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‘Kansas City UFO flap continues’ – Missouri MUFON

Roger Marsh,
UFO Examiner

Witnesses in the greater Kansas City, MO, area who saw unidentified objects on October 3 and 4, 2011, are being asked to come forward – especially anyone with photos or video of the events, according to an October 6, 2011, statement from the Missouri investigation team assembled from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Missouri MUFON Assistant State Director Margie Kay reports that “17 independent witnesses reported a large, unidentified object flying at low altitude over several locations in Kansas City, Lee’s Summit, and Raytown, MO, between 8 and 9 p.m. on October 4, 2011.”

Missouri MUFON is asking for additional witnesses to come forward reporting objects seen in the greater Kansas City area on October 3 and 4 – especially anyone with photos or video. The photo here is the only image so far with a report.

Credits:MUFON database.

Earlier reports from October 3, 2011, describe a similar object in nearby Lee’s Summit. Kay reports that these sightings now include a total of 62 reports from the greater Kansas City area in the past 90 days – with a total of 84 reports during the same period from the entire state.
In situations where a large number of people are independently reporting an object, a UFO investigation is treated similar to reports coming from just one witness at one location. The investigating team first reviews all possible manmade and Mother Nature possibilities. Keep in mind that military operations are rarely announced prior to deployment – and experimental-style crafts have accounted for many past sighting reports. The large number of witnesses in this case most likely caused MUFON to push the STAR team into place as having many eyes looking at the same event from different locations is rare with UFO reports; and it also raises the possibility that multiple, independent photos or video will become available for study.

The STAR team is a MUFON investigation unit that allows investigators and scientists to move into a location within 24 hours in a high priority status to gather evidence; while allowing for the same high quality investigation standards promoted in any investigation.
In the meantime, Missouri MUFON has released a statement today – and that piece follows. Stop back to the UFO Examiner home page for the latest updates on this and other cases being reported across the U.S. If you have an independent report – please file directly with MUFON.

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