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As you read this article, please withdraw your attention from the outer-world chaos that is bombarding Humanity’s hearts and minds at this time. What we are witnessing in the media is being orchestrated by a few people’s fallen human egos. The human ego is a fear-based, fragmented aspect of Humanity’s consciousness that is doing everything it can to maintain control and to prevent us from manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Know that regardless of what may temporarily manifest in the outer world of illusion, any attempt to block our Ascension in the Light will fail. The tangible manifestation of the New Earth is our Divine Destiny and has already been accomplished in the Realms of Cause. The patterns of Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, and Transfiguring Divine Love associated with the New Earth are daily and hourly being magnetized into the world of effects by an Awakened Humanity.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want us to keep in perspective what is happening on Earth. They are asking us to be the solution and not the problem. If we just wring our hands and focus on the chaos, we empower the chaos. If we go within to the Divinity of our Hearts and empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and beliefs the patterns for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love and our newly Birthed Renaissance of Divine Love, we are the solution—As God In Action.

Remember, we are multidimensional Sons and Daughters of God and we function in various Realms and Dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth that we think is so real is actually the least real of all of the Dimensions we abide in. The physical plane of Earth is also the very last dimension to reflect the changes that are taking place in the Realms of Cause.

Even though there are powerful people trying to control what is taking place around the world, it is important for us to realize that these recalcitrant souls comprise a minuscule fraction of the 7,500,000,000 people existing on this Planet. Every single day at a grass roots level there are billions of people who in one way or another turn their attention to a Higher Power and invoke the Light of God into their life. These heartfelt invocations are always heard and they are always answered.

As you read the following Celestial Sharing about the wondrous events that have recently taken place through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, keep in mind…The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and YOU are that Light!


Your, YES, your I AM Presence was a critical part of the following events. Even if some of this information seems new to you, it is not. You have been preparing for lifetimes to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan. The Company of Heaven wants you to know that with the Divine Intervention of your I AM Presence, you succeeded God Victoriously.

The Annual World Congress on Illumination is an event that began with Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and has continued for 27 years. This sacred conclave is designed to fulfill the greatest need of the hour on behalf of Humanity and the Earth. Every year the Company of Heaven evaluates the Light that was added to the world by Humanity during the previous 12 months. Then these Beings of Light determined how that Light can be utilized to fulfill a Divine Mission that will most effectively help Humanity to move forward in the Light.

Once that decision is made from On High, the mission is revealed to those who have volunteered to organize the Annual World Congress on Illumination, and a clarion call goes out to Lightworkers around the world. A global event is planned and a collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness is created that forms a Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish that facet of the unfolding Divine Plan for Planet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her.

2013 is Year One of the New Earth. This year the Company of Heaven determined that the greatest need of the hour was for Awakened Humanity to assist our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity who are so buried in the effluvia of their painful life experiences that they cannot perceive their own Divinity. This predicament has prevented these precious souls from remembering who they are and from realizing the unprecedented moment they are living in. Without the knowledge of what is actually happening on Earth these people do not comprehend that they have the ability to transform their lives into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, even though that is their Divine Destiny.

In January of 2013, the plan for the 27th World Congress on Illumination was set into motion and dedicated Lightworkers from around the world responded. These precious souls volunteered to hold the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, so that he or she could raise the consciousness of that Son or Daughter of God into the highest level of Christ Consciousness that Cosmic Law would allow. In alignment with the Universal Laws of Free Will, that shift of consciousness could only be accomplished by each person’s I AM Presence working in harmony with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

The Opening Ceremonies for the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination began in Tucson, Arizona the evening of August 10, 2013. There were approximately 700 Lightworkers physically present from 38 states and 19 foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers from around the world joined with us in projected consciousness as well. During that activity, a Chalice of Light was created by unifying our Heart Flames. The Chalice was then expanded by the Company of Heaven until it cradled the entire Planet Earth. This was the Cup, the Holy Grail, through which the Light of God would flow throughout the week to accomplish this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan.

On August 11, 2013, we were told by the Company of Heaven that the first phase of this Divine Plan would involve a powerful healing of the Water Element. Eighty percent of Humanity’s physical bodies are composed of water, and eighty percent of the Earth is composed of water as well. The Water Element is associated with our Emotional Body, our emotions, and the Emotional Strata of Mother Earth. This is the vehicle that is most responsible for reflecting the pain and suffering we have created through the misuse of our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and beliefs. The unconscionable pollution Humanity has inflicted on the Water Element is obvious around the world. That pollution is actually a mirror image of the dire state Humanity’s emotions and our Emotional Bodies are in.

Throughout the day, we joined in consciousness with the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. Together we invoked the most powerful cleansing the Water Element and the Earth were capable of receiving. We were joined by Legions of Light from Suns, beyond Suns, beyond Suns who amplified our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. The Mighty Solar Elohim, who are the Builders of Form for the New Earth, and the Directors of the Water Element joined our efforts. As One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, we cocreated the sacred space for a wondrous 5th-Dimensional Activity of Light that will greatly accelerate the physical manifestation of the New Earth.

With a Fiat from the Solar Elohim, the Directors of the Water Element were given permission to call forth from the Core of Creation, 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Undines. Undines are the Divine Intelligence associated with the Water Element. These 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Undines are the most powerful Elemental Beings the Earth has ever experienced.

In a Divine Ceremony that was conducted by the Solar Elohim and the Directors of the Water Element, the Undines who have selflessly served Humanity in spite of the atrocities we have inflicted upon them, were blessed with a Changing of the Guard. These incredibly battered and wounded Undines who have been struggling so tenaciously to preserve the Water Element on Earth, were released from their Earthly responsibilities. They were escorted into the Realms of Light by Legions of Angels and taken into the Temples of Healing and Restoration where they will receive a well deserved respite.

When this facet of the Divine Ceremony was complete, the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Undines descended into the atmosphere and took command of the Water Element on Earth. These greatly empowered Solar Undines took their positions in all of the waters of the world, and within Humanity’s Emotional Bodies. The higher frequency of the Water Element is also flowing through Humanity’s Physical Bodies. This will help immensely with the Divine Alchemy of transforming our carbon-based planetary bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies.

During your meditations and your daily communion with the Water Element, send your Love and Gratitude to the Solar Undines and the new 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Water Element. In no time, you will confirm for yourself the tangible presence of these exquisite Elemental Beings who are serving you so selflessly.

On August 12, 2013, the Company of Heaven guided us through the next step of preparation. They revealed that the shift that took place the previous day, within the Emotional Bodies of Humanity and the Emotional Strata of Mother Earth, had cleared the way for the most powerful integration of the Feminine Polarity of our Mother God that Humanity had experienced to date. With the cooperation of every person’s I AM Presence, that powerful influx of the Divine Feminine flooded the Earth creating a quantum leap into the frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, and the Reverence for ALL Life associated with the New Earth. 

That powerful shift into the frequencies of our Mother God’s unfathomable Divine Love cleared the way for the restoration of the Divine Masculine. When Humanity tragically fell into the distorted consciousness of separation and duality we lost awareness of our Mother God and the Love Nature of the Divine Feminine. Instead of balancing our Father God’s Power with our Mother God’s Love as originally intended, we began abusing the Power of our Father God and the Divine Masculine. When we were in male bodies we abused our Power by being aggressive and domineering. But when we were in female bodies we abused our Power by suppressing it and allowing ourselves to be oppressed and dominated. To this very day, we can see evidence of this distorted Masculine Power in both men and women all over the world

On August 12th, the Company of Heaven said all was in readiness for the healing, the restoration, and the resurrection of the Divine Masculine. The Legions of Light who represent our Father God’s Power and the Divine Masculine throughout all Creation joined with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. Together we invoked the Light from the Heart of our Father God that would heal, restore, and resurrect the Divine Masculine within every person. Next we invoked the Light from the Heart of our Father God that would transmute the abuse of power and the miscreations of the fallen masculine energies associated with the old Earth.

With our sincere Heart Call, our Father God responded by flooding the Earth and all Life evolving on this Planet with the most intensified 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of The Circle of the Sacred Twelve that Humanity and the Earth could withstand. The Circle of the Sacred Twelve reverberates with the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity and ALL of the patterns of perfection existing in the Causal Body of God.

On August 13, 2013, after the God Victorious success of the previous three days, we were ready for the next phase of the Divine Plan. On this sacred and holy day, we were asked by the Company of Heaven to conduct the most intensified cleansing and purging the Earth had ever experienced. With the assistance of Saint Germain, his myriad Legions of the Violet Fire, and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, we invoked new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame from the very Core of Creation. This Sacred Fire was the most powerful Violet Flame that Humanity or the Earth had ever received. It blazed in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth and into the spaces in-between the particles and waves for 24 hours. This Violet Flame cleansed and purged Humanity’s miscreations the maximum that Cosmic Law would allow.

This incredible 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame reflects the perfect balance of our Father God’s Blue Flame of Divine Power and our Mother God’s Pink Flame of Divine Love. This Violet Flame will be the predominant influence on the Planet for the next 2,000 years. The Violet Flame is associated with the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity, which will bathe the Earth and all her Life as we move through the Age of Aquarius.

With the Birth of the New Earth and the unprecedented Activities of Light that have been God Victoriously accomplished so far in 2013, including the events of the 27th World Congress on Illumination, the Piscean Age was brought to fruition and the Age of Aquarius expanded its influence taking full dominion of this precious Planet and all her Life for the next 2,000 years.

On August 14, 2013, we completed the final steps of preparation before the shift of consciousness that would change the course of history on Planet Earth. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene escorted us in projected consciousness into their Temple of Healing and the Immaculate Concept in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Through a powerful activity of Light the I AM Presence of every person assisted Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene to raise the frequency of vibration of his or her physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into the highest possible frequency of vibration. This was the last step of preparation before the influx of Divine Consciousness that would flow through each one’s I AM Presence the following Day.

August 15, 2013, is the Day Celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. It has always been a day when the Path of Divine Love, which is associated with the Divine Feminine, Christ Consciousness, and the mission of Beloved Jesus and Mary Magdalene, is enhanced on Earth. On this day every year our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light who were the major players in the Piscean Age, Mother Mary, Joseph (who was one of the embodiments of Saint Germain), Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, flood the Planet with Christ Consciousness and Divine Love. This has been occurring annually for over 2,000 years in preparation for a time when Humanity en masse would be able to assimilate these frequencies from On High and shift into a Higher of Order of Being, thus returning to the state of Christ Consciousness and Divine Love we experienced before our fall from Grace.

Harmonic Convergence began on August 15, 1987 and continued through August 16-17, 1987. For the past 27 years on August 15th our Father-Mother God, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Jesus, and Mary Magdalene have intensified the frequencies of Christ Consciousness and the Path of Divine Love through the hearts and minds of every person on Earth. This was an act of unprecedented Divine Intervention that was initiated with the Divine Intent of preparing Humanity en masse for the 2nd coming of the Christ. This annual influx of Christ Consciousness and Divine Love has been responsible for the seemingly miraculous Awakening that has taken place within Humanity over the past few decades.

The Divine Plan was for a critical mass of Humanity to have reached an Awakened state of Christ Consciousness by the time we experienced the Shift of the Ages on December 21, 2012, and the Birth of the New Earth on December 22, 2012. The hope was that the victory of these two events would pave the way for the 2nd coming of The Christ within the hearts and minds of even the most recalcitrant and resistant souls on the Planet. The success of such an event would bring Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s mission for the Piscean Age to God Victorious fruition, and it would initiate the Age of Aquarius and the full momentum of the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity.

Jesus has told us for decades that in most instances the 2nd coming of the Christ has been grossly misunderstood. The 2nd coming of the Christ does not involve Jesus riding into the atmosphere of Earth from the Heavenly Realms on his white horse, followed by legions of soldiers who are wielding swords with the intent of slaying anyone who has not accepted Jesus as their personal savior.

The 2nd coming of the Christ does involve every Son and Daughter of God returning to Christ Consciousness. This was the level of consciousness we had prior to the fall, and it is the level of Divine Consciousness we must once again attain in order to complete our Ascension process. This is why Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness is referred to as the SECOND coming of the Christ.

By remembering that we are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and by reclaiming the Path of Divine Love that Jesus and Mary Magdalene modeled for us, Christ Consciousness is easily attainable. If with every thought, feeling, word, action, and belief we express, we live, move, breathe, and act with the profound Truth of Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, and Transfiguring Divine Love we will once again—Be The Christ Grown to Full Stature.

On August 15, 2013, the Company of Heaven revealed the following information. They said the Shift of Consciousness we had been preparing for throughout the 27th World Congress on Illumination would indeed result in the initial impulse of the 2nd coming of the Christ for the masses of Humanity. They revealed that an unprecedented Awakening had taken place over the past 27 years that resulted in literally hundreds of thousands of people returning to Christ Consciousness. That shift of consciousness allowed Humanity to reach the critical mass that was required in order for every man, woman, and child on Earth to successfully make it through the Shift of The Ages and the Birth of the New Earth.

Now with the incredible influxes of Light we have received and assimilated during this First Year of the New Earth, Humanity has reached another critical mass. The Company of Heaven said there were now enough people functioning in Christ Consciousness to hold the sacred space for the masses of Humanity to experience the initial impulse of the 2nd coming of the Christ on a personal level. They said this meant that through the I AM Presence of every, man, woman, and child on Earth even the most resistant and recalcitrant souls would be lifted into the initial impulse of the 2nd coming of the Christ.

With that sacred knowledge imparted to the Lightworkers gathered at the 27th World Congress on Illumination, the Divine Ceremonies that would victoriously accomplish that wondrous phase of the Divine Plan commenced…

 The Second Coming of The Christ

Our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, sounded a Keynote and the Celestial Tones of the Heavenly Realms began bathing the Earth and all her Life in frequencies of God’s Amazing Grace. This frequency of Divine Light reminded every person’s I AM Presence that within the embrace of God’s Divine Grace—ALL things are possible.

Next Beloved Mother Mary descended into the atmosphere of Earth leading a glorious procession of the Heavenly Beings who represent the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe. These powerful exponents of the Divine Feminine are representatives of our Mother God who reflect the full manifestation of Her Transfiguring Divine Love. Mother Mary directed these magnificent Beings of Light to traverse the Earth north, south, east, and west, and each one took her strategic position above a location on Earth where the Sons and Daughters of God abide.

Next the Beings of Light who have selflessly served Humanity since our fall from Grace descended into the atmosphere of Earth. These Messengers of God had awaited this Cosmic Moment for aeons of time. In a glorious procession of Light the Mighty Elohim took their places above the Earth. These august Beings were followed by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. Next came Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame. They were followed by the representatives of the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity who in regal splendor took their positions around the Earth. Next the Directors of the Elements and the Elemental Beings who will cocreate with Humanity the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, descended into the atmosphere and took their strategic positions at the cardinal points around the Planet.

In a final step of preparation, the I AM Presence of every, man, woman, and child came to the fore and took command of his or her physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. Once this was accomplished, every person’s I AM Presence stood in silence awaiting the initial impulse of the 2nd coming of the Christ and the greatest shift into Christ Consciousness that Cosmic Law would allow.

When all was in readiness, our Father-Mother God sounded another Keynote. This Cosmic Tone reverberated through all Creation signaling the return of Christ Consciousness to the masses of Humanity on Planet Earth. Beings of Light throughout the Cosmos acknowledged the Cosmic Moment unfolding on Earth and projected their Love through the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God.

As this collective forcefield of Divine Love from throughout the Cosmos bathed every particle and wave of Life on Earth, our Father-Mother God invoked from the Great, Great, Silence the Avatars of the Piscean Age. These were the Precious Beings who had accepted the responsibility of initiating the shift of consciousness that would result in the 2nd coming of the Christ within the heart and mind of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth.

In response to our Father-Mother God’s Invocation, the Avatars of the Piscean Age, Beloved Jesus and Mary Magdalene, came forth from the Great, Great, Silence where they had been preparing for this Cosmic Moment. These Beloved Twin Flames descended into the atmosphere and expanded their Luminous Presence to envelope the entire Planet Earth. As Jesus and Mary Magdalene cradled the Earth and all Life evolving upon her in the Divinity of their Heart Flames, Humanity, the Angelic Kingdom serving the Earth at this time, and the Elemental Kingdom were flooded with frequencies of Christ Consciousness and Divine Love from Jesus and Mary Magdalene beyond anything we had ever experienced.

Then, as ALL of Heaven stood in readiness, Beloved Jesus and Mary Magdalene breathed into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth the frequency of Christ Consciousness that would initiate, or enhance, the 2nd coming of the Christ within each One. This shift of consciousness occurred through every person’s I AM Presence regardless of how aware or unaware the person might have been on a conscious level.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene want us to understand that this unprecedented Gift of Divine Grace took place within the heart and mind of every single person on the Planet through his or her I AM Presence. This is true regardless of how asleep or how Awake the person may have been, or how high he or she may have already Ascended into Christ Consciousness. In other words, every man, woman, and child on Earth is now functioning with a higher level of Christ Consciousness than prior to the 2nd coming of the Christ that was God Victoriously accomplished on August 15, 2013.

Beloved Jesus and Mary Magdalene have volunteered to continue cradling the Earth and Humanity in their Heart Flames until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are tangibly manifest and every person on this Planet is functioning within their full Divine Potential of Christ Consciousness.

Usually major shifts of consciousness are not immediately obvious to our outer-minds. In most cases, the awareness of such a monumental shift of consciousness takes place gradually. To help you become more aware of what has occurred within your heart and mind, pay attention and stay focused. With every single thing you are presented with each day say to yourself:

 “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. In this higher level of Christ Consciousness I see with new eyes and hear with new ears. I respond to every person, place, condition, or thing with Divine Love. I easily perceive viable solutions that will result in the highest good for all concerned.”

As you move through your daily experiences affirming this profound Truth, you will be amazed by the new ideas, the loving ways of responding, and the viable solutions your I AM Presence reveals to you. As this new level of Christ Consciousness filters into your heart and mind, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that something wonderful has happened to you. Day by day you will be lifted into a higher sense of Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, and Joy than you ever dreamed possible.

You are a very bright Light on this Planet. You are the Open Door that no one can shut. You are the Light of the world and your time is NOW!

 Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


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