Holy Grail, MicMaq, and the Golden Princess of Issyk kurgan


We have heard of the Grail stories from the French Troubadours such as Chrétien de Troyes and Robert de Boron. It is the cup of the Last Supper which has mystical powers.  In 1969 a burial ground was found of the Golden Princess which possessed a huge treasure well preserved from the permafrost of Issyk kurgan, in south-eastern Kazakhstan. The priestess princess was decked in red and gold wearing a pointed hat. In the grave was buried a silver cup with the words

“The vessel should hold wine of grapes, added cooked food, so much, to the mortal, then added cooked fresh butter on”

Some compare these words to the “Nestor Cup”

A golden mixing cup, described in Homer’s Iliad, belonging to Nestor, the king of Pylos which had magical qualities. Over time three “Nestor cups” have references  been found  one in the Iliad of Homer, Mycenae Greece, and one in Italy, The one in Italy is a simple clay cup with the inscription in hexameter

“Nestor’s cup I am, good to drink from.
Whoever drinks this cup empty, straightaway
the desire of beautiful-crowned Aphrodite will seize.”

The magical power of Aphrodite the goddess of love filling the imbiber with amourous affections.

Mary Magdalene has been associated with the Holy Grail of which many portraits over centuries has been painted with her holding a sacred cup. Rene Anjou was said to have possessed the wedding chalice of Wedding of Cana. The legend says the words

“He who drinks much, will see God. He who drinks a cupful, will see God and the Magdalene”.  Magdalene and Aphrodite equated to great love and its power. 

We see that the cup or chalice held sacred and mystical meaning to the “Golden Princess”. I have given her the name “Golden Princess” because the body found in the grave’s sex could not be determined. It was not unusual in that time for women to be warriors like the Amazons in Homer’s Iliad.

In the grave was found the symbol of the flower of life which is scene on sarchophagus of Ancient Jews. Kazakhstan has built the Pyramid of Peace which has the hexagram within its structure. The Egyptian Pyramids and Egyptians had their sacred cups in the tomb of King Tut was the wishing cup made of alabastar with the Egyptian heiroglyphs of the ankh for eternal life. The Ankh symbol is a circle and cross which the MicMaq Indians heiroglyophs also have a circle and cross symbol. The MicMaq circle and cross symbol means holy and the Egyptian heiroglyph means goodness truth and life.  The triangle was revered by both the MicMaq and the Egyptians. In Kazakhstan the Pyramid of Peace holds sacred symbolism. Kazakhstan’s importance in the world is growing due to its great mineral resources. The spiritual sacred symbol of star of David (hexagram) has been found in archeology sites in the Ukraine and the Khazar empire rulers were Jewish.

I have noticed the pointed hat of the “Golden Princess” and the pointed hat of the traditional dress of the MicMaq women. I noticed the coincidence and felt I should bring to the readers attention. The MicMaq had a deeply spiritual life and many stories connected with the stars and Earth. The head dress of the MicMaq women looks very similiar to the style of the “Golden Princess”. The MicMaq were relatives and allies with the French Acadians who lived on Nova Scotia but were expelled in the Great Expulsion. The French Acadians had heard the stories of the Holy Grail. 

“Pointed hats are still worn in the rural Louisiana Mardi Gras celebrations by the Cajuns, the Courir de Mardi Gras, where they are known as capuchons.

Barry Ancelet ,Cajun historian and head of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Folklore Department has explained the origin of the Courir as being in rural Medieval France.”

One wonders can their be a connection between these cultures or is it a coincidence?

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MicMaq native dress of Nova Scotia













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