
For the past 68 weeks I have written about little known personal accounts of UFO sightings here in New York State. The stories I have shared with you have covered sightings from 1790 through the 19th and 20th centuries to present day. I have written about UFO sighting reports that have happened right here in our state, in our counties, and near our home towns. Reported UFO sighting stories that the main stream press and media either refuses to report or has been told not to report.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

For over a year, I’ve told you about the nearly 2700 sightings in New York State since the year 2000 through 2013. Most of you know there’s something more to all of this than the stupid notion that UFO sightings are made by our drunk, crazy, hallucinating neighbors.

Likewise I have illustrated that within North America, since the year 2000, there have been nearly 70,000 UFO sightings reported. That doesn’t begin to take into account the sightings that go unreported because people are afraid of being ridiculed.

People ask me all the time why the government won’t come clean about what it knows. Well it’s time to put our elected representative’s feet to the proverbial fire and tell them we want to know. Did you know that the last time the U.S. Congress conducted a hearing on extraterrestrial related phenomena was in 1968! It’s been nearly fifty years; I think we can all handle the truth!

On November 5, 2014, 538 video copies of the full record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) were shipped to all members of the United States Congress.

Shortly after these 10-DVD sets are received, Paradigm Research Group’s (PRG) registered lobbyist, Stephen Bassett, will renew direct engagement of the U. S. Congress for the first time since 2000, seeking new congressional hearings on extraterrestrial related phenomena.

This will be a concentrated three-month effort accompanied by substantial media coverage. If congressional hearings are held, it is quite likely the truth embargo on this topic will collapse.

You can help this initiative succeed. Here’s how. IMMEDIATELY begin sending tweets, Facebook posts and emails to members of Congress asking that they:

1. Review the DVD record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) and meet with PRG’s lobbyist Stephen Bassett to discuss the CHD

2. Tell your congress-person that you want congress to hold hearings, immediately for the scores of military/agency/political witnesses ready to testify under oath to events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

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