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How The U.K. Is Eradicating The Native Countryside

How the U.K. is eradicating the native countryside

By Pat Regan


Politicians, business profits and total disregard for the UK’s native eco-system and wildlife! 

The following article is just one small example of a localised campaign to save parts of the dwindling, native countryside from excessive business development.

My betting is that a similar proposed scheme of rank eco-vandalism can also be seen in ‘your’ given locality.

I am the Founder of Save Southport Greenbelt (SSGB) and I urge anyone who cares about the UK countryside to read on.


Sefton Council’s eco-vandals and their proposed wholesale destruction of Blowick Moss, at Kew in Southport

Save Southport Greenbelt have been freely warning residents for years and now it is happening! Will you let them get away with it?

The ongoing extermination campaign of Kew’s ‘legally-protected’ water vole population and other wildlife species at the callous hands of Sefton Council and local development-supportive councillors is apparently set to continue.

SSGB recently reported on apprehensive Kew residents who are opposing plans to build new houses on their door steps. 

Huge flocks of birds need Blowick Moss to survive. Is it selfish to consider their native habitat existence?

Press reports have indicated that local development-supportive Libdem councillors have been less than happy at this campaign (and allegedly verbally abusive to campaigners in fact) to save this huge uncultivated part of Southport, which provides essential subsistence for many wonderful species of wildlife.

SSGB have been alerting the authorities for years that legally-protected water voles exist in the area and recent professional survey data we have received from the Environment Agency (EA) suggests that these animals live within and in close proximity to the proposed development site.

Southport, and its surrounding areas, is in fact a good place for water vole habitation but for how long?

Will the EA step in to defend this area and its protected species?

The Environment Agency has told SSGB campaigners that water voles are to be found along the Fine Jane’s brook adjacent to the Kew Business Site and their survey also indicates the presence of this species in Boundary Brook, which runs alongside houses in the region and at the bottom of the fields under threat. The whole area is a productive ground for this endangered animal.

SSGB say:

“Wake up Sefton and stop playing games with this protected species; you have serious legal responsibilities to conserve, not destroy, such habitat!”

 The Southport Visiter has reported that the Lancs Wildlife Trust stated that Sefton is one of the most important areas for this species.  Do Sefton Council care, regardless of legal ramifications about destroying habitat used by protected water voles and other species?

 With new development proposals we are not talking about a few yards of land. The area they want to concrete over for housing development is we understand a massive 46.7 acres and in effect will be the wholesale destruction of Blowick Moss – forever. 

A prospective candidate for the Southport Party, Kew Ward, previously told us:

“The fields in question look so different to the cultivated fields in West Lancs area over the border. Take away these fields and there is nowhere else comparable for any wildlife to go. They are destroying a wildlife habitat unique in this area, much of it is therefore being condemned to death as there will be no room for them to move anywhere else.”

It is very true that many species relying on this large area for survival will be either moved off or completely exterminated.

This is their home. Land increases in value when planning permission is granted yet this makes no difference to the supposedly protected species under threat.

Have Sefton Council and their supportive Libdem puppets no concern for the fragile eco-system and the creatures that need it so badly?
Libdem activist Lord Ronnie Fearn was ‘influential’ in establishing the land-eating, Kew Business Park, which we believe to be an enormous and unnecessary environmental disaster for Southport.

Lord Fearn said about the Business Park:

“It superb. It’s taken a while for things to take off at the park but with better advertising it seems to be picking up. It’s great for employment and the economy and we welcome the plans.”

Kew Libdem councillor, Maureen Fearn, (now the Worshipful, Mayor of Sefton) previously agreed with his comments saying:

“The park has got off to a slow start, but those that have invested are very pleased with the facilities.”I’m very pleased with the recommendations. Adding crèche and fitness facilities will only improve the area for workers and help attract new businesses.”

Kew Libdem councillor Fred Weavers stated:

“That land has been earmarked for housing. It is the only large plot of land left in Southport to build houses”

The Southport Visiter stated that Cllr Weavers visited one of the campaigner’s homes recently and said:

“So you’re the troublemaker, are you?”

Cllr Weavers also reportedly told the lady campaigner that she was “Selfish.”

This above link may now be dysfunctional, yet SSGB thankfully save all data for posterity.

If this is what Kew’s Cllr Weavers thinks about a person who is deeply concerned about the total obliteration of Blowick Moss then what exactly does that tell us about his regard for Southport’s countryside?

There has not been one mention from these local politicians regarding the fact that local Kew countryside and legally-protected species are being slowly eradicated and exterminated; NOT ONE!

As ‘partners’ in the North Merseyside Action Plan, why are Sefton Council permitting this eco-vandalism to continue?

They seem determined to extract every last penny from the profitable sale of every bit of spare countryside at their disposal in Southport.

This deplorable issue is an ecological disaster and a stain on the face of our town.


We are informed by other politicians (not Libdems we may add) that if Sefton genuinely wanted to permit a development of this character, then a far better place to do it would be on the dilapidated railway land between Derby Road and Virginia Street. There may also be other areas that would not mean the vandalism of our remaining countryside.

This however would allegedly not generate any Capital Receipts for Sefton and would be very difficult to plan and implement. In a nutshell folks – Money talks and is much more important than care for the environment!

Whilst taking pictures of threatened Blowick Moss I was approached by extremely concerned locals who work this area.

They explained at length how many species of birds nested in the fields under threat every season. They also mentioned “gas tests” and they were advised at the time that this land was “not safe for housing”. They pleaded with me to save the countryside herein as it was so special to them.

I understand that Sefton Council promised the current residents of Kew Ward a high-tech sports stadium a few years ago. The Sports Stadium was built in Litherland instead!

The Kew area is already developed to bursting point.

Parking, transport and road structure problems already exist and the Council have I feel barely addressed these vital issues.

Kew Industrial Park and its roads were constructed so narrowly and so little consideration was given to onsite parking facilities that double yellow lines have been laid to enable delivery trucks to operate properly.

A land and space saving multi-story car park, heading skywards, would have been beneficial to the drivers parking therein and the local wildlife, which would have meant less land loss.

Parking problems have already created widespread problems and bad-feelings amongst local residents that really need to be addressed rather than making things far worse with yet hundreds MORE proposed houses to cope with excess demands.

Sadly the somewhat emotive and largely thoughtless local councillors, along with the Council, appear to be acting in a preposterous fashion. Their proposed eco-destructive developments will add more fuel to the fire with extra houses, families and lack of proper roadways, hospital facilities etc.  

The Prospective Candidate for the Southport Party, Kew Ward, told me a while ago:

“This land supports much wildlife, some of which may be protected species, others with declining numbers. We should be further protecting this last remaining and valuable area of undisturbed wildlife habitat in Southport, not wantonly destroying it.”

He added:

“Sefton wasted a net £4½ million pounds on the Pleasureland disaster through its own incompetence. This hole in the finances needs to be plugged. Sefton Council cares so little for jobs and the future of Southport that they have exported to Bootle virtually ALL of the council’s jobs that they possibly can, even the Mayor! There are now precious few Council vacancies offered in Southport.”

Although SSGB’s main concern is for the countryside at threat clearly other pressing issues are also of concern. Overcrowding creates its own set of social problems.

Do the Kew residents that have already settled in this area need it?

Care for the environment seems to be rather elusive in some parts and with some politicians.

Incidentally, I have covered this issue in great depth in a previous book that I wrote called Dirty Politics….

NB. Author nore – this book is now updated for 2013… 


Trained Council lackeys take pleasure in playing with grand terms such as green belt, green space, brown field etc, yet these technical designations mean very little to a threatened water vole, skylark, sand lizard or family of hedgehogs that inadvertently get in the way of the business development bulldozers. 


Another important factor, which many grey-suited officials overlook, is that Mother Nature is exceptionally remedial to humans.

In our high-tech, low concern for ecology society modern man is fast losing the fundamental ability to link with the natural environment as our wise ancestors did.

Perhaps Sefton Council would do well to remember this if they truly wish to assist the local populace of Kew etc.

One medical expert disagrees with Sefton’s destructive plans for Blowick Moss.

Dr Rita Pal of NHS Exposed previously told SSGB:

“I have recently heard about Sefton Council’s decision regarding Blowick Moss. In my view, the Liberal Democrat Councillors are blatantly wrong in their decision. Councillors should be working for the people – after all that is what public servants are there for. Their decision is illogical and unethical.”

Dr Pal actually sited a supportive study to substantiate her concerns herein.

 She continued:

“I find it outrageous that they would opt to do something against public opinion. Clearly, the public who have lived and worked in the area value their countryside and so they should. An excellent reason for preserving this section of beautiful countryside is for the health benefits of its population. A move by Sefton Council that is contrary to the welfare of the public cannot be allowed.” 

Blowick Moss deserves to be saved for the people, the wildlife and future generations!

 Wake up Southport and help save our countryside now – before it’s all gone forever! We won’t get a second chance!

Other proposed profit-orientated developments in Southport, and in other locations around the U.K., also threaten fragile wild habitat.

We have a sincere duty to realise that we are guardians of the ecosystem and should not be wrecking this wonderful natural resource at will.

Once it’s gone – it’s gone forever and we can never replace it!

Our English green spaces urgently need your support now! 

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Pat Regan © 2010  

Author of: 

UFO: The Search for Truth 

What others say… 

“This book is no dry analysis of a quaint mystery. It’s a muscular thesis that isn’t afraid to take on the difficult issues and ask the questions that more traditional UFO researchers have avoided. Buckle up, readers, and get ready for one hell of a ride.” 

 (World renowned Ufologist, Nick Pope)  


 UFO: The Search for Truth (2012, extended edition)

UK Paperback version:

US Paperback version:

Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia 

US Version:

UK version:

 The New Pagan Handbook

 Dirty Politics

 The Torch and the Spear

 Fly Fishing on Wild Becks

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