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Recently on my radio show, I interviewed Mexican paranormalist and talk show host, Carlos del Angel, wherein he described a personal inner journey which resulted in receiving some very specific information regarding the next fifteen years of humanity’s struggle to throw off the “new world order. The information came, as Carlos describes, from an entity identified as his own “future self”.

Future man graphic by Randy Maugans

As outrageous as this concept sounds on first hearing it, I felt it to be compelling and not at all out of the realm of inquiry into UFOlogy and paranormal experience. I had heard this concept before from other contactees, abductees, and near death experiencers. It is a concept that breaks many of the boundaries of our present religious, scientific and metaphysical boundaries—and as such demands a bit more examination

A Brief History of Non-time

The concept of multi-dimensional existence is relatively new in the awareness of most researchers of esoteric and paranormal research. That “being-ness” can extend, simultaneously, across multiple dimensions, worlds, and life times is a challenge to the fundamental world views of most humans, largely because of the flat space, 3-dimensional entrainment of our major social systems. Now, because these foundations of politics, religion, education, and media, are straining from the weight of their own limitations, we are seeing a groundswell of humans willing to begin embracing more extended views of their own “realities”.


Ancient cultures and religions, such as Hinduism, have presented veiled versions of multi-dimensionalism via doctrines of reincarnation and cycles of karmic balancing, but have obscured the larger concept of a multi-dimensional existence which occurs simultaneously outside the confines of a presumed space-time continuum. While the modern concepts of quantum physics, such as David Bohm’s “implicate order”or1 enfolded information fields, which exist independently of space and time; gave scientific (so-called) weight to such previously esoteric concepts; it still differentiates between “normal” states of consciousness (the explicit or “unfolded order”) and a separate “special” state, bifurcating accepted cognitive models of so called “reality”.

The level of fractiousness which has pervaded modern science in the era of the quantum model is, to say the least, extensive. Abstract mathematics based on a system of both real and imaginary numbers has spawned numerous sub-disciplines in physics and theoretical mathematics. The contemplation of such concepts, by nature, becomes wildly imaginative, and “in your face” to the horror of traditional scholars. To the average person, the concepts become too complex and subject to the constant churning of advocates and debunkers. To that end, simpler is better.

For example, in Christian theology, the frank statements made by Jesus regarding this nature of existence have been obfuscated through a mixture of linguistics and cognitive dissonance. Thus his declaration: “… Before Abraham Was, I Am” (New Testament, John 8:58) has to be explained out of its intended meaning and context by all manner of religious manipulations. But it is a simple declaration of the eternality of not just consciousness, but being-ness. The statement made to Moses by the “Burning Bush” declared, “I AM THAT IAM”, both as a fundamental existence and identity; and echoed in the Sanskrit Upanishads as soham or “I am He/That”. A statement of being-ness and causative action.

In recent times, British biochemist and researcher, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field theories2 built upon the earlier twentieth century concepts of Verdansky and du Chardin’s noosphere.3 And, again, linguistics and manipulation of cognition, confound the intuitive grasp of expansive consciousness beyond flat space. But the practicum of such concepts can be readily found in the Old Testament Prophets, Nostradamus, and the latter day works of Edgar Cayce, to name a few.

Consciousness, hence, being-ness, extends beyond the stream of linear, three dimensional existence. The connection appears to be a mode of consciousness that engages the information fields streaming between all points of an infinite matrix which seamlessly fuses past, present, and future. Because of the diffusion that occurs on the perceptual levels of humans, these simple concepts inevitably become complex and lose the intuitive feel of such simplicity.

In the post-World War II period “security states” of western Europe and the United States, military and intelligence agencies began looking for an “edge” in their endless intelligence/counter-intelligence efforts via protocols called “remote viewing” (RV), or psychic spying. Named as such by Stanford Research Institute scientists, Hal Putoff and Russell Targ,4 the project was an informal study which later spun off into a classified intelligence program in 1972 after psychic Ingo Swann was tested at SRI. The program ran for seven years, and was later expanded by both the Air Force and Army. A parallel project named PEAR (Princeton Engineering and Anomaly Research) ran overlapping research into RV and psychic phenomena from 1979 to 2007.

While all the “official” conclusions stemming from SRI, PEAR, and the military projects have concluded that RV and ancillary studies were effectively “non-productive”, tens of millions of dollars in research was expended over nearly forty years, and Army remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle,5 was awarded a military Legion of Honor commendation for “producing crucial and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source…” of over 150 data points. Thus, such dismissive conclusions should be viewed in light of the policy of “plausible deniability” for security purposes.

What is called RV is actually part of many ancient cultures, including Native American peoples, the shaman of South America and aboriginal Australia. It is even recorded in the Old Testament scriptures, whereby the prophet Elisha used RV to spy on the king of Syria, even “in his bedchamber”, to disclose military tactics to the king of Israel (see Old Testament, 2 Kings 6:8-12). RV is simply a modern term and protocol for very old and accepted methods of extended consciousness outside the constraints of the body and space-time models.

If one can cede even minor legitimacy to remote viewing, then by extension we can go the the next level which understands that consciousness extension is simply a matter of degrees in moving toward contact with a “higher intelligence” that is both part of, yet separate from the operator. Our consciousness, hence our being-ness has no limitations once we remove the barriers enforced by social, religious, and scientific dogma.

We Are Our Own Prophets

UFO contactees have been a treasure trove of information regarding extension of consciousness. Many have reported heightened psychic powers, dimensional shifts, future event foretelling, and very precise insights into scientific and mathematical concepts far beyond their own capacities. Stan Romanek, a dyslexic retail clerk with barely ninth grade education produced complex mathematical formulas6 that still puzzle experts. Peruvian contactee, Enrique Villaneuva, has written about his own contact-inspired expansion of consciousness and describes the natural telepathic process which he claims is inherent in all humans:

“The most important aspect of the contact [experience] is to expand consciousness and to realize that not only are we not alone in the universe, but we are not alone within…“7

Warnings about the now impending Earth changes have been part of the UFO research material for decades. Dr. Karla Turner8 recorded such data from interviews with abductees in the early 1990s, including warnings about earth changes. Contactees/abductees also seem to have various future views which they either received from aliens, or from their own extended psychic abilities. While the raw data is all over the map in terms of the projected probable outcomes, one point is clear: the human consciousness can “stream” between places, times, and events in the non- local universe.

Article continues tomorrow: Wednesday, May 14, 2014.



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