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Traditional medicine can certainly help us when we are sick and suffering and it is constantly improving and evolving.

Amazing scientific breakthroughs in medicine can now save the lives of millions and can help our bodies to heal and repair. All of this is great news. However, there are many times when no matter what medical approach is used, a person doesn’t respond to complete and lasting healing. Traditional medical care only tends to focus on the physical body, and always on the symptoms rather than the true cause. This is because the true cause is not so easily found in the physical body, and if a doctor is only trained to look inside the body to find the true cause, then they will unlikely locate it and they will only prescribe medicine for the symptoms.

Healing with the Angels – a Divine Medicine Approach – By Joanne Brocas

The true cause of a physical complaint can often be found in the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of a person. However, as all of these aspects are energetically subtle and intangible, they are therefore unable to produce clear solid scientific results as proof. The way a person is medically diagnosed would certainly benefit more complete and lasting healing if the whole of a person is addressed and not just their physical parts and symptoms. This is where divine medicine and energy medicine can be of great benefit towards traditional medical care.

Divine medicine and energy medicine are two very different components of energy healing work. Divine medicine is more spiritually focused, and it involves working with the divine light of God and with God’s holy angels. Energy medicine is more focused on our life force energy, and therefore works with the energies of the physical body, such as the body’s energy pathways and energy centers. By incorporating both divine medicine healing work and energy medicine work together, then a powerful form of self-healing work can be utilized.

Physical symptoms can be instantly relieved, and if the true cause of any physical compliant is found on an energetic level, then it can be dealt with and eradicated or repaired. Our energies can then be rebalanced. This can result in complete and lasting healing.

Angel Medicine

Divine medicine involves enlightening our consciousness and working with the spiritual aspect of our soul to help us heal and progress. This is achieved through working with the divine healing frequencies of God’s holy angels. Angels are the extraordinary result of God’s creation. God created the angels before he created mankind and therefore the angels are much closer to the divine power and the divine light than we are. God’s divine light holds the most potent, dynamic and spectacular energy frequency that exists. It is the light that emanates directly from the heart and mind of God, containing the holy vibration of divine truth and divine love. The divine light of God is best understood when broken into seven different colored frequencies, of which there are seven holy angels in charge of each splendid light stream.

Seven magnificent Archangels embody the seven different frequencies of God’s healing power and divine light. These seven impressive divine light frequencies are filtered to our consciousness via these holy Archangels to help us achieve all-powerful results in our health and our life. It is these astonishingly powerful divine light frequencies that I have come to lovingly classify as, ‘Angel Medicine.’

Each specialized frequency of divine light contains extraordinary transformational and miraculous healing power, which each Archangel can transmit directly to our soul. The powerful influence of the light can then help us to increase our own innate spiritual power to activate divine healing. All seven divine healing frequencies can truly help us in the most outstanding, superb and diverse ways. Here is a quick look at the seven Archangels and their divine light frequencies:

The Seven Archangels and their Divine Light Frequencies

Archangel Michael (He who is like God)

His divine light frequency is royal blue, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine truth, power and Will. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them develop more confidence, courage, and to overcome their fears. It is a very potent divine healing frequency to help with all aspects of illness and disease.

For more information or to purchase this book through AMAZON.COM, click on its title: The Power of Angel Medicine: Energetic Exercises and Techniques to Activate Divine Healing

Archangel Jophiel (Beauty of God)

His divine light frequency is golden yellow, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine wisdom and illumination. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them achieve more clarity, inspiration, or to overcome their negative thinking and false limiting beliefs.

Archangel Chamuel (He who sees God)

His divine light frequency is rose pink, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine love. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them heal their deep hurts that have resulted in the blocking of their heart energy. This deep healing will enable a person to openly love without fear. This remarkable divine frequency can also help a person to love and accept themselves.

Archangel Gabriel (God is my strength)

His divine light frequency is pure white, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine purity. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them purify their emotions or physical body, and to overcome their toxic thinking or actions.

Archangel Raphael (God heals)

His divine light frequency is emerald green, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine healing power. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them heal on all levels of their being.

Archangel Uriel (Fire or light of God)

His divine light frequency is purple/gold/ruby, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine peace and service. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them achieve more peace and harmony, or to help them in leading, guiding and serving others.

Archangel Zadkiel (Righteousness of God)

His divine light frequency is violet, which carries the spiritual embodiment of God’s divine transformation, freedom and justice. This all-powerful divine light frequency can work within a person’s consciousness to help them gain freedom from emotional pain and trauma, or to receive help with forgiveness and letting go.

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