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Identity in Exopolitical Mediation: Exopolitics Applied


By Cyrellys Geibhendach


When we work within the context of Exopolitical Mediation one of the subjects which presents itself for our attention is that of Identity.  Identity is applicable to two different venues within exopolitical mediation.  One venue being that of individuals within the covertly operating contact control structure and the other venue being in regards to extra-terrestrial contact or interaction under the currently theoretical scientific heading of astrobiology or the alternative paradigm field of Exopolitics.  The first venue addresses the question of identity with its associated issues to the individuals whether they are whistle-blowers, sanctioned operatives, or outside of the established contact control structure (CCS) as contactees or abductees, all of whom hold multiple identities out of necessity.  The second pertains directly in relation to the extraterrestrials themselves and enters the realms of inter-specie and intercultural exchanges which back-feed into humanity’s diverse identity construction and characteristics. 

For the purpose of this examination, I will not be presenting information in a context to prove to observers that extraterrestrial contact has occurred.  This context is outside the scope of this work and would detract from the study of identity as it pertains to exopolitical mediation which operates within the context of Contact as a historical fact; hidden in plain view beneath an uninformed publics’ operative conscious awareness.  This work is proceeding beyond the need for proving this paradigm to its readers.  It is this author’s recommendation for anyone requiring contextual support in understanding the existence of Contact to refer to the work of Dr Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute[1], Steven Bassett of Paradigm Research Group[2], Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project[3], and Larry W. Bryant one of the leading ufological specialists in FOIA pursuit and operator of Washington DC office of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)[4].

Identity is about delineating relations and interrelations.  It is a way to identify sameness and differences which allow us to better understand ourselves and other individuals or groups in our experience.  It is this need to understand and have certainty about our relationships that drives the creation, recognition and uses of identity. 

In exopolitical mediation we engage with identities which are not operating in mainstream society to the degree that the community of humanity understands their relation with or to them.  This relationship is not defined by society but rather by the individuals or groups from which they originate.  So in exopolitical mediation it can be said that the mediator is working with individual and group identity forms.

The Insiders

The majority of the current work exopolitical mediation engages involves insiders to the Contact paradigm.  Insiders is defined as an individual or group who is involved to some degree with extraterrestrial contact or the peripheral of the control structure.  There are two forms of insider.  One is a non-organized form who is a member of the public and has no ties to an official or organized contact engaging structure.  This form encompasses the Contactee and the Abductee.  The difference between the two being whether contact is perceived as a positive or negative experience involving willing or unwilling engagement.  The second of the two forms is participatory in an organized contact control structure and can involve anyone who is a member or peripheral experiencer of that structure (CCS Insider).

When we discuss the subject of identity we are looking at key questions which grant us understanding of relationship on the personal, social, and institutional levels.  A personal level is defined as how an individual sees itself and how others see it.  A social level is defined as how elements of society see or relate to individuals or groups in a group context such as culture or more defined context such as skilled professional.  An institutional level would refer to the ability of a organized structure such as a state, governmental, or corporate organization to influence or play a defining role in identity which can be seen in categorization of cultures, biological identity, and social group identities into organized identity tools such as identification documentation, group management, or exploitation processes.

Some of the key questions we look at in exopolitical mediation is:

  1. What is individual or group identity association source?
  2. What is individual or group identity association pattern in a societal context?
  3. What personal identity categories are in use and which ones are we interacting with?
  4. What purpose is involved in the utilization of dominant identity form? Or influence of passive forms?
  5. How long has the engaged identities been in use?
  6. What indicators are apparent that depict an individual or group nature or emotional composition?
  7. What social, cultural, stereotypical, and biological constructs went into creating the present forms of identity in the subject individual or group
  8. How has societal naivety played upon and affected this identity construct and maintenance.
  9. What are the appropriate categorical activities, behavior, and traits of the dominant or passive identity forms.
  10.   Are an insider’s identity categories different from mainstream societal individuals and if so in what ways?
  11.   How has an insider’s identity been maintained and how has it evolved over the individual’s experience within the contact paradigm?
  12.   How has an individual or group utilized its natural capability to challenge, modify, or ignore expected types of paradigm identity and pre-defined behavior parameters?
  13.  How binding is identity roles for this individual or group and in what way?
  14.  What mistakes about the construction or context of identity by groups or individuals, both inside and outside of the Contact Paradigm, express an influence upon the dominant and passive forms of identity present?
  15.  What are the contextual meanings and values involved in paradigm identities?  How do these differ from open societies viewpoint or perceptions to the insider group and individualistic viewpoints or perceptions?

An interesting exploration could be made of investigating how identity construction and perceptions affect individual and group experiences.  How do the influences involved in identity characteristics affect performance or human potential?  Due to the influence of institutional and societal mandated secrecy, an insider’s social resources are highly limited.  How are the concepts involving access to social resources imparting different meanings upon the multidimensional nature of identity on both individual and group levels? 

Both society and paradigm institutions have created stigmas and derogatory cultural meanings to justify social exclusions and treatments having profound effects on the characteristics that contribute to identity constructions.  It is pertinent to be concerned with theses meanings to understand the causes of self-modification of identity which differ from social definitions of identity characteristics.  It is also of importance to examine the relativity and relational variances involved in each level of meaning.  Because derogatory meanings can impart relativity, it may be difficult to provide a basis for collective identity on the social or societal perceptional level where definitions of positive or negative, ethical or unethical are sought to be applied.

Another influence upon paradigm identities is shared and contested ideas about the necessities of life which change or control the parameters of individual and group identity.  These ideas have a profound influence upon capabilities, opportunities, and engagements of individual participants and others in their group or even on a wider context.  This affects behavior both inside and outside of the Contact Paradigm on issues of structural or individual operation (behavior), Communication, and Disclosure. 

(The definition in exopolitical mediation of Communication is different from Disclosure in that, it entails communicative exchanges on personal and group levels which do not include paradigm proof.  Communication operates beyond Disclosure under a supposition in which the Contact Paradigm is an existential fact complete with its own history, purposes, and range of effects on both an aware population and a separate unaware population.  Disclosure ostensibly includes some form of belief-influencing or conceptual modifying proof of paradigm because it in contrast operates under the belief that a specific someone or group who is uninformed is influential enough and trustworthy enough to paradigm structures and stability to warrant a ‘need to know’ classification.)

Identities for insiders are a means to an end where individuals seek existential certainties in an uncertain world.  Fear is a powerful influence on the construction of identity and the operational parameters for that identity as well as whether the identity in question is dominant or passive in its utilization. 

For individuals within the CCS, identities can be temporary and fluid where they continually experience modification to integrate with perceived needs in social or operational categories.  Modern technologies and the digitalization of identity data allows a unique flexibility for institutional identity modification which has never before been possible.  Data can be modified, deleted or created based on perceived need across many societal venues at a rapid pace.  It can supersede social perceptions of reality and accreditation or it can contribute to discreditation and a return to a zenith which is 9/10ths below the surface of human awareness.  Human health professionals would undoubtedly find this capacity for and ability or practice of rapid identity transformation of keen interest when seeking to understand human health and welfare.  An anthropological professional would find it of keen interest in terms of being an example of the human capacity for social, cultural, and environmental adaptation.


Both as individuals and through collective action it is possible to redefine and reconstruct our identities. We can negotiate and interpret the roles we adopt. Through collective action it is also possible to influence the social structures which constrain us, but there are clearly restrictions and limits. The scripts of our everyday interactions are already written and at the wider level structures are deeply embedded in contemporary culture, economy and society. Identity formation continues to illustrate the interrelationship between structure and agency. ~ Quote “Questions about Identity”, Open Learn University unit


The exopolitical mediator must pay close attention to relevant identity descriptions, as well as other supporting or diverse associative descriptions.  The exopolitical mediator is always examining the identity representation in terms of accuracy, integrity, and operational parameters on individual and group levels.  For this reason it is markedly important to keep watch on situational context which affects identity and paradigm ensconced behavior.  This situational context will modify or change in mediation participants, the definition of stable and flexible features of identity.

Identities are also constructed in relation to place (situational context), difference is unequally weighted and creates categories of outsiders. ~ Quote “Questions about Identity”, Open Learn University unit

The Extraterrestrials and Ultraterrestrials

For the purpose of this examination of identity relating to non-terrestrials, whether human or non-human type, I will offer this brief description of the difference between extra-terrestrial (ET) and ultra-terrestrial (UT) in terms of current exopolitical usage.  Extra-terrestrial refers to a corporal or physically located individual or group of persons not specifically of the classically perceived Earth population of humanity.  An ultra-terrestrial refers to a non-corporal entity which whether through type or evolution exists in a non-physical form when involving themselves in our interactive planetary paradigm.  Theoretically, the same questions of identity would apply to either of these collective groups and all subcategories possible within them. 

Exopolitical mediation’s regard of identity in relation to ETs & UTs begins with the applicability of our preconditioned ideas, parameters, or assumptions involving identity definitions and construction processes which we utilize or apply to ourselves.  In terms of applicability the very nature of biological difference is capable of supplanting or dominating certain possible influences on identity.  A distinct example of this would be in question of gender.  A specie which is not gender specific would not be influenced by the same defining categories or details influencing construction of identity and our human perception of gender-appropriate roles would not apply.

Another distinct influence on our own inter-specie relational perception and an ET or UT perception of identity would once again, be shared and contested ideas about the necessities of life which change or control the parameters of individual and group identity.  Specie other than an Earth Human will have undoubtedly different views or concepts about their own necessities of life.  How they societally or individually attend to or act upon those necessities may be predisposed to differences from choices which we in an attempt to empathize, might make when perceptionally placing ourselves in their shoes psycho-experimentally.   The influences upon another specie may not be discernable to us since differences in biology, origin, local, and socio-cultural nuances among other possibilities will afford a consequential inability to fully discern all influences and their effects, especially when human experience is still collectively small and its interactive activities which add to and improve collective understanding is severely limited through a broken or dysfunctional management paradigm.

When examining the identity of ETs & UTs we are looking at some of the following questions and concepts:

  1. Applicability.  i.e. Is an extraterrestrial even aware of defined identity as a concept?  Is it individual or hive?  Is the nature physical, social, cultural or spiritual? How many or which of these terms apply?
  2. Definitions of shared and contested ideas about the necessities life as pertain to this specific specie or on a wider Greater Community scale (collective).
  3. Depth of form or hierarchy of categories involved in identity
  4. Degrees of influence in applicable forms or categories: Biological identity, social identity, institutional identity, cultural identity or other commonly less specified or stereotypically unlikely specified forms.  i.e. spiritual or sensory
  5. Degree of interactive influence.
  6. Individual and collective investments in identity….value, tolerances, & flexibility…
  7. How much constraint is exercised in ET or UT social structures and how much agency is involved in shaping the identities of an interacting specie?

The unknown features of identity for which we have no human context available or unknown roles of identity, again, no human context available, or unknown choices as categories contribute to identity.  We need to be aware of what we might describe as our inability to be aware of the self by which an extraterrestrial might live.

The importance of the degree of interactive influence pertains to the mutual exchange which occurs when two species meet or interact.  There is always something received by both parties.  There is a cross pollination in effect.  The question is to what degree of influence it occurs or is allowed to influence.  Mutual awareness is an example of an absolute.  But what other absolutes, intermittent, or flexible influences exist in an exchange and how does it affect how an individual treats identity?  Or reacts to personal or interpersonal identity relationships?  How are personal identity perceptions and external identity perceptions influenced or affected on both interacting specie?

For example.  A human individual’s perception of self alters when a human interacts with horses.  A human individual’s defined identity alters with perceptions, reactions to and expressions of identity made by others toward them or perceived by them.  Ideas about competency, human nature, and physical ability are modified and applied as constructs which help to rewrite an individual or groups identity when experience with horses is engaged.  A person becomes ‘skilled’.  A person become capable of exercising ‘empathy’.  A group becomes defined by a dominant activity in their human experience.  A person or group’s perception of the definition of communication and sentience becomes permanently altered due to an ability to engage in duality or shared terms of existence, physical control, safety, or the necessities of life.

It would be expected that a similar modification or exchange would occur during instances of contact or especially experiences involving environmental, cultural, and contextual immersion.  An area of examination in relation to this would be each involved specie’s actions, efforts, and results in coping with change.

It is understood that identity is particularly useful as a concept for depicting the ability to cope with change and uncertainty, as well as the opportunities which arise from encounters with diversity.  The nature of identities is, at the very least in human applications, fluid and self-modifying or continually changing in reaction or adaptation to needs and uncertainties.  Again applicability would cause us to ask if this is appropriate for an ET or UT individual or group.

An investigation into identity, especially in changing times, raises issues about different relationships and tensions between the personal and the social, structure and agency, conscious and unconscious factors and between sameness and difference. Whilst structures may be very influential in shaping our identities there are always uncertainties and changes which often take place through agency, either that of individuals or collectively through groups of people. Uncertainties can lead to confusion, but change can also create diversity and new opportunities for us to shape our identities. Identity is a dynamic concept that has considerable significance within the social sciences and in our everyday lives. ~ Quote “Questions about Identity”, Open Learn University unit

A peculiar and particularly ancient voice from humanity’s past gave us a potentially useful insight into change, our relationship with the Universe, and its bearing on our collective identity.  This voice speaks to us of sameness and differences and of the deepest human value and context.  He addressed our definitions, our reactions, our expressions, our participation, our interpretations and our allowances for change….the balancing act….and the dynamics of spirit.  Marcus Aurelius in his personal dialog titled “To Himself” offered this: 

Constantly regard the Universe as one living being having one substance and one soul and observe how all things have reference to one perception the perception of this one living being and how all things act with one living movement and how all things are the cooperative causes of all things which exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web; Thou art a little soul bearing about a corpse…it is no evil for things to undergo change and no good for things to subsist in consequence of change.  Time is like a river made up of the events which happened in the violent stream for as soon as a thing has been seen it is carried away and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too. ~ Marcus Aurelius, To Himself.

We apply this wisdom as we strive to identify with a group of Others….collective identification…how we traverse our initial collective identity through planetary social changes when we join the Greater Community and craft a new link with its own meaning that pertains to us and our relationship.  Terminology can illustrate the dynamic processes of shaping, & forming; of transforming identities.  Our identities change all the time here on this world….change in identity is not new on this world.  Human kind is fussy and experimentive when it comes to terms of identity as seen in evolution of terms and meaning of terms.  Humanity is in many ways highly adaptable, always seeking new methods of adapting, and with a penchant for embracing new opportunity.

Reference Notes & Bibliography

[1] Exopolitics Institute PO Box 2199, Kealakekua, Hawaii, 96750, USA   The Exopolitics Institute is a501 (c) (3) non-profiteducational organization dedicated to the study, promotion and support of exopolitics. Exopolitics is defined as an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.

[2] Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814

[3] Disclosure Project, PO Box 265, Crozet VA 22932, USA   a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret

[4] Larry W Bryant UFOView, 3518 Martha Custis Drive, Alexandria, VA  22302,

[5] The Open University – Open Learn, Great Britain.  An online pubic access educational opportunity offered free of charge to participants in the form of interactive subject and topic units.



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