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Festive Season Yes: But Spare a Thought for the People That Have Lost Loved Ones


Xmas excitement seen in the happy faces of the children; presents under the tree; the tinsel and the lights, but what about the ones who have felt the icy visitation of the Reaper?

Yuletide is a charming period for the vast majority of families. However, we should remember to spare a kind thought for the ones that are less fortunate and have lost treasured ones at this time of year.

This was brought home to me personally way back in the 1970s when my father passed away just before Yuletide. More recently, I have had old friends cross the bridge during the festive holidays. It is heart-breaking and seems so unfair, yet it is an inescapable part of life itself.

This darker reality is something that we go to great lengths to shut out of our minds or try to conceal with buckets full of indoctrinated religious pretence, but it is tangible and it is omnipresent. Death has the final word, over our ‘physical’ body at least. Nevertheless, the natural cycle of birth, death and regeneration gives us many blessed lessons and that includes the gift of spiritual continuity.

Those labouring this Yuletide under the copious tears of bereavement should come to know that this time of greatest desolation also holds the seed of joy. It will most certainly ‘not’ seem like this during the heartache that must be endured but the blessings of elation are undoubtedly around the corner.



The bright red berries of the spiky, dark-leaved holly are emblematic of new life in the heart of extreme darkness. Within the death of winter new hope is born. The truth of everything resides quietly in its direct opposite.

My sincerest love and blessings go out to all the unfortunate folk who are experiencing such pain this Yuletide.

Pat Regan © 2012

Pat’s books include:

 UFO: The Search for Truth (2012, extended edition)

UK Paperback version:

US Paperback version:

Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia 

US Version:

UK version:

 The New Pagan Handbook

 Dirty Politics

 The Torch and the Spear

 Fly Fishing on Wild Becks

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