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Publisher’s Note: I found this article in my Google Alerts and thought to bring it to your attention. First of all this sighting occurred in Vancouver, British Columbia and secondly it was reported by a witness just standing in their driveway. The article appeared on the The Columbian website and was published on May 15, 2014.

By Sue Vorenberg 

Carey Hicks was standing in his driveway in Vancouver’s Fruit Valley neighborhood last night when he saw something odd and scary streak through the sky.

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It was a helicopter chasing a small craft, possibly an orb, that was highly maneuverable, he said.

“It was a smaller craft with a large military helicopter following it,” Hicks said. “It flew over two or three times.”

He said he saw the craft, which he described as a ball of light, fly over his neighborhood toward Vancouver Lake at about 10 p.m. or 10:30 p.m.

Allen Kenitzer, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said there were some military exercises on Wednesday night for the Oregon National Guard, but they involved F15s and not helicopters, as far as he knows.

“We have no reports of any UFOs,” Kenitzer said. “But there has been some military activity.”

Kama Simonds, a spokeswoman for the Port of Portland, said the port is working on emergency preparedness drills today, but there was nothing happening at the Port at the time Hicks said the incident happened.

“It had nothing to do with the drill,” Simonds said.

Article continues here:

Photo credit: Dynamic Graphics

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