Identical UFO Photographed in Argentina and France!

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

Ricardo Cordeiro and his UFO photos taken at Castelar, Argentina similar to that of Jacques Layrac taken in France!




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jacques ufo


Above photo taken by Jacques Layrac to the Lot-et-Garonne, France, October 1, 2011.

Many thanks to Ricardo Cordeiro in Argentina who has his email address information in Spanish language with the French translation in a row, with his picture attached to, below. Correction: It’s good to Jacques, but Layrac is the city in France, where Jacques took his picture and photos of UFOs … Photo of Ricardo Cordeiro is above. Photo by Ricardo Cordeiro in Castelar, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 20, 2011 at 11 am … 26 The picture is similar, UFO, made ??by Jacques Layrac to France, October 1, 2011. In the same month of October, year 2011 !…. It may be noted that Jacques Layrac to France, and Ricardo in Castelar, Argentina, part of the same process where the sky to monitor carefully their géographyque sector is very profitable! … “.

Translation into French, “Google”

” Dear Mr.  Cristian  Mace, my name is Ricardo  Cordeiro, I live in Argentina and I am responsible for the Dervish blog – Wandering devoted to images of UFOs and anomalies strange in the sky. I have to admit that he knew his job and I congratulate him for that. Watching her blog , I found a photo of a UFO , I think he is a man named Jacques  Layrac , the picture looked familiar , like to see the object is very similar to a photograph taken by me , also in October and I think this is another important case of ufology  compared . I send you this picture and I apologize for not being able to write in your language , you sent a translation the translator and take this opportunity to send a friendly hello . Ricardo  Cordeiro. “

Watch Jacques Layrac’s UFO video and compare: click here.

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