By Jon Kelly
The seed of last Saturday’s tragic shooting in Tucson, AZ during which 6 people were killed and 14 injured had already taken root in the unconscious mind of the alleged shooter over 3 months earlier. The video that led to suspension for mass MKULTRA ritual murder and political assassination suspect Jared Loughner last fall was released by Pima Community College to the Los Angeles Times and posted to the LATimes website today. The video soundtrack was processed through a mirror filter by a Vancouver-based mobile audio lab in an attempt to identify unconscious communications encoded as secret messages within Mr. Loughner’s reversed speech. The results are the subject of a new episode of the Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition, produced and hosted by Vancouver UFO Examiner, Jon Kelly. This story is also available as a new episode of SecretMessageTV.
Founded in 1969, the mission of Pima Community College is community development through learning in an environment that focuses on core values of accountability, diversity, innovation, integrity, people and quality. The informal student-produced video provides a brief campus walk-through along with Jared Loughner’s voice sample in the form of a rambling narrative. As a potential window into the condition of the suspect’s unconscious mind leading up to the deaths of a US Federal Judge and the grave injury of AZ Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, this video was identified as a likely source of potential forensic intelligence that could be decoded through audio mirror-filtering.
Unconscious Foreshadows
During the video, Jared Loughner encounters one of his instructors, stating “I lost my freedom of speech to that guy. And this is what happens. And I’m in a terrible place. This is the school that I go to.”
Played in reverse, the secret message says, “A gun. Shoots the mute.”
The walk-through continues into the school cafeteria. “And then here’s the microwave that I’ll be using when I’m homeless. This is the cafeteria. They make illegal transactions.”
Through the audio mirror filter, the secret message says, “Gonna load guns and kill.”
Click here to listen to the audio clips described in this story featured exclusively in a new episode of The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition.
Challenges to Recovery
Not only do the secret messages from Jared Loughner’s reversed speech describe fatal gun shots, they also describe one of the potential outcomes of the shooting. Doctors believe that Congresswoman Giffords was shot by a bullet that entered the front of her skull and travelled the length of her brain’s left hemisphere. Regarding predictions for her recovery, MSNBC reported this week how “People who suffer penetrating traumatic brain injuries often develop paralysis and cognitive problems.” The CBC interviewed a Canadian neurosurgeon who stated “[W]ith the left hemisphere we worry about speech, the ability to either understand what someone is saying to us, and or the ability to say what your [sic] want to say.” CNN further described Ms. Giffords’ condition in terms of the partial paralysis and speech impairment of James Brady, who suffered a brain injury during the 1981 assassination attempt against President Ronald Reagan. reported last Saturday how Ms. Giffords’ secret messages discovered in the reversed audio of her talk radio interview given on the morning of the shooting revealed that “An augury paralyzes her”. Do secret messages describing paralysis and the inability to vocalize augur phases of Congresswoman Giffords’ recovery during which she will suffer partial paralysis and speech impairment?
Targeting Children
Occult dimensions to last Saturdays shootings were explored this week in mainstream news reports focused on the skull shrine found in the Loughner family’s back yard along with Sarah Palin’s invocation of ritual child sacrifice during her video statement posted to Facebook.
In her online presentation, Ms. Palin stated, “If you don’t like a person’s vision for the country, you’re free to debate that vision. If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn.”
The 9-year old girl who died in the shootings was born on 9-11, the day of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that led to the signing of the Patriot Act, illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, criminal NSA wiretapping along with TSA mass irradiation and public humiliation at airports. Ms. Palin’s emphatic use of the term “blood libel” in her taped remarks is highly suggestive that the death of this girl held occult significance in the plans of the orchestrators behind last Saturday’s attack.