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In Russell Edwards’ new book, “Naming Jack the Ripper” (2014), Dr Jari Louhelainen said the killer’s DNA on a shawl was from the Polish-Jewish barber Aaron Kosminski. “However, scientists and scholars of the Ripper case have already cast doubt on Edwards and Louhelainen’s specific claims, alleging that the evidence on the shawl is so compromised that any positive identification may be impossible.”

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“The shawl has been openly handled by loads of people and been touched, breathed on, spat upon,” Richard Cobb, who runs Jack the Ripper conventions and tours, told The Times of London. “My DNA is probably on there. What’s more, Kosminski is likely to have frequented prostitutes in the East End of London. If I examined that shawl, I’d probably find links to 150 other men from the area.” (“DNA testing reportedly reveals identity of Jack the Ripper,” FoxNews, September 08, 2014)

Dr. Addison Davis Hard wrote that the first human donor insemination was performed in 1884, by the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. “According to Hard, the mother, a patient of Dr. William Pancoast, was the Quaker wife of a local merchant, fifteen years her senior.” Dr. Pancoast performed the donor experiment without informing either the woman or her husband of his intentions. “As a result of this medical school experiment, the merchant’s wife gave birth to a son, who became the first known child by donor insemination (DI).” But who was the mysterious paternal donor?

“The idea of applying artificial insemination to human propagation was difficult enough for turn-of-the-century society to accept: to use the sperm of a man other than the woman’s husband was scandalous. Hard’s letter triggered heated debate among lawyers, moralists, theologians and medical practitioners.”

“The first commission produced a report strongly critical of DI, and recommended that the practice be made a criminal offense. A Parliamentary Commission agreed. In Italy, the Pope declared DI a sin, and proposed that anyone using the procedure be sent to prison.” (“Sperm Banking History,” California Cryobank, 1977-2012)

The fate of a Quaker son passing a requisite time to grow up and meet his biological father is interesting. Perhaps the “Horus Incarnation” was the invention of a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits. Maybe unseen corporate benefactors watched his every move, waiting for his “coming of age.” When the boy would become 13 years old and accountable for his actions he would be told the truth of his asexual origin — even if his “creation” were an illicit offense according to commission rulings, and a sin of eugenics as stated by the Vatican.

Sperm is produced at puberty, which can be as early as 10 and late as 15. As said by the Cleveland Street boys’ brothel conversation, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, known as “Prince Eddy,” was a possible sperm donor — when he was barely eleven years old. (Pedophiliac details remained confidential throughout the Victorian era.) Although hordes of prostitutes ran the streets of London, sex was a subject that was not discussed openly and honestly.

Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward (Duke of Clarence and Avondale, grandson of Queen Victoria), known as “Eddy,” had hearing problems and became withdrawn from people. “Eddy’s life was virtually ignored by historians until the 1970s, when myths began to accumulate and his character somehow grew horns and a tail.” (Andrew Cook, “Prince Eddy: The King Britain Never Had,” 2009)

“Eddy’s private life also made him the subject of scandal. In 1889, the London police uncovered a male brothel on Cleveland Street. In a time when homosexual acts were outlawed, the raid made headlines as a number of men in British high society were implicated in the scandal. During this time arose the rumor that a member of the British royal family had frequented the Cleveland Street brothel, and the name that came forward was Eddy’s. Though none of the male prostitutes in the brothel had ever named Eddy as a client, there was a great deal of talk that seemed to suggest his frequent presence there. Eventually, the Prince of Wales intervened and Eddy was never officially prosecuted or questioned in the investigation, but this forever tainted his image with later biographers.” (“The Curious Case of Prince Eddy,” About Royalty, March 22, 2010)

In 1973, the BBC presented a story of Joseph Sickert, the son of famous painter Walter Sickert, who perhaps knew about a secret marriage between Eddy and “a poor Catholic girl.” The painter Walter Sickert had lived in the East End during that period and was supposedly a close friend of the Royal family. Researchers Stephen P. Ryder, Robert Anderson, Alexander Chisholm and Christopher Scott put together a “Casebook” for criminal court investigators in 1996. The Casebook bluntly tells of the royal gossip:

“Princess Alex asked Sickert to take Eddy under his wing and watch out for him. Sickert eventually introduced Eddy to a poor girl named Annie Crook who worked in one of the local shops in Cleveland Street. Eddy soon got the girl pregnant and they were living quite happily with their daughter Alice until the Queen discovered her grandson’s indiscretion and demanded that the situation be terminated.” (

However, according to the investigator Felicity J. Lowde, Prince Eddy’s child, “Alice,” was really a boy identified only as the Lost Prince: “In a box in the recesses of a certain archive department is a collection of sketches that the irreplaceable artist Walter Sickert kept under strict lock and key all his life.” Lowde claimed that these priceless sketches, never before disclosed, reveal what appears to be “Jo” or the Lost Prince. “The box is strategically marked ‘Walter Sickert: of no particular interest.’” [image: clip_image002[3]]

Felicity Lowde reportedly did independent research based at Special Branch and the UK National Archives and also issued an open complaint in the public domain:

“My computer hard drives are currently unlawfully confiscated and withheld by the metropolitan police. The chief commissioner of the metropolis seeks an injunction order against me at Chancery Lane to prevent me from communicating my discoveries.” (Felicity J. Lowde, “Pictures of Prince Eddy’s child, ‘The Lost Prince,’” Nov 11, 2007)

Regarding the rumor of a Quaker son coming of age, what if things went awry? What if the guardian foster father were to unexpectedly become ill and die? In that case who would tell the “Horus Incarnation” the truth of his asexual origin? What if the forlorn wife mishandled the domestic situation and in her grief called the youth the beast of judgment day? Occultist Aleister Crowley’s Quaker father died of cancer in 1887.

Would members of a “patron institute” come forward and establish themselves as new parental figures of the teenager? How might the “Firstborn of the Illuminati” react after renowned artists and celebrities flatter him into “adult life” in the pulsating city of London?

It was London, 1888. A teenaged boy called “Little Eddie,” went to work with red stains on his hands. Little Eddie was a sex worker, the hottest attraction at the Cleveland Street boy’s brothel. He was the latest teacher’s pet of the aristocratic rent-boy community. But he took it the wrong way. When he arrived for his birthday gifts with blood on his hands, some gentlemen wondered: Was it from the bite of a dog or the beak of Poe’s raven? But others knew better. It was London, 1888, and the horrors of Whitechapel weighed heavily on everyone’s mind. A few men suddenly imagined that Jack the Ripper was a teenager.

A year after his father died of cancer, Aleister’s casual escort into the Cleveland Street adult landscape was his father’s old friend, Aubrey Beardsley, best known for his erotic illustrations. Beardsley subsequently met in France with poet Oscar Wilde and Walter Sickert, the Impressionist artist who Stephen Knight and other writers later connected to the Ripper murders.

Crowley attracted the attention of Scotland Yard on various occasions. He said he had personal information concerning Jack the Ripper’s identity. A psychologically troubled teenager could have written the Jack the Ripper “from hell” and “dear boss” letters that arrived at Scotland Yard. Female victims of Jack the Ripper could have given up their vigilance if approached by a lone teenager seeking direction in the night. The Jack the Ripper occult “Juwes” graffito message upon a Goulston Street wall was written with “school chalk” apt to be found in a teenage student’s pocket.

“After the murders of Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes during the night of 30 September 1888, police searched the area near the crime scenes in an effort to locate a suspect, witnesses or evidence. At about 3:00 a.m., Constable Alfred Long of the Metropolitan Police Force discovered a dirty, bloodstained piece of an apron in the stairwell of a tenement, 108 to 119 Model dwellings, Goulston Street, Whitechapel. “The cloth was later confirmed as being a part of the apron worn by Catherine Eddowes. Above it, there was writing in white chalk on either the wall or the black brick jamb of the entranceway.

“Long reported that it read, ‘The Juwes [sic] are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.’ Detective Constable Daniel Halse of the City of London Police, arrived a short time later, and took down a different version: ‘The Juwes are not the men who will be blamed for nothing.’ A third version, ‘The Juws are not the men to be blamed for nothing,’ was recorded by City surveyor, Frederick William Foster. A copy according with Long’s version of the message was attached to a report from Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren to the Home Office.” (

“Author Stephen Knight suggested that ‘Juwes’ referred not to ‘Jews,’ but to Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, the three killers of Hiram Abiff, a semi-legendary figure in Freemasonry, and furthermore, that the message was written by the killer (or killers) as part of a Masonic plot.”

The Royal Conspiracy theories first appeared in 1973 in the BBC program, “Jack the Ripper.” Upon finding out of her grandson’s unruliness, the Queen allegedly called on the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, who went to Sir William Gull, a distinguished English surgeon. After a search of Cleveland Street, “Eddy was taken away and Annie was sent to one of Gull’s hospitals where Gull performed experiments on her designed to erase her memory and drive her insane. Their child, however, escaped the raid unharmed with her nanny, Mary Kelly.”

Part II continues tomorrow Tuesday, September 9, 2014!

If you would like more information or to purchase this book through AMAZON.COM simply click on its title: Naming Jack the Ripper


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