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Indiana motorists pull over after spotting triangle UFO

By Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

A group of Indiana motorists pulled over on December 27, 2010, after observing a silent, triangle UFO moving east at 2,000 feet, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

No town name is mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, filed on December 27, 2010, but the reporting witness states that the object was seen while driving southbound along Cleveland Avenue.

The witness reports lights on the craft.

“It was triangular in shape with two red lights on one side and a large glowing white orb in the center,” the witness stated.

The witness describes the object.

“The color of the craft was a white-grayish color. It looked like there was something on the back of it, or like the back was a square, but it was really hard to tell.”

The witness also reports two jets flying the area. The witness provided a sketch of the object, shown on this page, or look at the original download here.

Indiana is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating, with a high number of UFO sightings nationally. Indiana had 22 UFO sighting reports in November 2010 and 26 in October. 

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