Source:Diario Popular On-Line
Date: 12.26.10
Argentina: It’s Official – Argentinean Air Force Will Research UFOs
By Pachi LaFata
Information about the upcoming formation of a group of analysts within the Argentinean Air Force emerged recently, and was well received by the country’s experts. “This is the news that all researchers of the UFO phenomenon expected, and it fills us with satisfaction to hear that this will come about,” said expert Silvia Perez Simondini of the Vision OVNI group, who is working to bring about in Argentina a goal that is common to other countries in the Latin American region, which have already declassified their files. “To this end, we created CEFORA (Commission for the Study of UFOS in the Argentinean Republic) to bring about the declassification that has already been achieved in many countries. The news about this commission gives us hope that it is a beginning, and that Argentina may also achieve it. It must be done with a critical attitude, and this is the most reasonable to our understanding. This way, we shall have the certainty of a serious and responsible scientific investigation,” Simondini maintains.
She likewise indicated that “the struggle over the years by so many researchers may be rewarded by seeing a dream fulfilled, and we hope that this commission is formed, can accept and analyze the work that has been made with great effort by the will and vocation of those who have pursued the phenomenon for so long.”
Another first line researcher, Mercedes Casas, explained “it is aimed, of course, at investigating this phenomenon in the most serious way possible and from a completely rational perspective.” She added: “I cannot deny that I am greatly satisfied at seeing the forward behavior of our Air Force, which will certainly mark the road d to be followed by other countries. Since 1978, when the case always meant so much to me, the collision of an object against Cerro El Zaire in Tarija (Bolivia), and which was looked for in the early days by the Argentinean Gendarmerie, as it was believed the collision had occurred within our borders, our official agencies have displayed an interest in knowing more about this phenomenon. In those years, the national gendarmerie, based in Salta, had classified the event as an “unidentified flying object case.”
Casas also said “over the years, there was an infinity of cases in which our forces were involved. CEFORA was created precisely for this, an effort to declassify files on UFOs in which official agencies took part.” She also added: “We’re on the right track. This news item, expected by so many researchers for so long, opens the door on a way of looking at this phenomenon with greater openness and seriousness, investigating in a scientific and responsible manner.”
“There are news items that, while expected, one imagines will not be astonishing, and merely a confirmation of something that is undeniable and inevitable. But reality shows that no matter how convinced we are that something will happen sooner or later, when it finally is confirmed, it shakes one to the core, releasing astonishment, joy and above all, hope. This is what happened to me with the news about the Argentinean Air Force creating a commission for the study of anomalous phenomena in our skies,” said Raul Avellaneda.
The researcher explained that “this announcement by the Argentinean Air Force has something special about it, and that it will be supported on men of science with a critical sense, something that true researchers have always promoted and demanded: a task developed with specialists in different fields of science and above all, far from mysticism, speculation and superstition.”
“In this field,” Avellaneda concluded, “the task rests on a triad: the Air Force as the custodian of our skies, science as the only method of seriously explaining the facts, and specialized researchers with a necessary outreach to the community. Above them, the decision by the powers of the State to place our country – once and for all – in the place it deserves for serious, responsible research, and above all, an interrelationship between officialdom and the citizenry.”
(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Grupo G.A.B.I.E)