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Huge UFO Mothership Shadows 12 Triangle Shaped Objects

By Roger Marsh,
UFO Examiner

The very larger ‘Mothership’ was reported following behind a series of smaller objects.
Credits: Wikipedia.

A Michigan witness reports 12 triangle-shaped objects in “four different sizes” crossing the sky, including five or six small objects, 4 or 5 medium objects, and “one massive triangle, the Mothership at the end of the convoy,” according to October 23, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness and a son were outside in the front yard at 9:30 p.m. when they noticed the objects.
“The best way to describe it is that it looked like a fleet of triangular ships that were different sizes,” the witness stated. “They were heading in a straight line east to west.”
The witness described the group of lights.
“The smaller craft were flying like geese, heading south at fist, but then they broke off in different directions fast. Then they formed a tight triangle. They did this a couple times – always heading due west. The medium triangles followed, then the big one behind them.”

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on October 23, 2011. The events occurred on October 22, 2011. No images or videos were included with the report. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

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