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ExoUniversity offers “real Philadelphia Experiment” at Vancouver Roundhouse

By Jon Kelly UFO Examiner

If you want to explore the true history of the “Philadelphia Experiment” or are simply curious to learn more about how teleportation will revolutionize transport in the 21st century, ExoUniversity is offering a Vancouver-based public forum lecture series in support of the movement “to achieve public teleportation globally.” Beginning April 22, 2012 from 1pm until 6pm (in what is being described as “a very interesting day of paradigm-shifting information”) the first of eight monthly ExoUniversity Forum Lectures will take place at the Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews in Vancouver, B.C.

Click here to watch exclusive video coverage of founder Alfred Lambremont Webre speaking from the Roundhouse announcing the launch of ExoUniversity on YouTube’s SecretMessageTV.

Click here to read the official press release and review the complete 2012 ExoUniversity Forum Lecture series schedule.

Exploring ExoSciences

According to the ExoUniversity press release, “Exosciences includes such disciplines as energy medicine and quantum access sciences resulting in technologies such as time travel, chronovision, and teleportation, and other sciences now effectively kept out of the scientific mainstream educational canon. PsiSciences includes parapsychology, a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life between lives using the scientific method.”

Exopolitics is defined as “the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.”

Tomorrow’s Transportation Today

In describing quantum access technologies (including teleportation) as “the future of transportation” founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd.  explains how current knowledge of these technologies exists but remains a closely guarded secret of the national security state. “The only way an individual wishing to pursue a career or entrepreneurship in Exosciences, PsiSciences, or Exopolitics can do so is to join an intelligence agency as a spy or a classified project as an employee of a defense contractor.”

“Many find such options morally repugnant.”

Open Minds Wanted

Given the wide range of post-secondary educational options available in British Columbia, one might ask why these subjects are not being taught through existing institutions. “I approached one of the colleges in the B.C. University system with a curriculum for Exopolitics,” Mr. Webre explains. “Officials did not say the Exopolitics curriculum was invalid. They stated that as an institution and faculty their minds were too closed to incorporate Exopolitics into their curriculum for at least 10 years. 

“Ten years is too long for us to wait. The future is now. With the help of colleagues, we have founded to offer continuing education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences and Exopolitics today and not tomorrow.”

Time Travel Forum

The first Forum in the series entitled: “An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation takes place April 22, 2012 from 1pm until 6pm featuring Andrew D. Basiago and Alfred Lambremont Webre.

ExoUniversity faculty member Andrew D. Basiago (a reported former U.S. chrononaut with DARPA’s Project Pegasus) will discuss the people, places, technologies, and experiences associated with time travel with a focus on teleportation at the time of its emergence in the US defense-technical community of the early 1970’s.

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