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Israel Shoots “UFO” Out of Sky

By Ashley Baylen  

The Israeli Air Force fired several times and shot down a UFO yesterday in the Negev Desert just above the Dimona nuclear plant. The unidentified flying object was seen in the no-fly zone. The air force jets gathered and shot it immediately out of the sky. At this point, the UFO hasn’t been sufficiently identified. Early speculation says that it may have been a weather or party balloon. 

“There have been unconfirmed media reports that it was a motor-driven object. The air force reacted according to procedure when the object was spotted, the IDF said.”, CNN reports. 

Officials are searching to find debris from the object in hopes of studying it to determine its purpose and source. As of yet, no evidence of the aircraft has been discovered. 

Whatever the outcome, Israel officials are very concerned. Incidents such as these are dangerous in times when tensions run high in the Middle East. These events prompt conspiracy theorists, researchers, and UFO enthusiasts toward outlandish accusations and speculation. 

Israeli National News (INN) released that the object entered Israeli airspace from Jordan, towards the southern Dead Sea. INN also says the object was “thought to be a balloon”, and that the Israeli Air Force verified said balloon was unmanned before it was sky down. 

An unmanned balloon? A UFO? A warplane? It seems difficult to confuse the three, but until further information is released to the public, we are encouraged to come to our own conclusions.



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