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Florida college students describe triangle UFO

Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

Four college students report a triangle UFO landed along the Florida Gulf Coast.

Credits: Wikipedia.

Four Florida Gulf Coast college students report watching a slow moving and silent triangle UFO move toward them and land nearby, according to August 30, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The four friends were out for a walk along the Gulf Bay.
“We were standing by the water trying to look at the stars,” the reporting witness stated. “There weren’t many. The night was overcast and it had been rainy all day. We were mostly hanging out, joking around. None of us were intoxicated. I saw a bright light from north of where we were standing, and I actually jokingly said that it was a UFO.”
The group became confused about what the object was – and it was close – and “moving very, very slowly.”
The silent object began moving in a “zigzag” motion over the water.
“As we watched, it began to make a zigzag pattern over the water, at times heading right towards us. It was definitely less than a mile away, but we couldn’t hear anything. Our campus is right next to an airport, so we are all very familiar with the noises that various objects in flight make– this object was entirely silent.”

were able to see that the object was triangle in shape and it had one light.
“It continued to travel slowly, zigzagging across the bay, in our direction. There were no other lights on the craft other than the main brightest, white one, and the object appeared to be triangular in shape.”
They watched as the object landed nearby.
“We were standing next to a copse of trees which separated the campus from a nearby neighborhood. The copse of trees is very small – maybe as wide as an average sized house. The UFO descended just beyond the trees and landed, very slowly and silently.”
The group did not investigate the landed object.
“We didn’t go into the trees to investigate because we were unsure of what the object could be. We didn’t feel threatened – mostly just in awe.”
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on August 30, 2011. The events occurred beginning at 10 p.m. on August 20, 2011. No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the report. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

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