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Gabe Valdez, former state police officer in charge of the Dulce, New Mexico area, passed away!!

It is with deep sadness that I must inform everyone that our friend, colleague and hero, Gabe Valdez, passed away suddenly in his sleep on August 6, 2011 at his residence in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Gabe Valdez was a long-time State Patrol officer in charge of the Dulce, New Mexico area for many many years.

He was the central figure in investigations on cattle mutilations and frequently reported sightings of strange flying objects that seem to have dominated the Jicarilla Apache town of Dulce, New Mexico since the mid 1970s.

Gabe worked with the late Paul Bennewitz from the very beginning in investigating the alleged rumors about an existence of an underground base in Archuleta Mesa, adjacent to Dulce.

He has truly become a legend.
There is no doubt in my mind that Gabe knew more about Dulce than what he reported to the public. And we may never know, now that he has passed away.

Gabe was a kind-hearted, soft-spoken and extremely likeable person.
May his soul rest in peace!

Here are a few clips in which he appears and makes comments on this topic:

Dulce, New Mexico and Cattle Mutilations (2011):

Gabe Valdez also appeared on History Channel’s UFO Hunters program (of 2009) in this segment, the same segment in which I appeared:


Recently (2011) Gabe Valdez talked about cattle mutilations in an interview with Open Minds talk show:

Gabe Valdez’ take on Dulce, New Mexico is quite similar to mine:


Details on his funeral arrangements are still pending.

from Norio Hayakawa

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