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How To Remove Demonic and Spirit Attachments

By Paul Schroeder

We live in metamorphosing times.

Shifting energies on Earth are increasing in vibration towards God and there is a greater dissonance between established realms of light and realms of darkness.

Newly shifted people are awakening to accept vocations as spiritual healers, psychics and mystics.

In the process, they turn up their inner spiritual porch lights wattage and voltage which attracts the ‘moths’ and then the ‘bats’, demonic bottom astral feeders of all sorts.

If one thinks that one has an earthbound spirit, entity attachment, or astral wildlife, it may be possible to help oneself.

By all means try the following before calling in professional help, however, if you are terribly fearful it is better to get assistance as fear is a powerful and delicious form of energy that directly empowers the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.

Entities who feast on consciousness itself and on our auric energies are parasites of strong spiritual light. Thus beings of a low frequency, lost and often sinister, are attracted like moths to a flame to very devout people and to spiritual healers.

Spiritual Healers who work in other people’s auras need to be especially aware of this probability as entities will often hitchhike and ‘jump ship’ preferring the fresh and tasty energies of the healer to the tired and depleted energy of their original host.

For those who are intuitively sensitive and highly psychic these attachments can feel unpleasant and will cause energy depletion.

The subject of earthbound spirits tends to get people nervous and they will move further away down the park bench a distance from those who discuss the subject.

Should we encounter a ghostly spirit it is important to remember that it is only a person, the same as you or me but simply without the outer carapace shell of the physical body.

I often experience a lost soul-ghost who jumps on me such that my skin burns where it touches me; I counsel it with love and compassion as I would a lost traveler.

I complain to the spirit that phantoms fill the air around us and that we all come from God but it seems that we have to fight hard to return to God; I speak to it with pathos and sympathy in my heart.

If it is still insistently hungry and in my face, a sprits of incensed holy water clears the burning attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack; you can feel their angst.

I tell them that its so sad and ironic that God has sent them to me for help as there are no accidents, and that ironically, they have been sent to me for directions, when I myself am often so helplessly lost.

I tell them that touching people for energy further traps them here, in hell, between worlds.

I remind them that they didn’t really die when they left the body and that they wont die here without human energy; some listen.

I also ask them to leave as goofy earthbound spirits to the light and to RETURN to me as purified, cleansed spirits to assist me in rescuing others as they have been rescued.

What usually appeals to them is my reminding them that nobody has spoken to them for a long time, except for me.

Rarely, then, do they attack with projected nightmares or sinister machinations.

I’ve bought some peace and done service to the other side

An earthbound spirit is stuck and has not made it across to the spirit realms where it belongs. There are many reasons why the crossing may not have been made and they may have been stuck for a long time. Lifetime emotional trauma, an inner sense of driven unfinished business, and demonic attachments usually weigh down and encumber a soul’s transit.

This earthbound spirit is very different from the spirit guides accompanying and helping you, who are not bound to the Earth plane.

Demonic Entities is a non specific term relating to non-human energy beings with varying levels of intelligence that may deliberately attach themselves to humans.

Some are merely impishly mischievous, but many others are absolutely brilliantly malevolent.

Astral wildlife is a general umbrella term that describes forms of energy parasites that feed off the human energy field.

Normally they aren’t especially ‘dark’, or ‘aware’, but they are hungry and more animalistic.

Consider them as similar to lampreys or remora, psychic fleas or leeches.

These parasitical wildlife creatures are very common, but are unlikely to be noticed unless they either grow large or numerous.

At this point the person’s energy becomes compromised and they will most likely display some of the symptoms below.

In healers experiences many assume different forms, but some are more common than others.

Healers can visualize black balls of energy that hang in the aura.( If they increase in numbers the person’s aura can look a bit like Pigpen from Peanuts cartoon.)

In addition to being a spiritual and emotional general irritant these astral ‘wildlife’ can create gaps and holes in the aura which will cause the person to leak energy.

Like holes in the house screen which let in wasps and mosquitos, gaps and holes in the aura will reduce the natural protective function of the aura and may let more troublesome energies in.

Other common psychic bottom feeders include a tentacle prominent parasite that threads into the chakras to feed, a ‘slug like’ form that feeds primarily from one or more kundalini points and can grow huge, eventually draining much of the host’s vitality.

Chronic fatigue syndromes and depression then often occur.

Our energy fields are not designed to carry these parasites and even relatively inactive attachments can drain one’s energy and drag the vibratory rate of the energy field down.

This attachment can at death create a ‘ghost’ as the spirit is encumbered at the death of the body and it cannot ascend to the proper color light and the correct level in that light.

Sometimes you may get a feeling that there is something not right’ about a house or place or person, it will seem creepy and that creepiness usually signifies that the place or a person has a spirit or entity attachment.

One must always trust one’s intuition.

Dogs and small children are especially psychically intuitive and will be much less than friendly and socially outgoing when meeting such a person or going into such a place.

How can you tell if you or a loved one is affected by entities or astral wildlife?

Here are some of the main signs and symptoms.

Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:

Your intuition telling you that all is not well



Cold patches in the aura


Bad dreams and nightmares

Unexplained aches and pains

Anxiety and fearfulness


Obsessive/compulsive behavior

Self mutilation

Eating Disorders

Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts

Lack of eye contact or a haunted’ look in the eyes

Drug addiction or alcoholism

Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

One is especially at risk if one works with energy as a Light worker, Reiki healer or other spiritual healer.

One must keep one’s auric boundaries strong and well protected in order to help others and not catch their spiritual disease attachments.

One must be careful with pouring Reiki energy into the problem as it does not do anything but feed the entity.

The entity becomes quiescent and it becomes dormant for a while digesting the increased meal.

One needs other methods to remove it.

If you think that you have an earthbound spirit, entity attachment, or astral wildlife, it may be possible to help yourself.

By all means try the following before calling in professional help.

Avoid fear for feeling fearful directly feeds the entity, as fear is a powerful and delicious energy to bottom feeders in the astral world.

And from Robert Bruce,et al

Increase your daily intake of garlic( herbal pills ingested will avoid the pungent smell if raw garlic offends you and others within your home.)

Garlic rubbed on the insoles and ankles(spirits make a beeline for your feet)acts as an effective herbal repellent; leaving freshly cut garlic in small pieces and placing them in small dishes near your bed and around the room acts very well to repel astral wildlife that seek attachments.

The 13th century knew more about (psychic) vampires than we do! Again, from Bruce;

‘Put some tiger balm on your feet, inside your socks, when you head out.

Camphor and other herbs help to shield you from these types of influences, although they have a strong smell. Put a tiny dab of this over your heart area, and on your brow center, before bed, as well as on the feet to protect these areas, which are often targeted during sleep.

Burning incense in the room you sleep in is also of great benefit. ‘

‘Visualize a Blue- Violet Flame. Step into the blue-violet fire and allow it to penetrate right through you, burning away negativity as it does so.

If one relives a snippet of a dream during daytime hours, if that image resurfaces, spontaneously, during one’s waking day, it is a clear sign that an unclean one hidden or hiding within that image has either exited or is reentering.

One must use slash/ cutting and burning of that image using an envisioned sword to sever connections between that image and its ropy connections to one’s layered psyche and then a blowtorch envisioned to burn the severed remnant stumps of vestigial connections.

This metaphysics removal of the image that spontaneously surfaced is designed to eliminate the evil one’s “Hiding place” within one’s mind.

The image of an alien’s face or a snakelike, bug like image or a skull and crossbones demon’s representation in your mind’s eye will scurry from its now discovered and now removed previous hiding place.

Fighting (metaphysics) fire with (metaphysical) fire works perfectly as envisioned “tools” are as real in that dimension as the interloper is real.

Now, that’s something that Freud, psychiatry and psychology simply cannot ever wrap their analytically trained minds around .

If Freud’s and Jung’s models are wrong, then our mind’s embrace of that whole subject can also be wrong.

Even as a ‘jumping off place’ towards understanding the layered psych, one is awry and stiltedly wrong in one’s foundation premise .

The same holds true for Freud’s dream analysis models of dream symbols; he was also predominately wrong about the very nature of dreaming, itself

If one hears voices that sound sinister and threatening one is certainly far more psychic than psychotic, but one could not ever be seen thus by a trained Freudian or Jungian clinician.

There are dozens of such examples of unseen outside influences as a threat to the layered mind, a concept that psychoanalytically trained clinicians cannot grasp at all on any level because of their training.

For an Earthbound spirit who is NOT attacking you can try lighting a tealight candle and asking for their relatives or angels to guide them to the other side.

Purchase protective crystals. Wearing or carrying crystals can help you maintain this protection.

These negative thought entities/energies generally dislike the feel of iron pyrites and black tourmaline. Wear them as jewelry, or carry them on your person. Red jasper is one of my favorite stone allies.

Leave a night light on and a ceiling fan as evil ones need darkness and stillness of air to fully empower and materialize.

Strengthen your auric field and repair any damage.

Visualize a strong auric boundary, such as a crystalline egg or a sphere of strong blue or gold light. Leave classical music on low in the affected creepy area to raise vibrational levels.

All of these are passive defenses; always avoid ‘taking on’ the entity, head on, which can be more dangerous.

Taking on a demon by focusing on it with your third eye, to see it , or trying to cast it out in Jesus’ name, can often inspire it to move inside you just for spite.

Some demons crave embodiment, and so demon possession consists of demons inhabiting a human body. Mental diseases with their erratic or even insane behavior, along with physical diseases, often accompany demon-possession for demons perversely desire to destroy even the bodies that they inhabit.

Thus, passive defenses are always preferred.(Robert Bruce, et al Astral Dynamics)

“1. Increase the grounding to maximum. Soak your body or especially your feet in a salt bath(or a bucket)Salt water creates a mild electrical current that can expel evil ones.

2. Get as much sunlight as you can. Sunbathing. Sunlight penetrates flesh and destroys ectoplasmic implants.

For winter, get a powerful ‘grow light’ as are used for growing indoor plants. Spend at least 30 minutes a day in shorts bathing in this light.

3. Verbal and silent affirmations. ‘my shields are perfect’ ‘I am perfectly protected’ ‘I am healthy, happy and relaxed’. Do these firmly and aloud as much as possible per day.

Use driving and shower time and times you are alone. Also do silent affirmations, and particularly try to fall asleep while doing these. Key and essential here is time and energy; the more time you put into this the stronger the effect.

‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’

‘my natural shielding is perfect’

‘my mind is perfectly shielded’

Affirmations often work best when the actual problem you want to stop is worked around. For example, ‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’ tells your higher self this message. The only way your higher self can bring this about, if you are demon troubled, is to remove the demon problem.

For example, say that a demon is causing lots of stomach gas and discomfort – very common. The affirmation ‘my stomach is relaxed and happy’ would directly target the cause, and encourage the higher self to remove the demon.

The trick is to keep one’s mind and senses (especially the sixth sense) firmly away from what is happening. Focus on something mundane and positive.

Think about gardening, football, cooking, anything.

If prayers or mantras are thought or said, they should not express anxiety, fear or an actual need for immediate protection. This helps avoid forming unwanted firmer connections.

Focus calmly on the words and not on the reason for their utterance.

While holding a positive focus away from supernatural possibilities, sensible countermeasures should be applied, i.e., turning on light and music, slicing some garlic. This should be done in a matter-of-fact way to avoid forming connections that might escalate problems.

It is essential to keep the focus of one’s mind firmly away from the source of what is happening. Focus on countering the symptoms, not on their source.

A matter-of-fact attitude (the intelligent use of denial) is both protective and defusing of all such demonic problems.If something flies off a shelf in response to your prayer, simply say; “well, these things happen”.

It also makes the best possible use of one’s natural mental shielding. One may feel anxiety and trepidation on the inside, but one should never realize and express these feelings, mentally or vocally, during a direct psychic demonic attack. “

It’s like being in mental quicksand – the more you engage it by flailing about with your mind , the deeper and more intense the attack . (Bruce goes on;)

“Phrasing prayer in affirmation format, present tense, active, positive, as if what is desired has already happened, is far more effective, I have found, than asking or praying for deliverance or help.

Please put your beliefs aside for a moment and think on this. To whom or to what are you praying?

You are pure source energy, an intimate part of the universe/God.

The closest and most accessible aspect of Source/God is your own higher self.

This is inside of you, in your mind and in every cell of your body. Therefore, your own personal direct link to Source/God and the divine is through your self, through your body and your mind.

Thus, prayer/affirmation should be directed inwards to your own higher aspects.

So, a prayer/affirmation to rid yourself of interfering entities of any nature would read something like; ‘I am clear and free of all negative influences’ or ‘I am full of light and love’ (visualizing yourself filling with light) or ‘I am happy and free’ or ‘thank you for my healing’ or ‘thank you for my liberation’

It also helps to record a CD of affirmations and to play this in the background during the day, and on very low (barely audible) while you sleep. This helps get the message through.

In a way, this is like intensely wishing the influences to go away, present tense active positive, as if it were already so.

The more time and energy put into this the more powerful it becomes. “

Other excellent and effective passive approaches are well known.

Smudge yourself and your home with a traditional cleansing herb. Sage and cedar smoke is one of the best combinations. Be thorough, get into all the ‘nooks and crannies’ of your room and house.

Take sensible precautions with lighted smudge and make sure you put it out properly. Be careful using smudge if you have any breathing difficulties or you are pregnant.

Have a priest bless salt and leave a continuous line completely around the house during the daytime.

An active more confrontational approach If one is an accomplished, protected exorcist is to

focus on the entity and say;

‘I reject all known and unknown agreements and contracts with this energy; ‘I reject and banish this energy from (name of the attacked person) space’.

Attaching this to God or Christ can make this more effective.

Repeat this.

A poem verse especially effective for healers is:

“May God be resurrected and His foes vanish.

As wax melts before fire,

As smoke is dispersed by the wind,

So may all who hate the Lord flee from His sight,

And the just rejoice! “

A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul’s warning in Ephesian 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights.

As Earth’s vibrational levels ascend and mankind becomes much more enlightened we must defend ourselves against negative thought entities who are more and more attracted to our ‘Light”.

They hate us because we are becoming more like the Father and Son, and because they know that this Earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.


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