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It’s A Strange World and We are Still Here


By Lori Carter

Some of you may think that we have changed our research in mid stream. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Although we have said it before, we will say it again. The Midnight Observer was first started to share the dangers of everything we find with our neighbors, friends, family members and others. It just so happens that at the time we started, we ended up having our abduction experience.

This experience directed our paths for a long time in the search for who or what happened to us. We have delved into conspiracy theories, covert and criminal groups, extraterrestrials, UFOs and the paranormal for a long time. The old grey ghost was incapacitated over a year ago, so we took to doing night runs around our little town on shoe leather express. The old Grey Ghost has gone on to better things, so for the time being we are on shoe leather express until such time as a vehicle comes our way that we can afford.

The jeep was a faithful servant. It got us out of ditches, mud-holes, around purposely downed trees and more. Even though it stopped once in awhile, it would always start and get us out of sticky situations at the very right moment.

It is my belief that many things in this world are connected. Paranormal may very well be connected to dimensions and extraterrestrials and their craft. UFOs could very well have human contact and cooperation in many of their ventures. Criminals do not care who they work with. They only care that the end result benefits them. Besides the normal aliens, sightings, fairies, elves, ghosts or goblins, there is a plethora of strangeness in our world.

If a race wanted to diminish our population, what better way to do it than have us start killing each other off. This may very well explain all the constant wars, drug cartels, criminal infested cities and more. What other way to draw our attention from something that is being planned than by scaring us with the things other humans do. For example, Eugene Rudy’s attack on his victim seem to have spurred the news of many similar attacks.

While we are watching these events unfold, our mind is taken away from our current and immediate surroundings. We are so worried about a zombie apocalypse that we quit worrying about what may be lurking around the corner from us on any dark and dreary night.

We are researching a lot of different subjects right now, and yes we are still observing the skies. We just recently watched an interview on a DVD set we picked up at Walmart called Alien Encounters From Fear to Truth, a 13 documentary set. Although it has some of the older stories we have already read about, there is a documentary about Black Ops that you might find very interesting. Especially check out the one about the Philadelphia experiment and Montauk. It is quite bizarre to say the least.

Things seem to be quiet around here lately. The people who had reported to us early on about UFO’s and strange occurrences state they haven’t seen much of anything lately. We understand, that in a small town like this, people are not willing to speak out about what is considered crazy or abnormal events.

In the meantime, Richard is presently going through some sky shots we took the other day and we will be posting anything of interest that we find. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you have a sighting, and doesn’t necessarily have to be paranormal or UFO related and want to speak to someone about it, you can leave a comment at the site or email us at You can remain totally anonymous if you wish, or we can give you credit for any events or pictures you would like to share.

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