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Finding The UFO Crash At San Augustin 

Isotopic Metal Analysis Not of This Earth

A UFO Digest Book Review

By Mike Blake

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>

Finding The UFO Crash At San Augustin 
Isotopic Metal Analysis Not of This Earth

Arthur H Campbell

Publisher/Printed by Create Space, 

an company

During my lifetime, I have read over 4000 UFO books, and I have to say:

“This is the best book on UFOs I have ever read.”

The Reason this book is so good is the scientific analysis summaries on the objects found. If we had one object with this kind of analysis it would be impressive. This book is filled with them. The book is filled with pictures to let you see what is being discussed and analyzed.

The objects recovered fit together in a very logical way. You have pieces of the inner hull, a honeycomb structure and then the outer hull. Brown dots on these pieces show how they connect.

The investigators also found an I-beam. One (with a symbol on it) that is similar to another famous UFO case. The summary on the I-Beam has an interesting line.

An object called “The HDPE fragment” was found laying in the desert.   A very likely explanation of this object is it was part of an alien’s heart/lung system.  I found two places in the book with fascinating quotes about this object.  You’ll enjoy finding them.

Alien Shoe Sole Found!

Another (astounding) find made by the investigators is the sole of an alien shoe. The researchers found that this single object was divided into four parts. The composition of the sole and its size suggest it’s alien.  Reader take note, “Aliens” have small feet.

The most impressive find was “The Honeycombs.”  These objects are more than likely part of the alien engine.  Steve Colbern wrote an article about the significance of the honeycombs. Read it to follow up on this remarkable structure.


The People Are More Important Than The Objects. 


Photo enhancement:-> RDM*)

Plains of San Augustin crash site near the upper arroyo.   Murff Tilden (foreground) with metal detector.

 The 2012 dig was organized by Chuck Wade. Murff Tilden was one of the Navajo workers involved.   The HDPE ( high density polyethylene artifact ) mentioned above was found about 1/4 mile below the tree line.  

The book goes to great lengths to tell the real story of Barney Barnett. Barney was a good man who was a pillar in his community.   Gerald Anderson joined the dig in 2011 and 2012.  Anderson knew exactly where to search, and found some of the most impressive items. 

The back cover of the book refers to a letter in  from Harvard  University in Chapt 10 discussing just who “the long lost archaeologists” were and their relationship to the 1947 UFO crash site

Aliens Exist: Here’s the proof

The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered. Aliens exist! Let us now turn to studying alien types. Here is a brief rundown on some of the metals and bodies proving aliens exist.

1.  The Star Child skull was the first scientifically analyzed DNA sequenced alien.  It has an alien mother and father. Ata was DNA sequenced 6 times. It has a human mother and an alien father.

2.  Metepec was DNA sequenced 6 times and also has a human mother and alien father.

  1. The metal from Dalnegorsk was scientifically analyzed and found to be alien.
  2. Debbie Ziegelmeyer and Frank Kimbler found pieces of the Roswell craft.
  3. Finally, and this is really the “Game Over,” the new book on San Agustin UFO recovery by Arthur Campbell cites over 50 artifacts.  Scientific analysis was done on almost 20 of those specimens and the findings are included in the book. The next skeptical person I encounter, I can simply hand them a book and say: “Read this book”.

I was most impressed by the level of research that went into Campbell’s book. I want to thank, the author, the researchers, the scientist, and the financial backers. Your hard work should be greatly appreciated by all serious UFO researchers.

Mike Blake

Indianapolis, Indiana

April 4, 2014


To write to the  Arthur Campbell, or to order his UFO Crash book, from click on this link Finding the UFO Crash at San Augustin: Isotopic Metal Analysis Not of This World or send your email to:

or click this link to Art’s website:

M* ->Editor’s Note:


  1. New York Daily News ‎- 3 hours ago
    Bill Clinton thinks we are not alone. In an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Clinton said that when he was President, he actually asked …              

President Bill Clinton Recently Discussed the Roswell Crash and UFOs

with Jimmy Kimmel

Click the link below to hear Bill Clinton’s comments on the UFO crash and aliens:

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