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TO: Hon. William J. Haynes, II General Counsel
U. S. Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301

FROM: Larry W. Bryant
3518 Martha Custis Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302

DATE: October 28, 2005

As you can see from the below-quoted e-mail exchanged between me and certain officials at Langley Air Force Base, Va. (in which the base public affairs office announces its decision to bar my proposed classified advertisement “Blow the Whistle on the Neo-UFO Whistleblowers!” from being published in the LAFB “Flyer” newspaper), I hereby serve notice upon you that —

(1) Langley’s censorship of my ad violates the consent decree issued by the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria Division) in the First Amendment lawsuit of Larry W. Bryant v. Caspar W. Weinberger, et al. (1987) That decree expressly prohibits any USAF personnel from interfering with my right to have my UFO-related ads printed in such U. S. military newspapers as the Langley “Flyer.”

(2) The rejected ad in question recently has been approved by the public affairs office at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., for publication in Arnold’s newspaper (the “High Mach”). This Langley-banned ad happens to reflect a series of such “UFO-cover-up-whistleblower” solicitation ads already published since 1987 in various other post/base newspapers (including the ad “Blow the Whistle on ‘Hostile Aerial Craft'” — published in the April 18, 2003, issue of Fort Myer’s “Pentagram”).

(3) If you fail to order, no later than Nov. 22, 2005, a complete reversal of Langley’s censorship, I plan to instruct my attorney to pursue, on my behalf, a show-cause order as to why the Secretaries of Defense and Air Force should not be held in contempt of court for this violation of the subject consent decree.

(4) The sought-for show-cause order will seek from the U. S. government full reimbursement of my litigation costs in this matter, along with all appropriate monetary damages. Please advise me, in writing, as soon as you take the remedial action requested by this e-formatted letter (a signed printout of which is being sent to you by snail-mail).


Copy furnished to: U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria Div.)


Good Morning Sir, Here is the response to your inquiry concerning your ad-review submission of May 9, 2005. With the termination of Project Blue Book, the Air Force regulation establishing and controlling the program for investigation and analyzing UFOs was rescinded. Documentation regarding the former Blue Book investigation was permanently transferred to the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Service, and is available for public review and analysis. The newspaper contract Langley AFB has with Military Newspapers stipulates, in section 4, Line “d” that the publisher shall not accept for publication advertisements that are worded or phrased to give the reader impressions that the Department of the Air Force in any way endorses, guarantees or sponsors any product or service. Section 4, line “k” states that the editorial staff will review advertisements to identify any that are contrary to law, Air Force or Department of Defense instructions, or that may pose a danger or detriment to Air Force members or their families, or that interfere or detract from the command or the installation’s mission. Based on results of Project Blue Book, it is clearly not within our scope to publish material contrary to the government interest. Thanks for your consideration. Requests for copies of records and general information about Project Blue Book should be sent to: Modern Military Records, National Archives, 8601 Adelphi Rd, College Park, MD 20740-60001, (303) 71307250. If you have any questions, regarding this response, please feel free to contact Maj Patricia A. Traynor, USAFR, Chief Public Affair, 757-764-2018. If the 1 FW/IG can be of any further service, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Deborah L. Rothwell, Civ, USAF Deputy Inspector General DSN: 574-5162/6782 Privacy Act – 1974 as Ammended applies–if this email contains personal information, it must be protected IAW DoD 5400.11R, and is for Official Use Only (FOUO)

Good Morning Sir – I have received you complaint. The complaint is being referred over to PA for resolution as to why your article for not accepted for submission to the FLYER. I will let you know as soon as I receive the response. If I can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. Thanks.

Deborah L. Rothwell, Civ, USAF Deputy Inspector General DSN: 574-5162/6782 Privacy Act – 1974 as Ammended applies–if this email contains personal information, it must be protected IAW DoD 5400.11R, and is for Official Use Only (FOUO)

TO: Inspector General of the Headquarters, 1st Fighter Wing (Langley Air Force Base, VA 23665) (June 3, 2005):

Your command’s public affairs officer (Capt. Glenn) apparently has chosen to ignore my below-quoted ad-review submission of May 9, 2005. In doing so, he has exceeded his authority. I therefore request that your office (1) investigate this managerial irregularity; and (2) report to me, promptly, your resultant findings and recommendations. Please tell me the name and contact information of the I.G. official to whom you plan to assign this case. — Larry W. Bryant

DEAR CAPTAIN: Please tell me the name and e-address of the USAF official to whom I may appeal your apparent decision to ignore my request for your prepublication review of my below-quoted ad submission. — Larry W. Bryant

DATE: May 9, 2005

Please have the text of the following classified ad undergo your standard prepublication review/clearance prior to my submitting it direct to the printer of your base newspaper, the “Flyer”:


Two members of a reinvigorated crop of reputed UFO-coverup whistleblowers — former USAF intelligence officer Robert M. Collins and former USAF-OSI agent Richard C. Doty — have teamed up to produce a brand-new book, titled “Exempt from Disclosure: The Disturbing Case About the UFO Coverup” ( ). Does the book constitute a confirmable case of insider knowledge of what our government knows (and when it knew it) about UFO reality? Or does its foray into the bowels of the world’s Deepest Secret merely regurgitate a form of official disinformation — “disUFOmation” — made (in)famous back in the 1980’s via the Kirtland AFB’s Bennewitz Affair? If you (or someone you know) reliably can corroborate or discount the Collins-Doty revelations, please contact me at: Larry W. Bryant, 3518 Martha Custis Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302; e-mail: .

Thank you, sir, for your coordination of this submission.


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