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Is Upcoming “Citizen’s Hearing” an ET Coverup and more?


Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO/ET “expert” witness omits reference to Obama’s Mars ET threat assessment & teleportation. Upcoming ‘Citizen’s Hearing’ is an ET coverup and disclosure fraud.

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd 

VANCOUVER, BC – Canadian Grant Cameron, director of the Website, has intentionally omitted any reference on the U.S. Presidential website to U. S. President Barack H. Obama’s three-month Mars extraterrestrial training in the summer of 1980, despite the public testimony by three independent witnesses whom this reporter has interviewed that Mr. Obama did in fact participate in this training.  Whistleblowers Andrew D. Basiago, William Brett Stillings and Bernard Mendez have all given detailed, independent, and consistent testimony regarding their participation with Mr. Obama in the 1980s CIA Mars jump room program.

Obama’s 1980 Mars threat assessment

Cameron’s webpage on President Barack Obama contains sixteen (16) articles, none of them dealing with Obama’s intensive briefings on the Martian extraterrestrial civilization and reported teleportation visits to the U.S. secret facilities on Mars. This reporter has now interviewed a total of four independent whistleblowers that have been to U.S. secret facilities on Mars including, Mr. Basiago, Mr. Stillings, Arthur Neumann and Michael Relfe.

Andrew D. Basiago was Mr. Obama’s roommate during a specialized Mars extraterrestrial training that Obama, Mr. Basiago, and Regina Dugan, formerly director of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency undertook in the summer of 1980.   Mr. Obama, Ms. Dugan and Mr. Basiago were each given a copy of the classified U.S. government’s threat assessment of the Martian extraterrestrial civilization to review and individually asked to write a report on whether each respectively thought the Martian civilization was a threat to Earth.

 Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have each testified in detail how they encountered Mr. Obama on the surface of Mars during various teleportation experiences as part of the 1980s CIA Mars jump room program. 

 Mr. Basiago, Mr. Stillings and Mr. Mendez have testified in detail as to their participation with Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama’s mother, CIA operative Stanley Ann Dunham, in a Mars training class in the summer of 1980 at the College of the Siskiyous near Weed, California.

Cameron is an expert ET witness at “Citizen Hearing”

Grant Cameron is scheduled as an “expert ET witness” at the “Citizen Hearing” planned for April 29 – May 3, 2013 at the National Press Club n Washington, DC.

 Grant Cameron’s intentional coverup of the U.S. President Barack Obama’s more than 30 year classified involvement with U.S-Martian extraterrestrial relations is symptomatic of the ET coverup and intentional disclosure fraud endemic in the “Citizen Hearing” and its organizers, including Stephen Bassett.

No “Citizen Hearing” witness scheduled as of this writing (March 26, 2013) has any eyewitness experience with the Martian extraterrestrial civilization.

“Citizen Heating” intentionally continues U.S.-Martian extraterrestrial coverup

The public effect of the “Citizen Hearing” will therefore be to continue the coverup regarding U.S. – Martian extraterrestrial relations as well as the coverup of long-time classified involvement of the sitting U.S. President Barack H. Obama with the Martian extraterrestrial civilization.

 The coverup of U.S.-Martian extraterrestrial relations is in furtherance of nationalistic purposes of the United States that are in contravention of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. These nationalistic U.S. purposes include the colonization of Mars by the United States for the purpose of claiming Mars and its mineral and strategic resources as a territory of the United States.


Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez, William Stillings | Chrononaut round table


Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via “jump room.”

Andrew D. Basiago, 50, a lawyer in Washington State who served in DARPA’s time travel program Project Pegasus in the 1970’s, and fellow chrononaut William B. Stillings, 44, who was tapped by the Mars program for his technical genius, have publicly confirmed that Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and that each later encountered Obama during visits to rudimentary U.S. facilities on Mars that took place from 1981 to 1983.

Their astonishing revelations provide a new dimension to the controversy surrounding President Obama’s background and pose the possibility that it is an elaborate ruse to conceal Obama’s participation as a young man in the U.S. secret space program.

Mars training class held for future Mars visitors

According to Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings, in Summer 1980 they attended a three-week factual seminar about Mars to prepare them for trips that were then later taken to Mars via teleportation. The course was taught by remote viewing pioneer Major Ed Dames, who was then serving as a scientific and technical intelligence officer for the U.S. Army.  It was held at The College of the Siskiyous, a small college near Mt. Shasta in California.

They state that ten teenagers were enrolled in the Mars training program.  In addition to Basiago and Stillings, two of the eight other teenagers in Major Dames’ class that they can identify today were Barack Obama, who was then using the name “Barry Soetoro,” and Regina Dugan, who Mr. Obama appointed the 19th director and first female director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2009.

As many as seven parents of the ten students, all with ties to the CIA, audited the class. They included Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who was the chief technical liaison between Parsons and the CIA on Tesla-based teleportation; Thomas Stillings, an operations analyst for the Lockheed Corporation who had served with the Office of Naval Intelligence; and Mr. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who carried out assignments for the CIA in Kenya and Indonesia.

From 1981 to 1983, the young attendees then went on to teleport to Mars via a “jump room” located in a building occupied by Hughes Aircraft at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, California, adjacent to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Obama identified as having visited Mars at least twice

Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have each issued public statements confirming that they both attended Mars training with Mr. Obama and later encountered him on Mars during separate visits.

On August 21, 2011, Mr. Basiago stated:  “Something highly significant has happened, and that is that two individuals from the same Mars training class in 1980 (Basiago and Stillings) have met and are comparing experiences and are able to corroborate not only that they were on the surface of Mars together but that before reaching Mars via jump room they were trained with a group of teenagers that included the current President of the United States (Obama) and director of DARPA (Dugan).”

Mr. Stillings’ statement, released at the same time, read:  “I can confirm that Andrew D. Basiago and Barack Obama (then using the name “Barry Soetoro”) were in my Mars training course in Summer 1980 and that during the time period 1981 to 1983, I encountered Andy, Courtney M. Hunt of the CIA, and other Americans on the surface of Mars after reaching Mars via the “jump room” in El Segundo, California.”

In a statement made Sept 20, 2011, Mr. Basiago confirmed Mr. Obama’s co-participation in the 1980 Mars training class, stating:  “Barry Soetoro, a student at Occidental College, was in my Mars training class under Major Ed Dames at The College of the Siskiyous in Weed, California in 1980. That fact has been corroborated by one of my other classmates, Brett Stillings. Two years later, when he was taller, thinner, more mature, a better listener, using the name ‘Barack Obama,’ and attending a different college, Columbia University, we crossed paths again in Los Angeles and I didn’t recognize him as the person that I had been trained with in the Mars program and encountered on the surface of Mars. In fact, doing so would have been virtually impossible in any case, because measures had been taken to block our later memories of Mars shortly after we completed our training in 1980.”

Mr. Basiago states that during one of his trips to Mars via “jump room” that took place from 1981 to 1983, he was sitting on a wall beneath an arching roof that covered one of the “jump room” facilities as he watched Mr. Obama walk back to the jump room from across the Martian terrain. When Mr. Obama walked past him and Mr. Basiago acknowledged him, Mr. Obama stated, with some sense of fatalism:  “Now we’re here!”

Mr. Stillings states that during one of his visits to Mars, he walked out of the “jump room” facility and encountered Mr. Obama standing beside the facility by himself staring vacantly into a ravine located adjacent to the facility. 

Mr. Basiago thinks that it is virtually certain that Ms. Dugan also went to Mars, because he once encountered her at the building in El Segundo where the “jump room” to Mars was located as he was entering the building to jump to Mars and she was exiting it. “I know you!” she said, greeting him as she passed him in the lobby of the building.

Strangers in a Strange Land

Basiago, Obama, Stillings, and Dugan went to Mars at a time when the U.S. presence on Mars was only just beginning but many had already gone.

Mr. Basiago states that in the early 1980’s, when they went, the U.S. facilities on Mars were rudimentary and resembled the construction phase of a rural mining project.    While there was some infrastructure supporting the jump rooms on Mars, there were no base-like buildings like the U.S. base on Mars first revealed publicly by Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean at the European Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, Spain in 2009.

The primitive conditions that they encountered on Mars might explain the high level of danger involved. Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings agree that Major Dames stated during their training class at The College of the Siskiyous in 1980:  “Of the 97,000 individuals that we have thus far sent to Mars, only 7,000 have survived there after five years.”

In light of these risks, prior to going to Mars, Mr. Basiago received additional training from Mr. Hunt. Hunt, a career CIA officer, showed Mr. Basiago how to operate the respiration device that he would wear only during his first jump to Mars in July 1981, provided him with a weapon to protect himself on Mars, and took him to the Lockheed facility in Burbank, California for training in avoiding predators on the Martian surface.

When they then first teleported to Mars in Summer 1981, the young Mars visitors confronted the situation that Major Dames had covered at length during the class the previous summer – that one of their principal concerns on Mars would be to avoid being devoured by one of the predator species on the Martian surface, some of which they would be able to evade, and some of which were impossible to evade if encountered. 

The Mars program was launched, Basiago and Stillings were told, to establish a defense regime protecting the Earth from threats from space and, by sending civilians, to establish a legal basis for the U.S. to assert a claim of territorial sovereignty over Mars.  In furtherance of these goals and the expectation that human beings from Earth would begin visiting Mars in greater numbers, their mission was to acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to their presence or, as Major Dames stated during their training near Mt. Shasta in 1980: “Simply put, your task is to be seen and not eaten.”

It is not known whether NASA-JPL, which is located in Pasadena, California, had a hand in selecting the young people for their dangerous interplanetary mission to Mars, but it is conspicuous that all four had Pasadena, California connections.

Mr. Basiago was the son of an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company, which is headquartered in Pasadena. Mr. Stillings was residing in La Canada, California, which is a suburb of Pasadena. Mr. Obama had just completed a year of undergraduate studies at Occidental College in Eagle Rock, California, near Pasadena. Ms. Dugan was attending the California Institute of Technology, which is located in Pasadena.

1980: U.S. secret Mars teleportation program and rudimentary facilities on Mars

The firsthand, eyewitness testimony of Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings as to the existence of a secret U.S. presence on Mars that is made possible by a revolutionary “jump room” technology that has been concealed from the public is congruent with similar accounts given by three other Mars whistle blowers:

(1) Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe, who spent 20 years as a member of the permanent security staff of a U.S. facility on Mars;

(2) Former Department of Defense (DoD) scientist Arthur Neumann, who has testified publicly that he teleported to a U.S. facility on Mars for DoD project meetings; and

(3) Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in 2007 refused a covert attempt to recruit her into what was described to her as a secret U.S. colony on Mars.

Mars researchers, including physicist David Wilcock, estimate that as a result of the “jump room” technology that Relfe, Basiago, Neumann, and Stillings have described, the U.S. colony on Mars that Eisenhower was invited to join might number 500,000 individuals.

Third whistle blower confirms Obama’s participation in CIA jump room program of early 1980’s

1980s CIA jump room program participants Bernard Mendez (left) and Andrew D. Basiago (right at microphone), with Alfred Lambremont Webre (center) moderating ExoUniversity seminar

Third whistle blower confirms Obama’s participation in CIA jump room program of early 1980’s

By Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, B.C. – A third whistle blower has confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was a participant in the CIA’s teleportation “jump room” program of the early 1980’s.

Bernard Mendez made this allegation during a seminar held in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 1st under the auspices of the B.C.-based

During the seminar, Mr. Mendez stated that he, Mr. Obama, former DARPA director Regina E. Dugan, Andrew D. Basiago, and William B. Stillings attended a jump room training class taught by Maj. Ed Dames at College of the Siskiyous in Summer 1980.

Bernard Mendez also stated that he teleported with Mr. Obama and Mr. Basiago in jumps that took place from 1981 to 1983, when Obama and Basiago were college students.

At the time, Mr. Mendez, who once served as a special assistant to President Richard M. Nixon, was investigating the jump room program for the US intelligence community.

On November 8, 2011, this reporter was the first to report revelations made by Basiago and Stillings that Obama served with them in the jump room program of the early 1980’s.

The two chrononauts then appeared on late night talk radio’s Coast-to-Coast AM with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great-granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, to discuss their involvement in the US secret space program.

Maj. Dames called the show to deny his involvement in the jump room program.

Then, in January 2012, through National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor, Mr. Obama also denied that he was part of the 1980-83 CIA jump room program. 

Mr. Mendez’ statements confirming the existence of the CIA’s jump room program and the roles played by Maj. Dames and Mr. Obama in it directly refute these denials.

Other jump room program participants identified by Mr. Mendez and Mr. Basiago, including Dugan [who is now an executive with Google], as well as a female program participant who is a member of a Presidential family, have neither confirmed nor denied their involvement in the CIA’s jump room program as of this writing.

Asked for comment on Obama’s silence in the face of confirmation of his participation by three jump room participants, Mr. Basiago stated, “President Obama campaigned for president pledging that his administration would be one of transparency.  He must now fulfill that promise and acknowledge that he served with us in the jump room program.”

1980-83 CIA jump room program

During the seminar, Mr. Mendez explained that his mission to evaluate the CIA’s jump room program originated from discrepancies being reported by the jump rooms on the U.S. east and west coasts, respectively. The east coast jump room was located in New York City, the west coast jump room in El Segundo, CA.

According to Mendez, the jump room technology had been transferred from a species of Grey extraterrestrials to the U.S. government. The west coast and east coast jump rooms were reporting up to 40 incidents of participant injuries per month occurring during jump room “teleportation” to unknown environments in space. Yet, several days after each teleportation jump, the reported injuries to participants had disappeared. 

Both the east coast and west coast CIA jump rooms experienced losing power at times when their control room in Ohio was reporting normal operation of both jump rooms.  The speculation was that the source of the jump room technology – Grey extraterrestrials – may have been covertly interfering with the functioning of the jump room teleportation technology, unbeknownst to control room operators in Ohio.

The U.S. government deployed Mr. Mendez, along with an evaluation team that included several prominent U.S. astronauts, to determine the causes of these discrepancies and determine the true destinations of the jump rooms.

Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings have confirmed that Mr. Mendez was both one of their fellow chrononauts taking jumps with them and a federal investigator whose primary function was investigating questions like where the jump rooms were going.

Synthetic Quantum Environments (SQEs)

Upon arriving at the jump room training class at College of the Siskiyous in 1980, Mr. Mendez debriefed Maj. Dames about his intelligence mission to evaluate the program. 

He then began a series of test jumps from the west coast jump room. On one such test jump he recalled teleporting with Mr. Obama and Mr. Basiago to a planetary environment in space that was initially thought might be the Mars they had been trained for.  Mr. Mendez recalls that when he had Mr. Obama shoot a flare at the sky, the flare bounced off a ceiling at about 62-foot in the sky, indicating that the three chrononauts had teleported to an artificial environment or domed enclosure of some kind.  The precise location of that enclosure was uncertain, and may have been either a dome on a celestial body, such as Mars, or a freestanding holographic creation in space.

Mr. Mendez determined after multiple jumps that the destination the jump rooms were reaching was not Mars.  Mars was out of position when most of the jumps took place. Its atmosphere was deficient in oxygen to sustain human life. Gravity on the surface was stronger than Mars’ gravity would have been. The temperature swings on Mars (from -175 F to +225 F) would have made surface visits not survivable. Mars’ lack of an ionosphere would have led to the irradiation of the jumpers.

He concluded that the jump rooms were actually taking the program participants to a “synthetic quantum environment” or SQE, a term invented by Mr. Basiago to describe a fold in the time-space continuum in which the Grey extraterrestrials have established an “artificial holographic planetary domain.”

During the seminar, Mr. Basiago stated:

“According to Bernard Mendez, the jump rooms were not visiting Mars but “folds” in time-space created by the Grey extraterrestrials that the Apollo astronauts called “slots.”

“These ‘slots’ or niches in time-space contain synthetic quantum environments in which the Greys have stored event scenarios that have taken place at different times on different planets, including Earth and Mars.”

The jump room program resulted, Mendez explained, from an ET-human liaison project involving the Greys and the US government, in which the young Americans involved were selected by the Greys and then trained by the CIA.

“This astonishing revelation means that President Barack Obama is a contactee selected by the Grey extraterrestrials to participate in the secret space program,” Mr. Basiago commented.

New land in time-space

According to Mr. Mendez, the US government has identified 153 “synthetic quantum environments” constructed by the Greys in the near Earth environment ranging 400 miles from Earth, on the surface of the Earth, and beneath the surface of the Earth.

Because they contained new land that might be territorially acquired, the US government was actively discovering and exploring these SQEs with a view to making them part of the United States.

Mr. Mendez was tasked to negotiate with the Greys as part of his evaluation mission. During the negotiations, the Greys indicated that the system of “synthetic quantum environments” had been built by them for purposes of conditioning and educating humanity to be able to sustain a future role among organized intelligent civilizations in space and in the inter-dimensional multi-verse.

A chrononaut’s contrary view

In a panel discussion sponsored by held on June 2nd that included all three whistle blowers – Mendez, Basiago, and Stillings, Mr. Stillings shared his view that the destination the jump rooms were reaching was, in fact, Mars.

Mr. Stillings argued that the Martian moons Phobos and Demos could be seen in their proper locations and trajectories in the sky and that jumper Courtney M. Hunt once stated that the Viking 2 apparatus was about 20 miles away from the jump room infrastructure that the jumpers called “the Corkscrew” because of its spiral structure. These clues indicated that the jumpers were on the real Mars and not a simulation.

NASA cannot be relied on to provide accurate data about Mars, Stillings stated, citing the space agency’s claim that atmospheric pressure on Mars is only eight millibars. Such an atmospheric pressure would not have been sufficient to sustain parachute deployment of the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity to the surface.

A cosmic-level disclosure event

Mr. Basiago, who has spearheaded efforts to have America’s chrononauts come forward and share their experiences with the public, called Mr. Mendez’ account “a cosmic-level disclosure event.”

For his part, Mr. Basiago thinks that both Mr. Mendez and Mr. Stillings may both hold a key to the truth.  He thinks that since the origins and operation of the jump rooms were unknown, they might have sometimes been taking the jumpers to Mars, but at other times were being diverted by the Greys to synthetic quantum environments where human responses to the threshold of contact with the wider Universe were studied.

Mr. Basiago stated: 

“A third plausible explanation is that the CIA jump rooms, given to the United States by the Grey extraterrestrials, were devices that were sometimes being diverted by the Greys.  Sometimes we were visiting Mars, and other times the jump rooms were teleporting us to the kinds of micro-Universes that Bernard Mendez is describing.”

In support of this explanation, Mr. Basiago cited the fact that Grey observation of US activities in time-space was sometimes noted during time probes using US time travel technologies while he was serving on DARPA’s Project Pegasus as a child in the early 1970’s. 

He also cited the fact that power losses were being recorded during times when the jump rooms were ostensibly functioning normally.  This could be evidence that during operation, the Greys were diverting the jump rooms from Mars to elsewhere.

Mr. Basiago stated that since NASA has been lying about natural conditions on Mars, determining whether Mendez’ “elsewhere” interpretation of the CIA jump room program or Stillings’ “Mars” interpretation is the correct one will hinge on official declassification.

Mr. Basiago observed:

“What we have now is three fellow jump room participants sharing their experiences… We were trained for Mars in Summer 1980 and the domain that we were visiting from 1981 to 1983 was certainly understood to be Mars. What we are grappling with now is Bernard’s claim that as the U.S. government investigator tasked to study the project he discovered that we were not visiting Mars but a… simulation of Mars architected by the Greys in a bubble Universe… That’s a highly provocative claim, but since Bernard Mendez and Brett Stillings and I were project participants together, in the interests of truth, I have facilitated all three of us coming forward publicly and sharing our understanding of what we were part of… Even if it was not Mars that we were visiting, all three of us agree that it was an off-planet location in time-space.”

Obama as a time travel pre-identified CIA asset

Whistleblower Bernard Mendez’ detailed testimony that Mr. Mendez not only participated in the 1980-83 CIA jump room program with Barack Obama, but engaged Mr. Obama in jump room experiments such as a flare experiment to determine the location the jump room technology was teleporting to, further bolsters emerging evidence that Barack H. Obama was involved at the early age of 19 in a highly classified, top priority U.S. national security project, and went on to be a life-long CIA asset or operative.

It is logical, then, that the Obama administration would use such a high-level asset as Tommy Vietor, official spokesperson of the National Security Council, to deny, on January 3, 2012, that Mr. Obama was a participant in the 1980s CIA jump room program. 

The CIA jump room program, and its origin with a species of Grey extraterrestrials with whom the U.S. government has had an ongoing secret human-extraterrestrial liaison program, is of the highest national security to the U.S. government.

The CIA and U.S. national security apparatus surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama will do everything in its power during the 2012 election year to suppress evidence that (1) Mr. Obama was part of a secret teleportation jump room program using Grey extraterrestrial technology to reach synthetic quantum environments (SQEs), destinations architected by Grey extraterrestrials.

The CIA apparatus has been suppressing evidence that (2) Mr. Obama has been since 1980 a full time covert CIA operative, deployed to infiltrate, perform surveillance on and report back on community activist, Leftist, African nationalist, and Islamic circles.

The CIA apparatus has been suppressing evidence that (3) Mr. Obama was pre-identified in 1971 via quantum access time travel as a future U.S. President and essentially briefed and groomed for the job by CIA since 1980.


1. Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars

2. Third whistle blower confirms Obama’s participation in CIA jump room program of early 1980’s

3. True History of the Citizen ET Hearing, as developed since 2003 by Stephen Bassett & Alfred Webre

4. Steve Bassett raises $1 million on proposal for Citizen Hearing co-authored by Alfred Webre, arbitrarily refuses Webre opportunity to testify on 1977 Carter White House ET Study

 5. Response To Stephen Bassett’s Attack On Andrew D. Basiago And Alfred Lambremont Webre Re: Colbert Report’s Unethical Obama/Mars Interview

6. New data, law of evidence support view of Mars having indigenous, intelligent extraterrestrial life

7. Discovery of life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago chosen #1 UFO story of 2008

8.  Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials

9.  Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project

10. Basiago and Eisenhower reveal “Marsgate” and make case for “Alternative 4”



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