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Examiner tells Vancouver audience secret messages not created “by chance alone”

Jon Kelly spoke to the Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Society of Questers on Tuesday night. Photo: Jon Kelly

Al Gore accuser Molly Hagerty’s secret message connecting the CIA to a smear campaign against the world’s most recognizable proponent of “man-made global warming” was not generated “by chance alone” explained Vancouver UFO Examiner Jon Kelly while speaking to the Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Society of Questers on Tuesday night. The video clip of these remarks is featured in the latest episode of Secret Message TV. During the talk, held at the Vancouver Maritime Museum’s J Torben Karlshoej Gallery, Mr. Kelly provided a panoramic overview of his numerous written and recorded works, including his articles on as well as excerpts from The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition and Secret Message TV, both produced by the local Examiner.

Earlier this summer, reported how a then unidentified Hagerty had said that, “I felt very uncertain if I’d be able to get out of the room without being accosted by [Gore] anyway at this point. Does that all make sense to y’all? He then tried another tactic as though he had very suddenly switched personalities and began in a pleading tone, pleading for release of his second chakra there, “There’s so much tension being held [he said].” Studied through a mirror filter, this part of the statement reveals the reversed message, “We’re with Langley.”” Click link to hear audio. Watch the video here.

The article further described the method used to discover the message, stating how, “In a study conducted by a private Vancouver-based audio lab with an international reputation for detecting unconscious communications, the anonymous accuser’s statements were recorded while charting a graph representing the signal from her voice where x = time and y = frequency. The computer-generated chart was then reflected through the y axis where the mirrored signal was subject to monitoring in an attempt to detect intelligent communications. This procedure was conducted in compliance with the study produced by Kourosh Saberi and David R. Perrott published as “Cognitive restoration of reversed speech”, in Nature 398 (29 April 1999) 760. Regarding their observations, the authors stated that, “We have studied the intelligibility of speech, and find it is resistant to time reversal of local segments of a spoken sentence”. Unconscious communications detected while following this procedure are related to common phenomena that include Freudian slips, sleep talking and body language. In the context of UFO discovery and exploration for educational, scientific and artistic purposes these messages provide sonic gateways to deep experiential knowledge beyond the limits of conscious awareness.”

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