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One of the more popular theories today is that the Djinn are responsible for much of the UFO activity, operating from other realms.

It’s UFOlogy’s dirty little secret. It’s something that is better left swept under the rug.  Stanton Friedman doesn’t talk about it. Stephen Bassett most assuredly would keep the subject at arm’s length. The late Richard Hall would have deleted you from his address book. And Steven Greer would never consider it part of his ongoing Disclosure program.  

To coin ourselves a catch-all phrase that brings together all the negative aspects of the subject, I prefer to call it the DARK SIDE OF UFOLOGY!

It would appear – at least at first glance – that only those who consider themselves Christian fundamentalists have a rigorous drum to beat on behalf of the subject matter  we are considering – that at least some UFOs can rightfully be tied in with Demonic phenomenon. It would seem to be almost an exclusive element of their zealous faith based  belief system that contends anything remotely occult or supernatural—and that would definitely include UFOs — has a stanch  ally in the devil and his minions.  Christian apologist,   Dave Hunt has stated, “the same people that run UFOs are the same people that run haunted houses.“

Indeed, it has become more apparent even by those who for decades held dearly to a deep belief that UFOs must be interplanetary in nature, that there is a paranormal nature to this enigma that cannot easily be set aside. Several top notch researchers — such as the late Dr J. Allen Hynek’s former associates Ted Phillips and Philip Imbrogno —  have come to realize that we are NOT dealing solely with physical craft from outer space occupied by off-world astronauts coming  to warn us that we might possibly annihilate ourselves either ecologically or in the course of our warlike nature. 

Also read: Cemeteries and UFOs

More and more emphasis needs to be placed on the spiritual, occult and paranormal nature of the phenomenon seen in our skies and invading our homes and personal boundaries. It’s not all “sweetness and light,” kiddies. The truth is that there are a host of negative elements associated with UFO encounters. Some of the entities involved could very well be leading us down the primrose path. You can believe, and the evidence clearly is undisputable, that there are cosmic criminals in our midst who have successfully managed to possess and control the minds of  utterly frightened participants who had no warning that they were to be caught up inside a nightmarish web of confusion and chaos.

The late Lord Hill Norton head  Admiral of the British Fleet
was quoted as saying he felt UFOs were demonic in nature.

There are numerous aspects of this dark side of UFOs that we  examine closely in our just published book Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites, Alien Soul Suckers, Invaders From Demonic Realms

+ The connection between UFOs, demons, and possibly Satan himself.

+ The fascination for and the link between Nazism, occultism and post WWII German-made flying saucers.

+ The ghastly exercise of blood draining and human sacrifice throughout antiquity and their relationship to animal and human mutilations and blood letting in modern times, which align closely to the appearance of UFOs in specific theaters of operation on our planet.

+ The weird claims of John Lear that aliens are coming here to kidnap humans and not return them. That people are being used for food, and how “they” are performing sadistic experimentations upon us, and are attempting to suck out our souls and place them in “containers” for their own perverted use.

+ The Islamic belief in the normally invisible elementals identified in the Koran as the Jinn and how these malevolent spirits are able to misrepresent themselves by camouflaging their true identity and traveling around at fantastic speeds.

+ Shape shifters who can turn into human looking beings, animals, orbs, fireballs or manifest themselves even as physical “hardware” to fool us into believing they are mechanical devices.

+ The casting of magical spells, occult rituals and the ability to conjure up

spirits and beings often mistaken for UFOnauts but more closely aligned with the elemental kingdom.




Long time investigator Ann Druffel says the aliens are not who
they claim they are, but have sinister motives.


I don’t think a week went by when my mail box (not the one that is part of your Windows or Mac, but the one that stands, or used to stand, at the curb) wasn’t jammed with a couple of large manila envelopes from William C. Lamb.

To be honest, our “correspondence” was mostly one sided. To me, Lamb was a bit of a nutter (British for crackpot). He claimed to have images of heaven and even God’s throne that astronomers had photographed through high powered telescopes that exist on the edge of the galaxy. To him the ole man in the clouds was as real as you or I and the Lord’s Kingdom was a place you could actually see if you had a powerful enough telescope. Kind of crazy, right?  Well, the story doesn’t end there. According to Lamb, he knew all about God and Satan firsthand because he had seen Beelzebub with his own eyes. No! It wasn’t part of a near-death or out-of-body experience, but a component of a UFO landing.

Lamb had been out hunting in a snowstorm around four or five AM in February 1922, as he explained, when he heard a buzzing sound and saw this huge spherical craft hovering over a nearby field. It was so large and brilliant to his eyes that it blocked out the stars and he found himself mesmerized by its sudden appearance. He watched in awe as a partition opened on the side of the craft and a gigantic creature with wings flew to the ground and landed in the snow. The being was somewhere between seven and eight feet tall and appeared demonic in its facial features and physical form. Lamb said he hid behind a tree and watched as it tracked through the snow, its hooves – yes, I said hooves – melting down to the tundra as it went along. Eventually it came to a sturdy wire fence and managed to just walk through it, burning through the mesh and leaving it looking red hot.

At the time I had every reason to believe Lamb was totally delusional. It was

obvious that he saw everything through the eyes of orthodox religion. So much so that when he was approached by this ghoulish figure he managed to get it to fly off, using the name of Jesus and commanding it to depart.

The case is known to others besides me. Apparently a letter or two from W.C. was also preserved in the Air Force’s Project Blue Book files because astute researcher Jacques Vallee mentions it in his book Passport to Magonia.  Vallee has long expressed his opinions that, “UFOs are real but they are not physical. They are messengers of deception,” and that, “. . .the UFOs beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the (occult) entities that were described in centuries past.”

As far back as the 1960s – perhaps earlier! — certain fractions in the U.S. government and military acknowledged the occult nature of  what were still referred to in many circles as flying saucers. In 1969 the U.S. Printing Office issued a 400-page publication entitled UFOs And Related Subjects, a huge compendium of over 1000 books, literature and testimonies of UFO contactees. The document was compiled for the Air Force and the Library of Congress  by Lynn Catoe  who in its Introduction matter-of-factly states: “A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomenon like poltergeist manifestations and possession. Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomenon that have long been known to theologians and parapsychologists.”  Others with a decisively Christian bent have expressed concern that “the aliens often encourage illicit sex, and other ungodly things.” One abductee Calvin Parker told me that aliens had caused the AIDS virus and that, “I think they are demons. I feel like it’s evil. It could come from another world, but I think it’s kind of interdimensional in this one,” Parker explained to a reporter.

Ann Druffel  has been active in investigating  UFOs since 1957 when she joined the National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects. The affable author of Tujunga Canyon Contacts (co-authored by D. Scott Rogo) and How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction  is a no nonsense type of individual. She has paid her dues and everyone respects her opinions, even when she unhesitantly states: “The entities who pose as ‘extraterrestrials’ are not what they say they are. Rather, they are apparently unwholesome entities who have deceived and interacted with humans since the dawn of history. Be they mythic, ‘real,’ ‘spiritual,’ interdimensional or from a ‘hidden world’ which somehow exists in or alongside our own earth plane, I cannot say, since proof still eludes us. I do know for certain, however, that interfering, shape shifting, ‘otherworldly’ entities have been described by every major culture (and many smaller cultures) on the face of the earth down through the millennia, and that these older cultures developed means to fend them off or, at the very least, recognized them for what they were.”  


 Nick Redfern is one of the few investigative journalists that is almost universally respected  in a field where disagreements and lingering grudges between UFOlogists are fairly common. Recently, he authored a book, Final Events: And The Secret Government Group on UFOs and the Afterlife which just about  ruined his near perfect reputation.  The work details the history of a hidden think tank within the U.S. Government that believes rather than having alien origins, UFOs are really a tool of the Devil.

We sat down for a length interview with Redfern to  be found in  Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer. Redfern explained to me that the think tank was begun to try and exploit the mental powers of what they called “Non-Human Entities,” commonly known as the Grays. “There were people in the official world,” Nick says, “that wanted to see if the mind-power of the Grays could be utilized as a form of mind-weaponry by the Pentagon, and the Department of Defense ..something along the lines of a next generation Remote Viewing type program.“ The more the Pentagon group got into the project, “the more they came to believe that the Grays were highly deceptive, and they also came to believe the Grays were actually – and quite literally – deceptive demons from Hell, who were here to deceive us about their true agenda – which was to bring people over to the dark side and prepare things for Armageddon, but to do it under the guise of a faked alien appearance,” or so Redfern reveals.

“As for abductions, the think tank believes the whole alien scenario is a scam – a series of brain-induced hallucinations provoked by these entities as a means to reinforce the idea that they are aliens here to experiment on us..” Furthermore, the they can seemingly, “provoke hallucinatory imagery in the mind: aliens, goblins, Bigfoot, etc. to make us believe we’re seeing something physical and external.”

The group came to conclude, says Redfern, “That Earth is a farm, and that we are the cattle. . .that these entities essentially are here to harvest and feed upon the energy of our soul at death because these demonic creatures are basically energy-based, and our energy feeds and fuels them.”  This task is further expanded upon  in our book by retired CIA “jockey” and ace pilot John Leer who has long maintained such a “peculiar” theory.

For our book Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer, we have gathered together our own “think tank” of prominent individuals to express their opinions and to collectively publish their own findings. Included in this roster are Brad Steiger, Adam Gorightly, Kenn Thomas, Brent Raynes  as well as the posthumous John Keel author of Trojan Horse and Mothman Prophecies. 

Incorporated in this large sized work is also a little known tome published in 1955 from which we adapted the overall title of our own work.  Not only did Cecil Michael claim to rub shoulders with Mr Scratch, but he says he went with him straight to hell. Proclaims the flyleaf on a very rare copy: “Here is one of the most startling stories ever written! The narrator, calmly working in his auto repair shop, suddenly finds himself playing host to a pair of visitors from outer space. From that moment his entire life is changed.

“For weeks the Spacemen practice all types of weird experiments upon their bewildered friend, who is too terrified to protest. Finally, wearying of their ingenious super-games, they decide to take the poor auto mechanic on a trip to Hell. . .And, as you descend with the narrator into a modern Inferno, you will pray, with the auto mechanic who tells the story, that his visit will be a short one.”

The British publication Magonia encapsulates Cecil Michael’s bizarre Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer in this manner:

“The craft went off into space, eventually arriving at a bleak red planet with a lake of fire into which coffins were cast, the dead bodies inside them then coming to life and burning in agony. He was afraid that he would be trapped there permanently, but apparently he was saved by a vision of Christ that appeared in a beam of white light, and returned to Earth. The trip seemed to have taken four days, but only four hours had passed.”

Without a doubt this can be said to be our oddest contribution to the overall body of UFO and paranormal literature we have published over the last five decades. It discusses a theory that is straight out of the movie The Exorcist.

To many it will be a difficult to accept concept. To others it is something that they already recognize as part of their on going faith. It is none the less a premise that needs to be explored. 

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ROUND TRIP TO HELL IN A FLYING SAUCER: UFO PARASITES, ALIEN “SOUL SUCKERS” AND INVADERS FROM DEMONIC REALMS is available from Amazon.Com and is also published in a Kindle edition.

Also recommended by the same author and available in both versions –


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