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Explanation for Japan’s Mysterious Flashes in the Sky?

Suggested explanation for the mysterious flashes in the sky during the earthquake in Japan on April 7, 2011 

By Dr. Stoyan Sarg

An unusual effect was observed in the sky over the nuclear plant during the 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Japan on April 7, 2011. The earthquake was accompanied by mysterious flashes captured on a videoclip [1]. Japan’s nuclear agency says the quake that struck northeastern Japan on Thursday, disabled all but one outside power supply line at the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture. Our explanation about the observed unusual effect is the following.

A large CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) was observed by the SOHO and Solar Dynamic Observatory satellites on April 4. A CME contains mostly electrons and protons, and a significant high energy electron flux arrived at the polar region on April 6-7, 2011, as seen from the 2 MeV electron fluence data plot [2] and the recorded video [3]. High energy electrons may penetrate into the lower atmosphere and after they are thermalized to lower energy they may form a huge spatial charge. The latter may create lightning conditions. At the same time the radiation released from the nuclear reactor accidents from the previous earthquake would have caused an elevated level of ionization of the air molecules.

The flashes seen during the earthquake in Japan on April 7 have an optical signature similar to a specific effect of the Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism (HRM) that was discovered and investigated by the author in laboratory experiments. The HRM effect was predicted by the BSM – Supergravitation Unified Theory [4]. It is based on the quantum mechanical properties of electrons [5]. The HRM effect takes place in cold plasma and involves quantum mechanical interactions between oscillating ion-electron pairs and the physical vacuum. It is usually activated by a high-voltage pulse that causes ionization followed by formation of oscillating ion-electron pairs. Under some conditions, the HRM may lead to energy extraction from the so-called Zero Point Energy. An optical glow accompanying the HRM effect was demonstrated in laboratory experiments [6]. The electro-magnetic and optical  signature of the effect, with its potential for extracting energy, is found in lightning strikes and in a number of experiments involving cold plasma and electrical arcs.

In the sky, the HRM effect could have been triggered by a high-voltage atmospheric discharge from lightning, which would also have provided the necessary ionization. If ions and electrons already existed, as in the case of radioactivity, triggering of the HRM might occur at a much lower high voltage pulse. In a large volume, the Zero Point Energy extracted by the HRM would have been significant. Similar energy in thunderstorms usually causes big surges with a broad frequency range in power lines. These are difficult to block with power line filters and usually cause disruptions or automatic shutting down. Therefore, the shut-down of the power lines connected to the nuclear reactor in Japan on April 7 could have been a direct result of a HRM effect developed over the nuclear reactor. Its triggering would have been facilitated by the elevated radioactivity and the spatial charge due to the CME  from the Sun. The observed optical signature was similar to those seen in some experiments.

Finally we may speculate that the superstrong CMEs may be correlated with the earthquakes. The three largest earthquakes in Japan on March 11, April 7 and April 11 coincided with the large CME impacts on the Earth. The earthquake epicenter on April 11 was only 50 miles from the Fukushima Dalchi nuclear plant where the released radioactivity is high. Is this occasional? According to our model it is not. The radioactive contamination due to unsafe nuclear energy is a man made effect, but the Nature appears to respond.




[2] 2 MeV electron fluence

[3] Michel Tournay, Aurora in motion,

[4] Stoyan Sarg, Basic Structures of Matter –Supergravitation Unified Theory, Trafford Publishing, 2006 ISBN 1412083877

[5] Stoyan Sarg, A Physical Model of the Electron according to the Basic Structures of Matter Hypothesis, Physics Essays, vol. 16 No. 2, 180-195, (2003)

[6] Stoyan Sarg, Field Propulsion by Control of Gravity – Theory and Experiments, 2009, ISBN 781448693085


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