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Hundreds of UFOs Sighted Over London?

I received the following email from UFO DIgest reader, Herve and as you can see it contains a very unique sighting report. The following are the contents of his email. Dirk  :

Part 1: 

 Hi guys, me and my wife have witnessed what we would call a UFO sighting
over London, UK, on Friday night (9 July 2010), just thought you would
be interested.

It happened approximately between 10.30pm and 11pm, there were loads of
them (maybe about a hundred in total or more) coming from South West
flying over London and disappearing to the North East for about 30mn in

They looked like orange lights flying fast and high, we thought it could
be balloons or chinese lanterns but there wasn’t a strong wind that
night to explain their speed and directions: they seemed to go high
first on the South West, some looking like dancing with each other, and
then crossing straight over London to the North East at fast speed.

We caught it on camcorder and have posted the footage on youtube, in
three parts:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Please feel free to use them on your website if you find them of any

I suppose we will know more about this in the news soon, as we are
probably not the only ones to have witnessed that.

Best Regards,

Herve Boinay

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