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“Kuan Yin – Ancient Extraterrestrial God?”

Kuan Yin – Ancient Extraterrestrial God?

In 2004, a hypnosis client, Lena Lees, began to spontaneously channel Eastern Deity of Compassion Kuan Yin, thereby clarifying the Kuan Yin profound spiritual teachings. The Spirit Deity revealed Her immutable wisdom on Mindfulness (focused intent) and the Laws of Attraction and Compassion as well as Her prophecies for the future of humankind as explained in “Oracle of Compassion: the Living Word of Kuan Yin” and “The Gods Have Spoken: Prophecy 2012 and Beyond, Co-Creating a New Earth”

“It’s an urgent time for energies to evolve…The process is being sped up, an acceleration creating awe-inspiring changes affecting every aspect of life. There are a group of souls who are using this time to help propel them forward. This process can be compared to a ship catching the wind in a certain way. Those catching this wind will need to be skillful. And like a sailor’s knowledge and deep respect for the sea, these people will need to know when to turn the ship and when to let go. Adept in utilizing the winds of these times, they will have me as their sail…Your precious earth cannot be destroyed. Sometimes it just looks that way.” -Kuan Yin

Worshipped throughout India (as the male god Avalokitesvara), Japan (as Kannon) and mainland Asia, Kuan Yin has many names having many translations, for example: “She who harkens to the cries of the world” or “the Lord who looks upon the world with compassion”. Reverence for Kuan Yin is estimated, by many, to date back to Mother Goddess Devi and the Indus Valley Civilization (3000-1500 BC).

Ancient Indian, Tibetan and Chinese civilizations are therefore considered to be profoundly influenced by what they believed were extraterrestrial deities. From the many important historical writings, such as the Mahabharata, Bhagavata-Purana, and Ramayana Scriptures (dating far back in history), flying machines called Vimanas (purported to not only fly through the skies, but to other galaxies as well) are described. One of those extraterrestrial deities was likely Kuan Yin (Avalokitesvara), who is known to appear to those wanting the truth on how to walk their ‘path of liberation’. She especially makes Her presence known during historical times of great challenge. Indeed, there have been, throughout the millennia, historical accounts of visions of this deity and the wisdom thereby imparted.

Visiting temples, shrines and pagodas throughout the East, one can be in the deity’s essence, viewing its many forms (for this deity has been described as both male and female—having at least 33 transformations) as both sculpture and temple paintings. When viewing these magnificent artifacts, it is helpful to understand Kuan Yin’s spiritual evolution and why this deity has so many names. Tara is regarded (within Tibetan Buddhism) as a Bodhisattva of compassion and action; the female aspect of the male Kuan Yin (Avalokitesvara). Intricately carved into the massive rock formation of the Ellora Temple Cave complex in cave six (the earliest known Buddhist cave) is what is probably the first identifiable image of Tara (KuanYin). A cave wall painting of Avalokitesvara (from the 6th century CE) can be found within the mysterious horseshoe-shaped Ajanta Temple Caves also in Maharashtra, India. (Reference: Surrounded by the protective walls of Angkor Thom (Cambodia) is Bayon temple, a monumental architectural achievement. Four watching heads of Kuan Yin mark the cardinal directions: north, south, east and west. And isn’t it interesting how often this deity is portrayed with elongated head and headress; a feature that can indicate celestial origins?

 These archeological sites have inspired interest from certain ancient astronaut theorists as they are believed to hold secrets concerning the intergalactic migration of Gods and Goddesses to and from the earth. In the Ajanta Caves there are also massive sculptures of Buddha carved within strategically-placed Stupa’s (which some believe to highly-resemble spaceships) positioned to catch the rays of the equinox and solstice suns and to illuminate the Buddha.

Kuan Yin’s spiritual influence extends well beyond Eastern temple caves. Similar to Christ and Buddha, Kuan Yin instructs us on the potency of loving-kindness: that this is the most powerful force in the universe. Kuan Yin’s profound level of love and compassion has caused her to often be compared to Christ, Buddha, and Quetzalcoatl. An extremely ancient, pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet (“bon”) described how a formidable “friend of virtue and kindness” had appeared on earth. Indeed, could these all represent various incarnations of the same extraterrestrial deity?

“There are places where one can feel closer to and rejuvenate one’s spirit. While some have acquired many material things, they’ve lost something in the area of spirituality. Geographically, China is a place that holds elements of my energy. Don’t only take into consideration the government [when determining the spiritual significance of a particular region]. It can be regarded as a thin, paper veil, indeed a ‘front-drop’ for a greater energy. Mexico is another geographical location possessing a similar energy to mine.”-Kuan Yin

Emerging from the mists of Lena Lees’ trance-epiphany, transforming into myriad manifestations of the original Oneness, Kuan Yin’s shape-shifts herald the deity’s triumphant return and are emblematic of the timeless truths.  Insisting that it is for each of us to fathom the mystery of the deity’s myriad visages, Kuan Yin reveals (with every nuance) humanity’s manifestation powers. Becoming one with the surroundings, this deity weaves the intimate fabric: our inextricable enmeshment with nature and the universe.

Humanity has not always had such an alienated view towards death as is often witnessed in Western Cultures. Indeed, Avatars instructed in the study of reincarnation are abundant in Eastern cultures. Visiting that part of the globe, one quickly becomes immersed in an alternative paradigm: a culture dominated by Gods and Goddesses proclaiming the twin spiritual doctrines of karma and reincarnation. Many other ancient cultures also view death as a vital transition into another world.

Glowing spacecraft manned by gods are described in texts handed down from ancient India. Probably some of the first references to reincarnation, these same writings also reveal that there is no spiritual death; only death of the body and that there is rebirth on the earth as well as other planets. Kuan Yin states: “Caught up in a new incarnation, one may forget their Always Form; perhaps forgetting everything from before. However, one is already always that! There is only eternity, knowledge and bliss!”

Thought by many to be metaphors for ancient astronaut craft, “fire-breathing dragons” are expounded upon in ancient Chinese texts. The Tibetan “Kantyua” (the “translated word of Buddha”), similar to the aforementioned Indian writings, describes flying “pearls in the sky” carrying gods to visit mankind from the stars. They, like Kuan Yin, inform on how our sentient energy goes through a succession of physical bodies.

“She is energy manifested into form,” describes Ms. Lees from her trance. “She seems to come to me because of my intention and hers. My intention to meet her created her. A deity! A real force! She is happy, confident. She is high above the earth consciousness. There are others like her,” explains Lena, deep in trance. Later, Ms. Lees’ described one of her trance experiences of Kuan Yin:

“I see Kuan Yin. She is like Venus, statuesque and standing in front of a beautiful pink half-shell. Quickly, she walks in front of me, pointing the way. We are entering the mouth of a cave. It’s so interesting. I see stairs carved out of rock in the cave. We walk up the stairs to a door. I know somehow this is just another entrance, a doorway to another time, place. Perhaps at another historical time monks lived there. Now, I’m seeing a huge image, a beautiful statue of Kuan Yin right at the top of the mountain. There are stairs leading up to her and it is as if I’m right on location, standing alongside a group of worshippers.

I feel the potency of her energy. In these places, perhaps China or Vietnam, there is a palpable sense of being immersed in and supported by her presence. There is a need by the people to know more, to pick up and accumulate wisdom. I’m suddenly feeling a need to be in that kind of energy.

Suddenly it is Kuan Yin who is speaking: “Some believe I am in servitude to Buddha. However, Buddha doesn’t see it like that. We’re more like brother and sister. I’m showing, Lena, my abode, a place on earth where humans can visit me and be in my potency. Lena is looking at my statue and then at my form. There’s a difference. I come to people in many forms, forms constructed from people’s own perceptions of how I should come to them. And it is individual spiritual needs that create these unique perceptions. In the end, it does not matter what form I take.”

“Kuan Yin wants me to know that I can have the most divine life imaginable,” whispers Lena, still very deep in trance. “She’ll be here until the last soul passes off the earth. She remains in deity form to assist people in transcending their materialistic nature, to help them attain their highest spiritual level.”

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