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IAEA Director General’s UFO invasion concerns in Japan nuclear meltdown analysis

By Jon Kelly UFO Examiner

Secret messages encrypted backwards in the remarks of International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano reveal unconscious concerns about a “UFO invasion” in the face of what Prime Minister Naoto Kan has called Japan’s “most severe crisis … since World War II”. Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper is reporting that fuel rods in three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant appear to be melting after emergency cooling systems were knocked out by a tsunami following an 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday. The secret UFO messages of the IAEA Director General are the subject of a new episode of the Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition.

Intellectual Progress

Evidence for a progressive Japanese intellectual outlook towards UFO contact mirrors initiatives from prominent Canadian figures active in disclosure and truth campaigns. Examples of progressive UFO perspectives from Japanese leadership include the statements of former Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura, who told the audience at a government policy briefing that “UFO’s are real,” and former First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama who wrote about her experiences with nocturnal out-of-body travels on a UFO that took her to Venus. has reported how former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer made several public statements regarding UFO’s including his comments at an Exopolitics conference held at the University of Toronto where he warned the audience about US plans for the militarization of space. Such an evident, progressive intellectual outlook provides the cultural and political setting through which the secret UFO messages of IAEA Deputy General Yukiya Amano were communicated.

Long UFO History

Japan’s long history of UFO encounters includes reports from airline pilots, luminous orbs, mountain explorers, volcano visitors, flying discs and a 200 year old literary account of the Utsuro Bune, in which a mysterious woman arrives from the sea in an orb-like craft that Dr. Kazuo Tanaka from Gifu University’s Faculty of Engineering believes could be a UFO.

Mirror Messages

The open source analytic methodology used in detecting the secret messages of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano reflected a graph of his digitally sampled speech across the Y axis, enabling audio playback and monitoring in reverse. The messages detected through this procedure are formed by unconscious processes related to sleep talking and Freudian slips. These communications repeatedly provide involuntary disclosures that reveal hidden contents of the speaker’s unconscious mind. has previously reported how such analysis has proven effective in the gathering of intelligence for military, political, forensic, clinical and UFO Disclosure applications. has also reported how Vancouver-based investigative research studying the detection of secret messages encrypted backwards within the human voice fulfills legacy demands from the scientific community for an advanced technique of UFO witness interrogation. Eminent researcher and US government UFO scientist Dr. J. Allen Hynek wrote in his book The UFO Experience – A Scientific Inquiry how “[The 1960’s US Air Force Project] Blue Book was a “cover-up” to the extent that the assigned problem was glossed over for one reason or another. In my many years association with Blue Book, I do not recall ever one serious discussion of methodology, of improving the process of data gathering or of techniques of comprehensive interrogation of witnesses.”

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