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My good friend Lloyd Pye, of the Starchild Project has just sent the following data, which I include below with his kind permission.

Pat Regan 

Over to Lloyd… 

In my last Byte I announced that our geneticist was working on something that would blow minds if he could confirm it. This remains true, but unfortunately he has not been able to confirm it. I know this is disappointing to us all, and mostly to him. However, it is important that we all understand the restrictions he works under.

He does not formally work for us. I can’t come close to having the money available to hire a man of his skills and ability. He donates his time and skill, and pays for chemicals and reagents and such out of his own pocket because he knows how strapped I always am. But the key thing to know about him is that he does what he does for us on his own time, after his normal work hours and, mostly, on weekends.

This brilliant man is doing yeoman duty for the Starchild cause, and while I can’t reveal his identity right now, eventually everyone will know what a true hero he is. Nobody holds a gun to his head to help us, but his less courageous colleagues DO, in fact, hold a metaphorical gun to his head in their attempts to thwart ALL research into “unsanctioned” subjects such as UFOs, aliens, hominoids (bigfoot, yeti, etc.), cold fusion, abiotic oil, and many others on this list of potential embarrassments to our era’s mainstream scientific power structure.

Also understand that he is seeking what he once termed “golden needles” in an approximately 3 billion-base-pair haystack, the assumed size of the Starchild’s genome. These are things that will stand out so starkly from normal human base-pair strings that there will be no doubt it doesn’t come from a human or a higher primate. We KNOW golden needles are there to be found because the Starchild is so incredibly different, physically, from a human, and each of those many differences are there because of genetic instructions very, very different from ours.

This is what he keeps chipping away at when he can squeeze out the time to do it. I once asked his wife if his passion for the Starchild Project might be causing problems for them as a couple, and she replied that she couldn’t remember when he had been so energized and so enthusiastic for anything. And why wouldn’t he be?

He and she both know he will soon be going down in history as the man who figured out the Starchild’s genome, and in doing so was able to establish once and for all, beyond any possible doubt, that a nonhuman entity lived and died and was buried on Earth 900 years ago.

Going down in history is definitely NOT why he does it, nor is it why I did what I’ve done for it. We’re both after the TRUTH, plain and simple, which I know is the primary concern most of you share — “Give us the truth and let us learn to deal with it.” I think that’s the bottom line for everyone who enjoys alternative subjects, isn’t it?

If money and fame come to us, fine, that will be a hard-earned bonus. However, establishing a new and important truth that changes a fundamental aspect of the lives of every human being…..THAT is the true reward for all the stress and strain I have endured to get things to this point, as it is for all that our geneticist has gone through since our first email contact last January (2010)

We are both fully committed to getting the Starchild Skull over its highest, and final, hurdle — securing the few million dollars we need to hire our geneticist full time so he can apply himself, his lab, and his team of colleagues and assistants into “cracking” the mysterious “alien” genome, with all of the fantastic tools that can be put at his disposal once we have the money in hand to pay for their use.

We are working on this as hard as we can, as fast as we can. Nobody wants it over and done as badly as we do…..   

Lloyd Pye

Starchild eBook:

Starchild paperback book:

Everything You Know Is Wrong:

Mismatch (hi-tech spy thriller):

A Darker Shade of Red (football novel):


Pat Regan © 2011

Founder of North West UFO Research and Author of:

UFO: The Search for Truth  

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UFO: The Search for Truth?

UFO: The Search for Truth (2012, extended edition)

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UFO – The Search for Truth (Kindle edition)

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Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia 

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Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia (Kindle edition)

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