Adolf Hitler with Prescott Bush

Joseph Farrell’s Hidden Empire Trilogy

.By Steve Erdmann

(Copyright, 2017 Steve Erdmann – All Rights Reserved)

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>


Joseph P. Farrell has written many interesting tomes on the occult, esotericism and mysterious happenings, and equally fascinating is his trilogy on the emergence, continuance and conquest by Nazism as revealed in  (1) Nazi Fourth Reich: Nazi International: The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control, Finance, Conflict, Physics (2008), (2) Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations (2012), (3) Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations (2016), Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Kempton, Illinois 60946, $19.95.

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Joseph P. Farrell


  Extraterritorial Nazi State

 Part I

His Nazi International analysis centers on how various high-ranking Nazi officials—particularly Martin Bormann—envisioned a long-range plan for control in the form of World Corporate socialism.  Patterns of incestuous relationships existed between American corporate elites and Germany, involving companies such as Morgan Stanley, Standard Oil, and DuPont Chemical, I. G. Chemical and the German I.G. Farben Company, whereby Prescott Bush had business dealings with German Fritz Thyssen.

Under codename Akton Feurerland (Operation Fireland), such an elite movement created underground vaults and U-boats to connect to the far reaches of Argentina.  In 1942, Bormann’s Project Bernhard created $600,000,000 of counterfeit British pound notes.  Such tactics were all a part of Bormann’s Auslands-organization, a Fifth Column Network utilizing dummy corporations, finance agents, lawyers and research ventures.

SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Ing Hans Kammler headed a think tank harboring German secret weapons research and a slave labor pool of about 14 million people.  One of the suspected inventions was a revolutionary device called The Bell.  Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Johann Friedrich Scheid (Hermadorff & Schenburg Company) headed a secret conference where he coalesced and aligned many major firms of great importance as far as Spain South America and the Middle East.

A strange relationship existed between Bormann, German military intelligence mastermind Richard Gehlen, and Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles of the law firm involved in the eventual forming of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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Martin Bormann next to Himmler


Farrell gives concern to increasing pro-Nazi movements around the world in Arabia, Eygpt, Italy, and many other locations (pp. 193-200).

A typical case was that of German Intelligence agent Andreas Strassmeir who worked undercover for U.S. intelligence.  Additionally, Strassmeir was seen in the company of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.  He was arrested once, and every effort was made to release him.  The German GSG-Security Force was deployed to protect him.  Strassmeir had joined white supremacy religious activities in Oklahoma and he trained groups in survival and guerilla operations.

Coordinated efforts by Gehlen’s spy organization used double and triple agents, along with a computer system called the Thule Network.  The bundesnachrichtendienst smuggled Nazi personnel to safe havens in Latin America and the Middle East.

Scientific endeavors by the Reich were typified by Cornelius Jan Bakker, a leading nuclear physicist working on the Southern American Huemel Island, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the political endeavors by Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld of the Netherlands, a founder of the mysterious Bilderberger Group.  Bernhard was a former Nazi SS solider, employee of the I.G. Farben, and official in Butch Oil.

Continued Reunification and Plans

I.G. Farben conducted exotic technology of a laser isotope enrichment facility: the Bariloche Fusion Project.  Argentina’s Juan Peron supposedly owned fusion power.  Likewise, German scientist Ronald W. Richter researched advanced shock wave research, the A-bomb, high spin nuclei, levitation, a torsion bomb, space-time energies and The Bell.  German scientists, along with Walther Geriach and Kurt Drehner, experimented with deuterium in convergent shockwaves beyond hydrogen bomb technology.  Dr. Jose’ A. Balseiro spoke of the use of magnetic field production with lithium-7 and radio frequency generators.

Farrell cites Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara’s Dark Mission which speaks of deep occult practices that the Nazis similarly operated under.  Lunar landings of 1967 and 1972 happened on Hitler’s birthdate, April 20.

Carlos Miguel Allende wrote letters to Dr. Morris Jessup (1955-1958) speaking of a Philadelphia Experiment, Albert Einstein’s unified Field Theory, and anti-gravity.  A Varo edition talking of the experiment, tells of how Wernher von Braun connected to the German Burkhardt Herm and his theory of sixdimensionalspin and fullquantized spacetime.

A Torbitt document spoke in 1970 of Wernher von Braun and his connection to the John Kennedy assassination.  It was New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that uncovered in 1967 the Nazi connections to the assassination.  Clay Shaw, a major player in the assassination, vetted Operation Paper Clip Nazis. Operation Paper Clip was an induction of Nazi scientists into America as well as the U.S space program: a front to cover deeper and more crucial technological space programs secretly advanced behind the scenes.

J.P. Morgan and also Nelson Rockefeller were paying big dividends to Martin Bormann through American banks as late as 1967.



Hidden Finance and Technocrats

 Part II

Farrell’s second book in this trilogy, Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, speaks of the further advancement of the Fourth Reich.

Farrell speaks of discovered multi-billion dollar slush funds of counterfeit currency described as gold bonds but encoded to mean drugtrading in trading coups used to finance revolutionary technologies such as The Bell and flying saucer experiments.

The trading coups ran under many names.  Operation Golden Lily, Japan’s M-Fund, Foundation X, Operation Bernhard, the 57 Bond, Federal Reserve Bonds, Operation Morganthaus, Federal Reserve Bonds, and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), among others.

Described as a Breakaway Civilization mixing in with special secret technology, this cabal utilized intelligence agents such as Edward Lansdale, whose CIA and intelligence training preceded his, once again, going back to the Philippines to oversee the recovery of the Golden Lily loot.

Lansdale was interfaced with the UFO phenomena, Nazi-CIA International havens, Allen Dulles, and various front organizations, such as Permindex Corporation and World Trade Centers throughout the world (similar to Clay Shaw’s International Trade Mart [1948-1985]).  It became known as The Enterprise.

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Clay Shaw’s New Orleans Trade Mart

The Enterprise engineered the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. Such ability to accomplish such feats became known as full spectrum dominance.

“…control everything, everywhere, including the high seas, land, air, space and even cyber space…from the galaxy to the mind…to win a war at any level of violence including nuclear war.”  (Covert Wars, p. 215.)

What probably began as discoveries and inventions by the famous scientist of 1908, Nikola Tesla, had been developed by The Enterprise over the years to include weather warfare and various uses of Maser, Laser, X-ray, gamma-wave and scalarquantum potential weapons.  Catherine Austin Fits (former Bush administration assistant financier) said that this Breakaway Civilization had so much money and power that they would have no compunction to obey any laws and would not hesitate using such invisible weaponry.  (p. 272.)

The 1887 Airship Mystery was possibly borne out of the scientific minds of the Senora Aero Club and its parent Nymza from Germany.  The modern Nazi Bell was reminiscent of the Dellschan airships’ NB Gas.

“…what began in the nineteenth  century as a secret ‘Airship’ program,” says Farrell, “quickly morphed in the postwar era into a secret program…the development of technologies that could, to some extent, do double duty, but have the vast system of finance to achieve it.”  (p. 312.)

Several shutdowns and mysterious startups at various missile bases about the globe would indicate the growing advancement of this Airship Cabal, possibly using directed energy weapons—a further progression of fusion experiments in Argentina, and Dr. Ronald Richter’s lithium-7 fusion reactor of rotating plasmas, and zero-point energy.  This UFO phenomenon would indicate “a parallel group owing ultimate allegiance to something supranational,” says Farrell.

Vast Psychotronic Technology

A rogue and breakaway nation operated in esoteric, metaphysical and occult symbolism—vast ritual magic.  Scientist Dr. Jacques Vallee said that UFO sightings and some UFO abductions seemed to be “deliberately designed to be psychotronic technology.”  (pp. 349-350.)

United Kingdom subject Gary McKinnon indicated the vast nature of such a nation when he allegedly tapped into secret U.S. military databases disclosing an extensive, hidden space fleet and program.

Farrell talks about the true nature of this Breakaway Civilization that could “coordinate psychological operations on a truly celestial, cosmic, scale…whose lust for power of all kinds is virtually boundless…manipulation systems of a planetary scale…as the technological capacity of emulation grows, so too does the scale of finance and secrecy.”  (pp. 357-358.)

9/11 Coup d’état

Part III

The third Farrell book in this selected trilogy, Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery, is perhaps the most climatic and fatidic tome in this triad:  Farrell centers on the infamous 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers of New York and, again, how the aforementioned Rogue Power used superior events to destroy and terrorize.

Writer Webster Griffin Tarpley is cited that this case, was an orchestrated coup d’état of sponsored synthetic terror.  Again, as mentioned, a Breakaway Civilization was exploiting secret funds, Axis loot, and vast war chests to fund exotic technologies—in this case, a Nazi and German International played a part in the 9/11 fiasco.

Questions Raised

The antics of the suspected hijackers of Flight 77, Mohammed Atta, al-Omari, and Hani Hanjour included erratically rented automobiles, heavily edited videos of themselves, the surprise discovery of their passports, their peculiar packaging of their luggage, suicide notes, and peculiar personal associations, all brought questions against the hijackers.

Mohammed Atta’s association with the Hoffman Aviation flight school was one such suspicious factor.  Rudi Dekkers, owner of the Hoffman Aviation, had a rather risqué criminal past, including smuggling aircraft into the U.S. over the Artic, despite radar tracking by American, British and Russian equipment.

Mohammed Atta had previous flight experience and even attended an International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base.  Hijackers Abdul al-Omari and Sajed al-Ghandi attended similar military flight training at Brooks Air Base in Texas and the Dense Language Institute in Monterray, California.  (pp. 22-23.)

Mysterious parties were leaking vital facts before the actual attacks on 9/11.  Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was aware of the pending attacks and told Washington.  Mubarak was a trained pilot and he also told Washington how impossible it would have been to perform a spiraling descent in which hijacker Hanjour was said to have conducted.

There was Operation Northern Vigilance, a simulation attack with false radar blips in the air traffic control system: these files had been purged.  The Hidden Players threatened that Air Force One was to be attacked next, and demonstrated that they had knowledge of top secret codes.  Apparently, the Pentagon’s five missile defense batteries had been shut down.

Witnesses claimed to have seen a strange aircraft travelling about 500 mph that made a sharp turn; one witness said it resembled a “cruise missile with wings.”  After the attack, data recordings and Black Boxes simply disappeared.  Air Traffic controllers said they saw the aircraft do a strange maneuver on their radar equipment, but Flight 77 transponders had been turned off.  An Amalgam Virgo drill was engineered, however, to produce fake radar blips.  A mysterious Flight X at the Cleveland Airport, according to researcher Michael Rapaport, showed slight-of-hand with passengers.

Wreckage of Flight 93 was strewn over eight miles, indicating it had been shot down while in flight.  There was no debris at the alleged Pentagon crash site.  A second smaller aircraft was witnessed near Flight 93.  One woman said it was a military aircraft.

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The Pentagon Blast Site

Patsies and Players

The Bush family, the Bin Ladens (and their Caryle Group), had intimate ties to the CIA and all were used as patsies when Level Three Controllers turned the plans of all four inside out.

Delmart Vreeland appeared to have intimate knowledge of the Level Three Conspirators and gave knowledge of same in a sealed  warning containing shocking details of the 9/11 attacks well before the attacks.  Vreeland was suspected to be connected to American Naval Intelligence.

Vreeland indicated that trillions of dollars had been taken out of the United States Treasury, and he spoke of the Bush’s, the Clintons, and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

The use of doubles indicated a higher level of planning. Hanjour al-Hazini and al-Mihdhar were in San Diego through the month of August up to September 8, 2001.  However, they were contradictorily seen on the opposite coast, crossing back to Las Vegas, returning to Baltimore and spending days in Newark.  Likewise, there appeared to be a Ziad Jarrah #1 detained in Pakistan and Afghanistan, while Jarrah #2 was in flight school in Venice, Florida.  (pp. 124-125.)

Farrell says that 46 drills existed closely aligned to the 9/11 events. Researcher Webster Griffin Tarpley said: “Terror events were largely camouflaged, assisted, conducted, and bootlegged through these drills.”

Russian economist and member of President Putin’s inner circle, Dr. Tatyana Koryagana, said that this rogue network, beyond al-Qaeda, had access to a financial war chest of approximately $300 trillion.

Mohammed Atta, through the Carl Duisberg gesellschaft, the I.G. Farben cartel, appeared to be a part of a postwar Fascist Breakaway Empire.

 The ‘Enterprise’ and 9/11 Crimes

More than $100 million in illegal transactions were rushed through the World Trade Center computers before and during the 9/11 disaster.

One such bank was Deutsche Bank (along with Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Jardine Matheson, UBS and HSBC).  Mohammed Atta and many of the 9/11 hijackers, the bin Laden family, the Bush’s, and many others, had kept accounts with Deutsche.

Farrell refers to this polycentric network as the Enterprise which housed hidden code names and words that engineered a slush fund to the tune of trillions of dollars which were used to fund highly secret black technologies.  The Enterprise could hide all trades, all traces, with the use of modified PROMIS software, as everything would become off the record and invisible.

Researcher Laurent Guye’not mentioned that Bryan C. Jack, a Pentagon worker responsible for various aspects of accounting for the American budget, was on board the Pentagon-hijacked-flight.

9/11, Directed Energy, and Mega Rituals

There were several murder weapons used on 9/11, says Farrell, but the ultimate weapon would appear to be some form of directed energy with electromagnetic beams.  While normal explosives and Nano thermite may have been used, the ejecta and plumes from the destructed Tower show something extraordinary was utilized.  There was the disappearance of about 1100 victim-bodies.  There was the matter of a high percentage of nuclear fusion/fission material: barium, yttrium, chromium, tritium, strontium, thorium, uranium, lithium, lanthanum, and the subsequent cancers to victims (pp. 195-196).

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Directed Energy

Secret Technology of 9/11

Nazis may have inaugurated this exotic science in March, 1945 at Ohrdruf, Germany using plutonium 239 of extremely high purity with deuterium and tritium to boost yield: chemical laser isotope enrichment technology.  Only Level Three Players could obtain such technology.

Dr. Judy Wood concurred with this in her book, Where Did the Towers Go? (The New Investigation, 2010).  Farrell talks about masers, interometry, and approximately 90,000 tons of concrete converted to a homogeneous mixture consisting of sub-100-micron particles of pyroclastic clouds.  The clouds appeared to be five times the volume of the amount of the original building.  Farrell says about this: “Indeed, ‘intergranular melting’ seems to describe a process where the molecules of steel themselves were exploding internally.”

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Destruction of the 9/11  Attack

Farrell speculates about sophisticated phase conjugation in the microwave range of the spectrum using conjugate mirrors of great ability to breakdown material and recombine it again.  He says some unknown spacebased technology was used.

Versions of PROMIS software had been given around the globe to numerous defense contractor networks, such as the Financial Criminal Enforcement Network (FINCEN) and the U.S. Treasury.

The Ultimate Deep Black Magic

Farrell sees 9/11 as the ultimate deep black magic, an alchemical wedding of high technology, mega ritual, and some subconscious Group Mind of the Masses.

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The Desolation of 9/11

Farrell quotes at length researcher S.K. Bain’s exposure of 9/11 as ritual magic—the Twin Towers of the Masonic pillars of Jachin and Boaz, Egyptian gods, Pillar of Hercules, the veil of Isis, the Sixteenth Greater Trump of the Tarot Tower, the Twin Towers of Deutsche Bank in Frankfort, and president G.W. Bush’s reading of the story at Booker Elementary, My Pet Goat, symbolizing Baphomet, the sacred androgyny god Pam.  Farrell compares many structures and constructions as C.G. Jung’s meaningful coincidences.

Russian economist Dr. Tatyana Koryagina spoke of this Network, Enterprise, and Breakaway Civilization as having access to over $300 trillion, lending to (in the words of Peter Levenda) “a massive magical ritual of human sacrifice” and “technology in the form of exotic means of destruction of the Twin Towers.”

A Player That is Everywhere and Nowhere

Farrell sees this continuation and rise of fascism as “jingoistic plastic patriotism.”  He says:  “Finance of terrorism…technologically sophisticated cyber warfare to exotic weapons of destruction…sacrifice of innocent lives for ultimate evil.”

He continues (p.262):  “Money, power, occult knowledge, exotic technology, and financing in the trillions of dollars, do signify a much deeper player, a player with an unrecognizable center of power, a player everywhere and nowhere.”

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The Destruction of 9/11


Farrell owes much credit to numerous researchers who are cited throughout his books: Webster Griffin Tarpley, Thierry Meyssan, Jay Kolar, Daniel Hopsicker, Nafeez Mossaddeg, David Ray Griffin Michael Rupport, E.P. Heidner, Mark H. Gaffney, Eric Hufschmid, Laurent Guyenit, Jim Hoffman and Bonnie Faulkner, Rodney Stich, Peter Lavenda, S.K. Bain, Peer Dale Scott, Gladio Cottrell, John O’Neill, Catherine Austin Fitts,  Michael Busby, Dennis Crenshaw, Richard M. Dolan, Ross Bellant, Martin A. Lee, Jim Marrs, Henry Stevens, Rich C. Hongland, Anthony Sutton, Dr. Judy Wood, and several other dedicated authors.


Steve Erdmann,

June 2017

St. Louis. MO


This article was originally published in and ufospolight

Reviewers and journalists can use short quotes for their rerspective works.


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Photo Credits & Sources

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The Mysterious Destruction of the Towers




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Joseph P. Farrell



Destruction at the 9/11 Site 

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The Destruction of 9/11




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The Desolation of 9/11




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The Pentagon Blast Site




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Himmler and Bormann




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Clay Shaw’s New Orleans Trade Mart


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