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Mojave By Starlight – An Introduction To Mysteries Of The Desert

It was a clear, cold night in California’s Mojave Desert, and I had never been closer to the stars. Nowhere else on Planet Earth do the stars shine and twinkle so brightly. The sky stretched overhead like a mystical black blanket with shining crystals everywhere.

            Two friends and I had driven into the Joshua Tree National Monument to go UFO hunting. The Monument is a national treasure in the magnificent high desert. Incredible rock formations and bizarrely-shaped Joshua trees dot the desert landscape. It is all very alien and yet so richly of Earth.


Artist’s rendering

The three of us sat huddled under a blanket for about an hour and then decided to go home because of the cold. As we headed for the car, a large, brilliant, white light raced across the sky. Just as we struggled to tell each other it must have been a meteorite, it raced back in the opposite direction, stopping overhead for a second. It hovered just long enough for us to see smaller red, yellow, and blue lights in a circular pattern while its brilliant light, which illuminated the whole object, remained incandescent white.

                Suddenly, it zoomed away, over the horizon from whence it came. We felt we had just witnessed something utterly incredible and otherworldly. We were speechless for a few moments, and then we couldn’t stop talking about what we had just seen. I will never forget that UFO sighting which the Mojave Desert offered us that cold, starry night.

            It is fact: The Mojave Desert never fails to provide us with chilling phantoms, mysterious ghosts, and unexplained hauntings. It also offers us unidentified star ships overhead and alien encounters under the watchful eyes of monster rock formations. It tells us stories of Coyote Man and the dreaded Chupacabra, and it even sings of “Hotel California,” where you can check out anytime you want but you can never leave.

            When I lived near the town of Joshua Tree, California, I felt I was undergoing an intense two-year education in all things mysterious and alien. I could feel the ghosts at Giant Rock, that gigantic, enigmatic boulder a few miles from Landers, a village which suffered a devastating earthquake in the early 1990s.

            The ghostly phantoms at Giant Rock were mostly Native American in “feel” and once I heard their flutes playing in the desert wind. Also, there was the spirit of George van Tassel.

            In the 1950s and 1960s, tens of thousands of people streamed into Landers, blocking the highways for miles around. On they went to the flying saucer Mecca of Giant Rock, gathering with George van Tassel.  At several of those gatherings, it is said that van Tassel, at will, summoned his extraterrestrial friends, who appeared overhead. Many people felt the alien contact and followed van Tassel’s enlightened, brilliant teachings.

            In 1951, his friends from Venus astrally transported van Tassel aboard their giant star ship and introduced him to “The Council of Seven Lights.” The Council told him to build a structure in that energized area of California’s high desert; they promised that this building would extend human life and help humans become enlightened.

            Built according to the precise directions and requirements of van Tassel’s alien friends, The Integratron still offers mind-blowing acoustics and experiences of an almost psychedelic nature. 

            I recently reread George van Tassel’s book, “The Council of Seven Lights” and was amazed at the cosmic knowledge in its pages. It is a book which reflects not only metaphysical wisdom but which also delves into quantum physics within a spiritual format. Van Tassel was a genuine contactee of great experience and wisdom. 

            In 1995 and1996, my daughter and I traveled almost daily to Giant Rock from our home in the town of Joshua Tree. We wandered around it; we meditated beside it. In the harsh sunlight of the desert day, the white quartz which composes Giant Rock gleamed and glistened. We tried to figure out how that huge boulder came to stand alone in the desert. There were no other boulders like it anywhere around. On distant desert hillsides, there were a few boulders which were much smaller than Giant Rock. Did Giant Rock roll across the desert from one of those hillsides miles away during an earthquake? Or did it come from the sky?

            Giant Rock sometimes made us sad; there was ugly graffiti scrawled all over it. Hundreds of dirt bikes and motorcycles had wrecked the environment around it. There was also the infamous crack at the bottom caused by bonfires. The crack seemed to lead to a cave beneath the boulder. Rumor had it that a Nazi fugitive had hidden in this cave.

            And so it was not surprising when, several years later, enigmatic Giant Rock suddenly split in half. When it did so, I had already moved to Iowa, but I remembered how sad the giant boulder itself seemed to be. No one respected it or seemed to remember the universal light work which had gone on around its domain. Giant Rock was a phenomenon of Mother Nature and perhaps a gift from outer space, and all humans could do now was to scrawl ugly words on it, scraping away the environment with their noisy bikes. One theory says that the vibrations from motorcycles helped split the mighty rock.

            The tragedy of Giant Rock leads me to an insight on the mystical energy of California’s Mojave Desert: This unique quantum energy can be used for enlightenment and goodness, or it can be used negatively.

            The Manson Family’s Spahn Ranch was in the Mojave.

            It has long been joked that bodies murdered in Los Angeles end up in a hole in the Mojave.

            The ghost of a rock musician who is said to have overdosed in the 1970s haunts the only motel in the town of Joshua Tree.

            Yes, I do remember a feeling of panic sometimes in that hot desert sun, a feeling that the spirits there were restless. Coming home one noon, I saw a small child sitting under the Joshua tree across the road. The child was crying softly. I rushed over, only to have the child dematerialize.  

            My daughter witnessed a tribe of “restless spirits” one dark desert night as they seemed to be picking leaves off of one of the trees in our yard. She said they seemed confused and unhappy.

            I researched various paranormal happenings for a video I did about Giant Rock and the Mojave. I traveled into Joshua Tree Monument to find the precise rock formation into which a teenage couple is said to have disappeared. I had just enjoyed the film “Picnic at Hanging Rock,” which is the account of young girls on a picnic in Australia who disappeared without a trace into a mysterious rock formation. 

Article continues here:   “God Cloud – Earth Changes Revelations”   “Passport To Heaven”
Diane is also a contributor to “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs,” a book about encounters with paranormal animals.




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