of astronomy that human beings occupied the Americas long before the days of the Clovis culture and that living systems can sense not only electrical but also magnetic fields”.

  “Anomalous evidence that inconveniences establishment’s science is usually disposed of by denying publication or simply ignoring the evidence after it has been published and moving on as if nothing had happened. But some renegade scientists manage to capture the attention of the general public, pleading their case to a larger audience that has no vested interest in the validity of the established theories. When that happens, and significant interests are at stake, the scientific establishment will turn nasty, resorting to misinterpretations or outright falsification of evidence and even character assassination”.

  In looking at the subject of evolution we can examine the so called evidence put forward by scientists, and then give explanations why man could not have evolved from the ape. There are a number of creatures similar to the ape such as chimpanzees, baboons, even guerrillas along with many more varying species of primates,  scattered all over the world and were around at the theory of evolution, so why did they not also evolve into man?      

   As many scientists say there is no God and it has also been said that one day they will prove it, then they have to create a theory which opposes the creationist’s belief that God created all life. There is a continuing pile up of anomalous data of the theory of evolution, which scientist’s blindly ignore; where they bury their heads in the sand, and stubbornly persist they are right in their theory. It is impossible for Palaeontologist’s to scavenge the ground in certain parts of the world, and to find meagre amounts of bits of bones and sculls of apes, and to say we descended from those creatures. In discovering those fragments they then come to a very vague conclusion of their age, and try to make them fit into a pattern of evolution which is beneficial to their beliefs; but their overall findings being unreliable.

  From the book, ‘God and Spacemen in the Ancient West’, by W. Raymond Drake 1974 he says: “Archaeologists judge a man by his dustbin and conjure ingenious pictures from the rubbish he leaves behind; from a few old flints and fossils our palaeontologists imagine some hairy hominoid striking sparks to kindle a fire in his cave where the bones might have belonged to the greatest genius of antiquity, a man who moved the world, or to a space king. Surely true civilisation lies not in its outer shell but its inner soul”

 There are a number of opponents against the evolution from ape- to man, and Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. An Alfred Russell Wallace did not agree with it. In his searching on the subject he had travelled to tropical islands and studied the natives He noticed that their simple food gathering way of life had never required much brain power yet their native intelligence was surprisingly high.

     He wrote: “The mental requirements of the lowest savages such as the Australians or the Andaman islanders are very little above those of many animals…. How then was an organ developed so far beyond the needs of its possessor?  Natural selection could only have endowed the savage with a brain a little superior to that of an ape”.

  “In fact he actually posse’s one but very little inferior to that of the average members of our learned societies…. An instrument has been developed advance of the needs of its possessor”.

  Going further Wallace challenged the Darwinian view of man by pointing out that artistic mathematical and musical abilities couldn’t be accounted for by the struggle to survive or by adjustment to the environment. Something else he insisted some unknown spiritual element had to be at work in the elaboration of the human brain. Darwin offered no explanation.

    Professor Theodosius Dobzhansky notes in his book the ‘Biological Basis of Human Freedom’ says: “The ape is much superior to other non-human primates in memory imagination and learning ability. Nevertheless there is a vast gulf between the intellectual capacity of chimpanzees and of man. Chimpanzees can learn symbolic responses only with considerable difficulty and their frequency fails to increase with age.

  “Although man has not yet learned to utilize more than one billionth of his potential maxim load capacity during a 70 80 year life span indications are that man is a more exalted spiritual being”.

  We know that over many years, bones have been uncovered of the remains of the dinosaurs becoming extinct millions of years ago; even delicate dinosaur eggs have been unearthed in tact. As one guess is, that humanity is thought to have been around only 50 thousand years, there has never been found any remains of the different stages of the ape turning into the human identity. With humanity’s history only going back a short time, compared to the extinction of the dinosaurs, then there should be remains of man’s early evolution in abundance scattered all over the world?

  There have been many errors and in some instances down right deceit made where some scientist’s seek to make a name for themselves, rather than admitting they have put forward evidence containing many flaws.  Palaeontologist Richard Leaky wrote a book in the early part of the 1980s called ‘The Making of Mankind’. In co-operation with the B.B.C. they made a series on TV, explaining his theories, as to how he thought a ‘true picture’ could be accepted, for the origin and evolution of man. Later, some scientist’s came forward to discredit what Leaky had expressed in his theories. They said it was told in such a way it misled people, and could not be a true account of evolution.

      In many cases, even the scientist’s cannot agree on this subject, theories come and go as individual scientists want to be the first to come up with plausible accounts of evolution but none has yet managed to do so. Another incident we can look at which was an embarrassment to scientists happened in 1922 in Nebbraska America where one single tooth was discovered. Scientists having made that discovery of just one solitary tooth reconstructed a species called Hesperopithecus. The creature was believed to be a part of the evolution of humanity. Not so, for it was soon made clear that in fact the tooth had once belonged to a now extinct species of pig, and not to the early form of man.

    A number of scientist’s are so eager to be the first to make a particular breakthrough in man’s pathway of evolution, where they become blinded by their own desire for recognition from their scientific world. This is when some will embellish the truth, and make misinterpretations of the evidence they have said to have found to substantiate their claim. They will make data to fit in with their theories. Palaeanthropology is far from being anywhere near the truth of evolution, a great deal of their findings is mere guesswork. Their failure to recognise they do not have any true evidence is astounding. Once Palaeontologist’s have been found out with their deceit and exaggerated claims it is then impossible to trust them, in any further explanations made.

  Biologist Professor Frank Lewis Marsh wrote in his book: ‘Evolution or Special Creation’, says: …….”Another example of tampering with the evidence was furnished by Mr Duois a palaeontologist, who admitted, many years after his sensational report of finding the remains of Java man, that he had found at the same time in the same deposits, ones that were unquestioningly those of modern humans.

  Though Palaeontologist’s take their work seriously it seems some can be easily fooled, on a very big scale. In 1908, Charles Dawson a well-known amateur archaeologist, discovered fossil remains in a gravel pit, these believed to have been, part of the evolutionary chain from ape to man. This find happened near Piltdown Common in the County of Sussex, and the find became known as Piltdown man.

   Later the find became headline news in national papers, and at a press conference Dawson claimed to have discovered the fossils that had once belonged to a prehistoric human. It was also claimed that they were around 500,000 years old. Also within the pit were a number of stone tools and the remains of some extinct animals. The remains of the Piltdown man were considered to be a very important breakthrough in the evolution from ape to man a ‘missing link’ that would give proof that apes were truly our ancestors. The find was so significant that it was named after Dawson being called Eoanthropus Dawsoni .Later other finds were made and were examined by a Mr Woodward of the British Museum who on the 18th December 1908 made a statement on the fossil finds to the members of the Geological Society of London, claiming them to be genuine. This of course at the time was big news, pushing Charles Dawson into the limelight becoming well known for his discovery.

  However, there were a few who could not accept this conclusion of Piltdown man being the missing link. The fossils had eventually been given to the British Museum, and for a long time they were very reluctant for the remains to be further examined. It wasn’t until 1949 that the museum relented where the bones of the Piltdown man were researched into further. They were given a fluorine test, X-ray analysis and isotope markings. The result was startling for the tests showed that they again were a fake; the finds were not of a fossil hominid. In addition, the fragments of the skull showed it to be of a man but its age only numbered a few years, and the jaw once belonged to an orang-utan, the appearance of its teeth had deliberately been coloured and had been filed down.

   Though it was not proven, it was considered that Dawson committed the fakes, for he was not one to accept all that some scientist’ claimed in their theories of evolution. There was the incident at his local antiquarian society, where at one meeting he brought with him a sack full of flint.  He placed it on the floor in front of the members then suddenly began to jump up and down on the sack. Then emptying it on to the floor, it was now of small fragments broken up by his actions. The other member’s could clearly see that many of the now broken pieces exactly resembled the other pieces of flint which were claimed to have been hand tools made by primitive men. This showed the member’s in making such claims without doing adequate research, just made a fool of their theories.

  The process of evolution would have been an extremely uncomfortable and painful thing to achieve. The ape spends a lot of time as we know crouching over, this it does when sitting and even when walking and the creation of their spine allows them to do this without any pain.

  If a human being were to bend over and crouch and walk as an ape, then after a few minutes they would feel discomfort and if bent down for a long time they would feel pain. They would have a struggle to position themselves upright again. For humans have a spine that was made to walk upright and not to bend like an ape. We can imagine the ape with its bent spine evolving into man; it could not suddenly begin to stand upright for any length of time. The pain would not encourage the ape to walk upright, but to stay crouched. Evolution is a slow process taking millions of years, so imagine this agonising process of the ape and its backbone being slowly straightened.

  There would also be unimaginable consequences with the brain of an ape slowly evolving into man. The ape would have to evolve and to adapt to a new way of expressing itself. Just imagine now if your mind was half ape and half man. The ape of course with not knowing of human things would not know it was evolving into man, the transformation would send ape-man insane. How could the ape comprehend it becoming human for it had never experienced it before and had no knowledge of what it was like to be human? 

  Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution stated that organisms form their young with features which have vaguely altered. In his theory of natural selection, survival of the fittest, through the evolutionary process, the parents of their offspring in their breeding and survival, produced and improved more efficient features, to be able to survive. These included eyesight that was much sharper, enhanced hearing, teeth which grew with greater sharpness and strength, and possibly more sharpness to the senses like touch and smell along with hearing. These were supposed to have been chance mutations so the young could better adapt to the world and put them in a stronger position for them to survive.

     Even Darwin was not totally happy with his own theory. There was doubt that evolution could produce slight changes over a period of time from one species to new ones, even though some fossil records made by scientists may claim it to be so. When looking at the problem Darwin said: “It was the gravest objection to my theory” He thought more research should be done in that area, but with some scientists not wanting to rock the boat of contradicting established views no further research was carried out on the matter.

    In the book ‘The Unobstructed Universe’ by Stewart Edward White, he tells us: “As far as earth’s evolution can be noted and measured by science, a strict pattern is followed; we get higher and higher development of the earth species, but in observable span of centuries no new species occur, no new genera”.

  “One can breed better dogs, bigger or smaller dogs, curlier or smoother dogs; but always they are dogs, yet science also knows that in the various ages of the earth’s history new genres have appeared, man for instance the genus homo where from? Monkeys or a common ancestor of man and monkey that is one theory of evolution?”.

  “But even the most convinced modernist – the believer in evolution as opposed to the rapidly decreasing group of fundamentalists who dispute evolution –the suggestion of an ape ancestry just wont click somewhere along the line there’s a ‘missing fact’ as well as a ‘missing link’

  I recall watching a program on TV many years ago and one scientist said on evolution that 50 per cent of human DNA is similar to bananas but we did not evolve from them.

 The rest of this chapter continues to look at other theories of evolution which do not make any sense. It also looks at the theory of Africa being split in to two half’s creating the Rift Valley and started the evolution process. In addition, it looks at the theories of newly created ape man populating the rest of the world which could not possibly be as the scientists claim.




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