by Alfred Lambremont Webre
A second independent video and news report emerged today on January 30, 2011 confirming the authenticity of the UFO orb over Mount Zion and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem at 1 AM on the morning of January 28, 2011.
On January 28, 2011 at 1 AM, a UFO orb appeared over the Mount Zion and the Dome of the Rock-Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A video of the UFO orb states, “Two men capture a film of what might be one of the most interesting UFO clips ever caught.
“Witnesses noticed the large oval shaped UFO suspended on the night skyline. At about one minute into the clip the UFO descends almost to ground level directly over the Dome of the Rock-Temple Mount. The oval UFO hovers there for a short while, flashes lights into surrounding buildings then shoots upwards at an incredible speed. Witnesses were totally taken back and amazed at what they had just seen.”
View both independent videos of Dome of the Rock UFO orb side by side
To view a video with both independent videos of the Dome of the Rock Video seen one over the other, please click this URL:
One UFO specialist in UFO orbs after viewing this video wrote the following to this reporter, “Presumably you noted the lights on the Mothership near the end of the second video.”