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Is Wesley Chapel Florida’s UFO Hotspot?

From Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

The Florida town of Wesley Chapel was UFO news again this week when a witness recalled a series of events there from September 6, 2008.

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case # 26709 was filed November 22, 2010 – a disc-shaped UFO hovered over a nearby wooded area for several nights in a row. The story was told as 2008: Disc UFO hovers several days over Florida’s Welsey Chapel.

But Wesley Chapel and Florida MUFON State Section Director Morgan Beall are old friends. In fact, the investigation at Wesley Chapel is currently on-going.

Looking back to July 17, 2009, MUFON Case # 18256, multiple witnesses watched an object under 3,000 feet and shot video of the event. A photo from the video is posted with this story. Here are the three images from the original report: Image # 1, Image # 2, and Image # 3. You can also watch the video uploaded to YouTube in three parts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

From Beall’s MUFON report, a comment on video analysis: “The video capture was collected on an Exilim 10.1 mega pixel camera. From all the video clips provided by the primary witness, the videos depict an object with three equidistant light blue static lights with an occasional pulsating characteristic from the assumed forward light. The object never moved from its current position during each sighting however the object was witnessed in two different locations during the separate sightings. The object seemed to make a near 130-degree angel rotation in a consistent back and forth motion. A local video specialist briefly looked at the video and to their opinion the video seemed not to be doctored nor it seems any after effects were used.”

Side note: Take a look at this unidentified video posted on YouTube as footage taken in Wesley Chapel in November 2009. There is little information with the video except the month, date, and location town. Beware that video is often copied and reposted.

In March 2008, MUFON Case # 10220 was filed – a case covered by Fox News 13 – and with video. Again – lights low in the sky forming a triangle – and silent.

From Beall’s case notes on the video: “The object was videotape in much closer proximity then the 2009 footage from Case Number 18256. Further investigation and analysis is necessary to reach any conclusion on case number 10220 video evidence.”

Beall continues: “Several cases reported to MUFON in the same area have been reported. Many accounts of the exact craft in different locations around Florida or within close proximity of Wesley Chapel. The following are the case numbers and witness accounts.” 

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