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Jay Weidner Explores Mars’ Hidden History

By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Author and researcher Jay Weidner, whose controversial research holds that major races of humanity on Earth share the genetic heritage of a human civilization that secretly lives under the surface of Mars, will explore the hidden history of Mars on a new program – Age of Discovery – launching Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 7:00-9:00 pm PST, 10:00 pm-Midnight EST.

Mr. Weidner – who coined the phrase “Whatever ideas are the most suppressed are most likely to be the closest to the truth” as Weidner’s First Law of the Universe – will be questioned by Age of Discovery’s three regular panelists, each of whom has had experience dealing with Mars.

Time traveler Andrew D. Basiago reportedly met three members of the Martian civilization face-to-face at the Curtiss-Wright facility in Wood Ridge, NJ in 1970 and teleported to Mars twice via “jump room” in 1981. Cosmic mythologist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower was recruited to join the secret Mars colony in 2006 and 2007. Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre’s book Exopolitics contains a case study of public interest diplomacy toward the civilization on Mars.

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To watch Age of Discovery live or in archives, and for information and program schedules, please visit:

On Saturday, May 7, 2011, Age of Discovery becomes a weekly show, airing live every Saturday night at 7:00-9:00 pm PST, 10:00 pm-Midnight EST. 

More about Jay Weidner

Wired magazine has called Jay Weidner an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions” and an “erudite conspiracy hunter.”  He is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetics scholar. Considered to be a “modern-day Indiana Jones” for his ongoing worldwide quest to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis.

More about Age of Discovery

A new, innovative interview show on one of the Internet’s leading independent television news networks, Age of Discovery is a cosmic Meet the Press that grapples with today’s emerging issues.

Every show, the panel questions a leading figure from a contemporary field of human exploration. In three 30-minute segments, the panel asks the guest to describe a new reality in his or her area of expertise, explain its relevance to our times, and evaluate its significance for the 21st century. In the final half-hour, the panel then summarizes what has been revealed during the show.

The topics are taken from 20 fields that appeal to awake and aware viewers, including after-life studies, alternative energy, conspiracy theory, deep politics, energy medicine, ethics, exopolitics, exo-science, futurism, nutrition, metaphysics, the paranormal, psi, social justice, space, spirituality, sustainability, time travel, Ufology, war and peace, and wellness.

The producers of Age of Discovery believe that a global awakening is upon us and that a growing number of individuals are yearning to create a new planetary culture. The 21st century will be a time of unprecedented progress for civilization on Earth — if humanity has the foresight to choose the positive time line from the catastrophic one and create a context in which individuals and groups direct their energies to manifesting our highest human potential.

View trailer for Age of Discovery

Click on photo above to watch preview. 

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