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Massive Boomerang-shaped UFO witnessed in the Cumbrian skies

  Massive Boomerang-shaped UFO witnessed in the Cumbrian skies 

by Pat Regan

Old Lakeland UFO sighting prompts calls for more witnesses to come forward

Cumbria in the UK has been a hotspot for many UFO sightings over the years.

I have written at length, both in my book ‘UFO: THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH’ and on the internet, about this fascinating subject. I have also debated the Cumbrian UFO and Earthquake Axis on many occasions. Please see this link:

UFO: Earthquake predictions come true as Cumbria suffers Yuletide tremor

 I was intrigued by an older UFO report that witness Andrea (Dover) Robertson recently brought to my attention. Therefore, I am happy to permit Andrea to explain her mysterious UFO account in her own words below. This is what she told me:

“After witnessing a UFO many years ago with my parents, I occasionally “scan” the internet for any similarly strange sightings, or of any in the vicinity of our old home town. I was surprised to see that Cumbria is considered to be a current hotbed of UFO activity. That was certainly not the case at the time we witnessed ours. My parents filled in a report on it, but we told none of the town’s folk what we’d seen for fear of being judged as crazy. Anyway, I don’t know if it’s any use to you, seeing as it was around 1976 or 77 (I was 13 or 14ish) when we saw it, but here goes: My parents and I were at home at 15 Maple Close, Ellenborough, Maryport, Cumbria, in our south-facing house, watching the TV which was against the south facing wall under the window. It was daytime. Both my dad and I saw a flash in the sky in our peripheral vision which drew us both to the window to see what it was. My mum didn’t see anything but came to the window behind us to see what we were excited about. All three of us saw what looked like a huge boomerang-shaped cloud flying north towards us, but fairly high in the sky.” Andrea continued:

“The real clouds were few and far between that day in a bright blue sky, and they were the tall white cumulous type. The UFO was a medium/dark grey and well defined in its boomerang shape. It left no trails and made no noise that we could hear from inside the house.  It was flying north towards us fairly quickly then veered to its right (east) and travelled at the same speed over a few houses and flew directly into the side of a tall cumulous cloud. That was the last we saw of it. There were no more flashes, no noise, no coming out the other side, no flying straight up. Given the size of the boomerang when it flew into the side of the cloud, this thing was immense. My parents filed a report on it, and a few years later we emigrated here to Canada. My grandmother mailed us a clipping from a newspaper saying that a UFO that had been sighted in Maryport at the time of ours had been tracked on radar. She thought it was our sighting, but I have no way of verifying that, unfortunately.”

I thank Andrea for bringing this one to my attention and like her I hope that it helps to flush out even more public UFO sightings, which perhaps went previously unreported. I find this particular Cumbrian sighting to be noteworthy and of much interest, regardless of its date.

Boomerang – shaped UFOs have in fact been reported and filmed in several countries and are possibly a largely unexplored phenomenon in their own right.

Once again the ancient Cumbrian grounds have proven to be an area of mystery that holds many secrets. I must also reiterate that the western coast of this region is the one that appears to bring in the higher propensity of UFO accounts.

I welcome further reports of such UFO activity.  

 Pat Regan © 2011 

Founder of North West UFO Research and Author of:

UFO: The Search for Truth

Short video by author Pat Regan about UFO

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