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From Venus With Love: Helpful Aliens In Human Form

 We are all familiar with the notion of contactees, people who’ve encountered benevolent aliens with a message to spread on Earth about the dangers of our self-destructive ways, our nukes and our impending doom through the misuse of our planet’s environment. We’re equally familiar with alien abductees or “experiencers,” people who have been taken against their will by gray aliens and subjected to invasive medical procedures as well as telepathic testing and interrogation.

            But there is another form of alien contact that has so far been ignored or, if it has been acknowledged, ridiculed to the point of absurdity: the claim made by some very human-looking individuals that they are themselves aliens from another planet here to bring a message of love and hope. Global Communications offers a pair of books written by women claiming to be from Venus, sent on a mission to save us from ourselves.

Vivenus traveled simply from town to
town with acoustic guitar in hand, playing
wherever a group would gather to hear
her message.
A simple person, Vivenus told a remarkable
story — one she obviously believed in.

            One of the books is now available as a Kindle book on Amazon, taken from a small-circulation paperback first published in 1982 that is now long out of print. The book is called “Vivenus: Starchild,” written by a woman who was given the name “Vivenus,” perhaps as a play on the abbreviation of “Vivian” coupled with an easy reference to her planet of origin.

            Vivenus introduces herself and her book thusly: “Dear Friend in Light, as you read this, let the light grow brighter within you.

            “Please understand that what I shall share here I must translate into the Earth tongue. I must – against the natural grain of me – name and label and classify in words the life I lived at home. I must seem to bottle and confine beauty as though it could be [so contained.] It is a strange task, and I pray I can achieve it.

            “We are free at home – not stopped by the policemen of words. We do not name beauty, but become one with it. And we do not question joy, but just enjoy it.

            “We have not ‘time.’ We live in the eternal now, so it will be difficult to pinpoint events and memories and celebrations. But divine love will give to me what I need, if you will keep in your mind all along these pages that Venus is a wordless world, a silent world. When we communicate at home, it is not by sound but by feeling. And if memory restores some ‘conversations’ in this writing, understand it was not actually in words but in feeling that I must put into words.

            “I shall describe scenery, places, souls and moments in my Venusian life, and it will surprise me if I can do it, because at home I never had to put into words what was in my heart. What we do at home is flow in feelings, which turns into a state of being called love.

            “The ‘things’ on Venus are not really ‘things’ as they seem to be on Earth. We make what we make, for the most part, with our minds. No sounds of hammers pounding nails. We envision our house, and the house is there. We can envision its being built ‘brick by brick’ or we can see it all at once, perfect and complete.

            “My name is Viv. Full name is Vivenus. This is my soul name, the one I was given for my mission on Earth. And I was given this name on the planet Venus where I was born.

            “I cannot prove my origin. I cannot prove that what I share with you is true about my heavenly home. I cannot even prove that I exist at all. Perhaps I am but a figment of your imagination. What is proof is an illusion of the mind. What is faith is of the heart, and thus is real. If I do exist, then I am from Venus. I have no credentials, but one: my heart that does not stop loving you, oh, child of Earth.

            “Before I came to the Earth plane, when I was at home on Venus, I had a vision of all of you. I felt that the Earth would welcome – if not me – then the truths I would discover to help them find the peace and inner contentment, independent of what happens on the outside. But now I know my vision was a mirage. The Earth seems satisfied to resign itself to depression, despair, and dead ends. Does this planet Earth need me from Venus? Did it ever need me? I still don’t know.”   

As one can easily see, there is a kind of poetry contained within the heartfelt prose of Vivenus, and she also offers snatches of lyrics and short poems throughout the text. The narrative of her life begins with her childhood on Venus, a place where, as she has explained, no one uses language to communicate and where one simply wills things to appear. For instance, if a Venusian wanted to make a painting, they would conjure a canvas out of nothing and then mentally transfer the image from their mind onto the canvas and voila, there is the painting.

            But the most important aspect of life on Venus is love. Feelings are the only true reality, and the mind and its use of language to describe the world simply isn’t needed. That depth of feeling is what Vivenus hopes to impart to Earth, whose people suffer from a collective depression sent by enemy forces of darkness that lurk in our skies ever ready to amplify the pain we have largely brought on ourselves.

            Why don’t we see life on Venus? Why do we think of it as a dead planet, too hot to harbor physical life of any kind? Vivenus answers that the Venusians vibrate at a level too high for our naked eyes or optical instruments to see. They are so advanced spiritually that they are basically invisible to us.

            Vivenus attends something like a college on Venus to prepare herself for her missionary journey to Earth. Her older brothers fly her to Earth in a flying saucer, what Venusians call a “swoop,” named for its swooping motion as it travels. She is given a fleshly covering that is identical to a young American woman who has recently taken her own life because of her failure to succeed as a singer of love songs. Vivenus slips into her role so perfectly that even the relatives of the young woman she replaces can’t tell the difference. It’s a variation of the “walk-in” motif that has been kicked around the past several decades, in which an alien chooses to enter the body of an everyday mortal and work through that person to create positive change in the world.

            After teaching herself to play guitar well enough to accompany her singing, Vivenus composes songs of love that embody the doctrine that the heart is all there is and that perfect love is available outside the confines of human language to those who seek it  in purity and compassion. She may be a little whacky to some, but one must admit her intentions are good. But all does not go well for Vivenus. After spending some time on Earth, she begins to fall prey to the same hardships as we Earthlings.

            “The more I tried,” she writes, “the more I failed. The more I cared, the more indifference was shown to me. I found out what a lie was and what deception is. And I began hurting inside just as the girl before me. My determination to sing for the world turned into desperation. My struggles to stay afloat and keep a shelter angered my soul, for this struggle to survive on Earth was intruding on my mission.”

            She learns to fear and to mistrust, and becomes familiar with the pain that comes from being rejected by friends. But she overcomes her depression by being reminded of her mission and being “shown” the plan for her future. She decides to reveal her true identity as a Venuisan and begins to speak publicly to large crowds, starting in New York and moving westward. She writes down her feelings in a series of books, and holds weekly meetings for those interested in her story as well as publishing a twelve-page journal called “Feelings.”

            Vivenus concludes by saying that when she began her mission, she hoped to reach everyone on Earth with her teachings about perfect love, but as it turned out, she was able to share it only with a few people. There still exist news clippings of her 1980 campaign to have God listed as a write-in candidate for president in the race between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Some of the local election boards, including the one in Oakland, California, stated that that was fine, as long as God was at least thirty-five years of age and born on American soil. Vivenus had even written a campaign song for God’s candidacy called “It’s Not Odd To Vote For God.”

            Timothy Green Beckley, the publisher of “Vivenus: Starchild,” said he long ago lost contact with Vivenus and doesn’t know if she’s alive and well or if she even remembers her life touring the country on a mission from the universe. We can only wish her well somewhere “out there.”

Like “Vivenus: Starchild,” the story told in “Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus” is not easy to categorize. It also doesn’t fit the mold of the typical contactee account of face-to-face meetings with benevolent aliens, nor is it like the later and more familiar abductee accounts of being swept into a ship full of grays.

What we have instead is a fascinating autobiography of a young woman born and raised in a near perfect Utopian paradise on Venus who willingly sacrifices her idyllic life there in order to come to Earth and help a young female victim of child abuse work through her punishing karma. It is an act of unselfishness few people on Earth would be capable of, and it makes for a great motivating factor in this inspiring story of interplanetary compassion.

The book opens with young Omnec Onec, called by the Venusian name given the author on her home planet (her Earthly name is Sheila), landing in the Nevada desert in 1955 and then journeying to Tennessee to take the place of the little girl she came to inhabit the body of and protect.

            Along the way, we get an in-depth education in Venusian metaphysics told with the kind of attention to detail and narrative precision that makes it hard to dismiss as simple New Age raving. The beauty of the Venusian landscape, which exists at a higher vibration than Earthly mortals can see or hear, is described in breathtaking, exquisite language that carries the reader into everyday life on another planet with a practiced ease that goes well beyond any notion of science-fiction fakery.

There is also the part of the story involving the dysfunctional Earth family that Omnec Onec has traveled to be a part of. It is an emotionally powerful tale to say the least. The sentiment aroused by the Venusian transplant’s going with her mortal cousins to see the science fiction classic “The Thing From Outer Space,” for example, displays an eager willingness to join suffering humanity and bear some of its burdens. There is the obvious irony of the benevolent alien seeing a Hollywood depiction of a hostile one, but Omnec also talks about learning to wear makeup and the same yearning to grow up felt by all adolescents, even though she is already hundreds of years old in Venusian time.

Other human-looking aliens are already here, according to Omnec, operating unseen on Earth as they work to help us through the world-shattering difficulties that lie just ahead of us and to overcome the faults in character that threaten to destroy us from within. Current research into the alien abduction phenomenon has found that the hybrids being created by the alien genetics program have lately begun to be more and more human-looking, which adds some real world support to Omnec’s story.

Something else interesting is the fact that Omnec actually looks the part. There are photos of her on the cover and elsewhere inside the book that show a beautiful young woman with ice-blonde hair peering confidently into the camera. One can only wonder if her Nordic good looks are indeed a product of something out of this world.

We are much in debt to Inner Light/Global Communications for this recent reissue of Omnec’s book. Copies of the original hardback sell for hundreds of dollars, but this edition is available for a mere $29.95. In the interest of total disclosure, I did some copyediting on the book but made no changes of any kind. I simply made sure that the original text was completely intact after the publisher encountered some problems with the printing process. This is word-for-word what Omnec wrote originally, with every last asterisk in place.

Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.) contributes not only some very helpful introductory material but also adds some concluding remarks that place the story in a present day context. A section of beautiful paintings by artist Gilbert William, who also claims a Venusian heritage, fills up the book’s last pages.

So if you have an interest in metaphysics or alternative versions of alien contact or simply want to read an engrossing story that eludes the simple confines of fact and fantasy, “Vivenus: Starchild” and “Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus” are here now at a bargain price.

If you would like more information or wish to purchase this book, simply click on its title:  Vivenus Starchild and Flying Saucer Revelations: Two Flying Saucer Classics

Purchase the Kindle Edition: Vi Venus: Starchild

Readers interested in obtaining a rare reprint of the book by ViVenus should note that the printed version contains an extra bonus section written by Michael X titled Flying Saucer Revelations. Michael X was a well known figure during the UFO contactee era and was a welcome speaker at the annual Giant Rock Flying Saucer Conventions held in the Joshua Tree region  of the southern California desert.

Interested in purchasing Omnec Onec: Ambasador From Venus, simply click on this this link.

[If you enjoyed this article/review, then visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at to read more of his articles and interviews with people like Whitley Strieber, Stanton Friedman and Raymond Fowler.]


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