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Immersion in the Egyptian Mysteries

Immersion in the Egyptian Mysteries Featuring Sharron Rose and  the Sacred Mysteries  Ritual Performance Ensemble

I would like to invite all of you who have expressed interest in my work in reconstructing the music, dance and ceremony of the Temples of ancient Egypt to to join us for the debut of the Sacred Mysteries Ritual Performance Ensemble. I was asked by Karen at the meditation site <> to create a guided meditative journey for Global Oneness Day and so I created an hour long video transmission. Below is a description of the meditative journey and information on how to participate. As far as the focus of the meditation is concerned, it has become clear to me that in this time of shifting frequencies we need to journey beyond the fears, distractions and confusion tht tends to dominate our day to day reality and discover the innate intelligence of the heart, the pristine place of gnosis and wisdom that exists in each and every one of us. .

The purification of the heart (AB) and subtle bodies (KA) that we all perform will be of a cathartic Shamanic nature providing the opportunity as the Egyptians say, to “wash the heart”, release our suffering, pierce the veil, and experience the beauty, grace and majesty of who we really are.

In a similar vein, we have also put up a new article, Isis and the Tree of Life, Reflections on the Galactic Alignment, the Sacred Science of the Ancients and the Kabbalistic Path of Return. <> .

I look forward to singing, dancing and journeying with you.

Many Blessings,

Sharron Rose

For more information of the ritual and other sacred things click here.

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