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More Communiques From The Lunatic Fringe

(Author’s note: for veracity and authenticity I changed nothing; even glaring spelling errors persist. I did change names and emails, to protect one who wrote me, suffering attacks from Dark Force Entities..)

In a message dated Eastern Daylight Time, wadesadi writes:

Sorry to disturb you again but I am really getting hit hard now more than before.

It seems that the more I fight the more it/they retaliate/s. During the night I get deprived of my sleep I wake up at 3 am 5 am 6 am to fight off this parasitical entity that tends to feed on my energy.

It focuses on my genitals can you imagine this is crazy. It is now causing me head pain just if I already did not have enough trouble.

I have been intensively praying since the past 3 years, I sleep with light on the rosary or the Coran playing all along the night (of course this my computer was sabotaged so that it stopped playing this confirms that prayer disturbs it/them but it does not stop them).

I am leading a sinless life but I am still being hit hard. Makes no sense. Where are our angels who should protect us?

Why is this happening to me? I feel totally powerless no answers from the invisible world to comfort me no signs of what to do no indication of when will this stop.

I have read all your articles they are the best so far that explain the phenomenon in all its forms.

I am planing to go to a pilgrimage to Medjugorje it seems that maybe this will help me.

Thanks for your contribution to explain this phenomena which disrupt the life of many humans.

Brilliant article explain how you wrestled: thank you.

Two nights ago experienced sleep paralysis I actually saw the entity, it looked nothing human nor monstrous seemed like dense liquid with no defined shape.

Fought it off and was able to release myself from its paralyzing force. Last night woke up at 3 am as if something pinches a nerve and you are suddenly fully awake and alert.

I got up recited the prayers used during an actual exorcism for about an hour went back to bed and fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up rested with almost little or none disturbance during the remainder of the night. I believe it is my guardian angel that wakes me up always at 3 am sharp as if he wants me to be fully awake for the spiritual combat.

My only defense is prayers reciting chakras to Jesus the rosary and other repetitive forms of prayers with devotion and concentration.

With time and prayer I have developed a vibration that radiates from the center of my chest which helps me counter attacks.

It seems that the demons just will never give up seeking contact with me.

However, living a clean life and worshiping Jesus, God, the Virgin Mary empowers me and most of all I am no longer afraid of them.

Canfor oil works good as a repellent when they crawl up your legs it acts as a barrier if you spread some on your ankles.

I also sleep with the rosary playing all night often I wake up and find my

computer turned off. Ultimately, this means that it disturbs them.

But what really bugs me is that tapping noise which you are never able to locate where it is coming from.

It announces the arrival of a visitor I then have goose bumps as it approaches me to seek contact.

We are talking about forms of energy which exist on a different plane but is capable to have access to our physical plane.

I find it unfair since they have an advantage over us. However, I believe that there is a purpose for all this it has to do with our salvation.

During the life of a person she will never experience what some people like us have.

That does not mean the demons are not there.

They are fantastic in camouflage and remaining noticed.

I have gone so far as feeling total darkness rather than feeling it.

All of this as just changed me to a better person no sin as I did before” Prayer is part of my daily routine and the love and fear for God is in my heart.

I feel that the times are near.

I hope that when my wife arrives from abroad (just for married in Maroco) she will join forces with me to defeat the demons.

Ted Phillips

On Sat, AM, <> wrote:

I also suffer from sensitivities I would rather shed than embrace:

May God bless you and spare you, Ted

Expecting the bull not to charge because you’re a good person is naive and


Your efforts are working as they are fighting back and you will win; they


The human mind has Godlike powers to deter them.

Use a menthol or camphor athletic ‘rub’ on the affected areas without hurting your private parts. Prayer attracts them, when one is under attack, so do it privately.

Sulfur released from struck kitchen matches can cleanse an area quickly; use a few and then another few.

As a proven experiment, I shall not only pray for you but will send you one of my angels; you’ll know that the angel is there when you have a strong desire to calm down and relax.

You’ll further know because you’ll sleep well without troubles.

Each one of us is helped by others until one can also so assist:

Paul Schroeder

Ted Phillips writes:

Thank you for your response.

This is to confirm to you that this night was good. I felt as I was gently and warmly caressed. Your angel did come. As you suggested did not play prayers all night, I also applied the menthol cream on my genitals.Did pray for 1 hour in a church. I had a nice dream I was swimming underwater in a tropical island very pleasant.

Will keep you posted on how things evolve. Moreover, I really appreciate your help will also mention you in my prayers. This life is really a mystery.

Thank you

Ted Phillips

Polyphemus writes:


Taking on a demon by focusing on it with your third eye, to see it, or trying to cast it out in Jesus’ name, can often inspire it to move inside you just for spite.

Some demons crave embodiment, and so demon possession consists of demons inhabiting a human body. Mental diseases with their erratic or even insane behavior, along with physical diseases, often accompany demon-possession for demons perversely desire to destroy even the bodies that they inhabit.

Thus, passive defenses are always preferred.

(Robert Bruce, et al Astral Dynamics):

1. ‘Increase the grounding to maximum. Soak your body or especially your feet in a salt bath(or a bucket)Salt water creates a mild electrical current that can expel evil ones.

2. Get as much sunlight as you can. Sunbathing. Sunlight penetrates flesh and destroys ectoplasm implants.

For winter, get a powerful ‘grow light’ as are used for growing indoor plants. Spend at least 30 minutes a day in shorts bathing in this light.

3. Verbal and silent affirmations. ‘my shields are perfect’ ‘I am perfectly protected’ ‘I am healthy, happy and relaxed’. Do these firmly and aloud as much as possible per day.

Use driving and shower time and times you are alone. Also do silent affirmations, and particularly try to fall asleep while doing these. Key and essential here is time and energy; the more time you put into this the stronger the effect.

‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’

‘my natural shielding is perfect’

‘my mind is perfectly shielded’

Affirmations often work best when the actual problem you want to stop is worked around. For example, ‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’ tells your higher self this message.

The only way your higher self can bring this about, if you are demon troubled, is to remove the demon problem.

For example, say that a demon is causing lots of stomach gas and discomfort – very common. The affirmation ‘my stomach is relaxed and happy’ would directly target the cause, and encourage the higher self to remove the demon.

The trick is to keep one’s mind and senses (especially the sixth sense) firmly away from what is happening. Focus on something mundane and positive.

Think about gardening, football, cooking, anything.

If prayers or mantras are thought or said, they should not express anxiety, fear or an actual need for immediate protection. This helps avoid forming unwanted firmer connections.

Focus calmly on the words and not on the reason for their utterance. While holding a positive focus away from supernatural possibilities, sensible countermeasures should be applied, i.e., turning on light and music, slicing some garlic. This should be done in a matter-of-fact way to avoid forming connections that might escalate problems.

It is essential to keep the focus of one’s mind firmly away from the source of what is happening. Focus on countering the symptoms, not on their source.

A matter-of-fact attitude (the intelligent use of denial) is both protective and defusing of all such demonic problems.If something flies off a shelf in response to your prayer, simply say; “well, these things happen”.

It also makes the best possible use of one’s natural mental shielding. One may feel anxiety and trepidation on the inside, but one should never realize and express these feelings, mentally or vocally, during a direct psychic demonic attack’.

Robert Bruce, et al, “Astral Dynamics”, over many years, serves as personal mentor and rescuer.

It must be true that those who are most aware of strong and intrusive demonics, must pay it forward, to attempt to assist others.

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