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Pathological Findings on Lady

Two days after Lady’s body was found a Denver pathologist named John Henry Altshuler, M.D. [4] examined the horse’s carcass. According to testimony he provided years later:

“When I got to the horse, I could see that it was cut from the neck down to the base of the chest in a vertical, clean incision. At the edge of the cut, there was a darkened color as if the flesh had been opened and cauterized with a surgical cauterizing blade. The outer edges of the cut skin were firm, almost as if they had been cauterized with a modern day laser. But there was no surgical laser technology like that in 1967. … I cut tissue samples from the hard, darker edge. Later, I viewed the tissue under a microscope. At the cell level, there was discoloration and destruction consistent with changes caused by burning. …Then inside the horse’s chest, I remember the lack of organs. Whoever did the cutting took the horse’s heart, lungs and thyroid. The mediastinum (central chest compartment for organs) was completely empty – and dry. How do you get the heart out without blood? It was an incredible dissection of organs without any evidence of blood.” [5]

Dr. Altshuler also discovered that hemoglobin located at the edge of the cutting site had somehow been cooked.

The animal mutilation excisions do NOT show any carbon residue. But Earth life is carbon-based and all tissue exposed to the heat of a normal laser should show carbon residue that looks like black pepper grains under microscope magnification.” [5]

Portal incisions through which internal organs are removed are found to be uniformly smooth and bloodless with serrated edges similar to those produced by a tailor’s pinking shears, or from the impression made by a cookie cutter in dough.

Soft tissues removed from the cavity of mutilated carcasses include those associated with the digestive, reproductive, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic and respiratory systems.

Bodies Found in Trees and Power Lines

In addition to the actual physical mutilations, other strange factors are consistently related to these incidents. For example, in some cases the ground beneath a carcass is markedly depressed suggesting that the animal was dropped from a considerable height. Consistent with this impression, the limbs, ribs, and other bones of the dead animals often show fractures consistent with trauma caused by sudden impact. In a few cases, trees in close proximity to the dead animal show evidence of broken boughs and branches again suggesting the carcass had been to the ground. A related observation is that occasionally, the carcasses of large wild animals like dear, elk and rams are inexplicably found in trees or entangled in high voltage power lines necessitating their removal by utility companies.

Then there is the factor of carcass avoidance. Contrary to official belief, Dr. George E. Onet [6], a doctor of veterinary microbiology and cattle mutilation investigator, claims that the carcass of mutilated cattle are consistently avoided by large scavengers such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers, and bobcats. Furthermore, even domesticated animals are “visibly agitated” and “fearful” of a mutilated carcasses. This observation is frequently reported by cattle owners but is apparently disregarded by officials as being too anecdotal to warrant consideration.

Bias for Younger Victims?

Statistical analysis of mutilated animals has thus far been very limited. However, Dr. Howard Burgess [7] has reported from the study of a limited survey of mutilated reports that nearly 90 percent of cattle are between four and five years of age. Since their average longevity is between 15 and 25 years, it would appear that the perpetrators of these acts have a bias for younger bovines. Unfortunately, Dr. Burgess’ finding has not as yet been replicated.

The only consistent clue regarding the cause of these mutilations are reports of UFOs, strange nocturnal lights, and occasionally of dark, unmarked helicopters operating in the vicinity of where mutilated cattle are later found. Such sightings have fueled suspicion among ranchers that either UFOs or some secret government agency is responsible for the loss of their livestock. One must wonder why the military or covert government agency would so boldly experiment on domestic cattle when such activities could be carried out far more discretely at a private government facility. Interestingly, over the course of nearly half a century, law enforcement agencies have not been able to identify a single person responsible for carrying out these acts.

Circular Depressions Left Behind

While no tracks are evident at mutilation sites, other strange physical traces are occasionally observed. These traces consist of large discolored circular rings in the soil which defies any normal growth of vegetation for long periods of time. They are in fact quite similar to, if not identical, with physical traces left behind by known UFO landings. Occasionally smaller triangular depressions are also found. Their shape would suggest possible landing gear. Obviously, these clues should be carefully followed up by investigators.

Animal mutilations are not limited to the western states and Canadian provinces. They are found wherever cattle are herded throughout the world. It is now well established that these events are global in scope. Since the publication of Lady’s mutilation, thousands of similar cases have emerged from around the world. Recognized “hot spots” of activity include such divergent regions as Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, parts of Europe, the Canary Islands, China, Southeast Asia and Australia. Needless to say, many other mutilation sites have not been investigated or made public. While the number of reported cases is not easy to estimate, approximately 10,000 have been collected dating back to the mid-1960s.

One European country prominently involved in the private investigation of mutilation cases is the United Kingdom (U.K.). There a group known as the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) which has been diligently investigating such cases since 2002. Their work and findings have been brought to the public’s attention though the lecturing efforts of Richard D. Hall [8]. The APFU is now prominently involved in a continuing investigation of sheep mutilations affecting many rural areas of the British countryside. But while sheep mutilations have dominated their concern, investigations have also been conducted on a wide range of other domestic and wild animals.

An Array of Animals Mutilated

The mutilation pattern found in sheep is very similar but not identical to those reported in cattle. Occasionally cats and dogs and other small domestic animals are found cut in half with their internal organs gutted out. The APFU has also found many wild creatures such as badgers, groundhogs, and even small deer are often decapitated with the heads dispersed a great distance from their torsos. Another unusual mutilation pattern has been noted in foxes and small deer. Their mutilations consists of a small hole is bored through the upper skull from which the animals brains are mysteriously removed.

Land animals are not the only creatures found mysteriously mutilated. In the northern U.K., large numbers of seals and dolphins have been discovered mutilated in a strange corkscrew pattern. Initially government officials attributed these findings to accidental deaths caused by contact with propeller blades of large ships. However, investigations by the APFU have failed to pinpoint any association with any known watercraft or other mechanical devices found at sea. Furthermore, the remains of these sea creatures are often found some distance inland far from where these animals would presumably wash ashore.

As in the U.S., British sheep herders have turned to law enforcement for assistance in determining the cause of mutilations in their flocks. So far the results have been mixed. By and large, law enforcement officials have been frustrated by their inability to either determine the source of these crimes or to capture those responsible for the mutilations. In turn, law enforcement has sought the assistance of veterinary pathologists for forensic clues. Thus far veterinary findings have been inconclusive. The unusual nature of these mutilations has led most veterinarians to refrain from drawing any conclusions over the precise cause of the mutilated animals’ deaths.

Even so, a small number of law enforcement officers and concerned veterinarians have ventured to offhandedly state that the mutilations must be extraterrestrial in origin. This view has not been well received by their respective organizations, the scientific community, and especially governmental authorities. Even the media has generally “pooh poohed” the notion that extraterrestrials are involved. Reluctance of authorities to carry out more comprehensive investigations of the phenomenon has only exacerbated the situation. To date nothing has been resolved. All the while cattle, horses, sheep and a host of other domesticated and wild animals continue being mutilated.

Noting more examples of these mutilations would add little to what has already been presented. But cases similar to those seen in the U.S. and U.K. are being reported throughout the world. The only significant correlation to these mutilations has been their association with unidentified nocturnal lights and dark, unmarked aerial vehicles. Quoted below is a typical example of such reports. This report is dated July 15, 1984, from the Sunday Times in Perth, Australia:

Cover-up alleged over UFO-linked animal slaughter: Many reports of UFOs and strange lights in the sky. Farmers in the Adelaide Hills have discovered mutilated animal corpses and burn marks on the ground. … In one incident, researchers say a farmer discovered four cows with holes drilled into their skulls and the brains removed…” [9]

A Review of the Evidence

At this point it would be worthwhile reiterating a number of consistent facts relating to the mutilation phenomenon. They are:

1. For the past five decades horses, sheep, goats, and a variety of other domesticated animals, as well as a wide range of wildlife and even aquatic creatures have been found mutilated throughout the world.

2. These mutilations have been carried out in a premeditated fashion with great efficiency and precision.

3. One of the most common characteristics of these mutilations is the complete absence of blood in and around the dead carcasses.

4. A common mutilation pattern in cattle and sheep consists of: (1) a jaw swipe whereby all muscle and tissue are removed down to the bone usually on one side of the jaw, (2) the removal of one or both eyes and ears, (3) excision of the tongue deep at its root, (4) removal of internal and external genitalia, and (5) removal of digestive and other soft internal organs through small circular orifices cut through the flesh.

5. Circular or tear shaped orifices to the inner viscera show a laser-like cauterization on their borders leaving what resembles small “cookie cutter” like serrations.

6. Other reported mutilations include decapitation, bifurcation of the torso with all internal organs removed, small portals bored through the skull from which the brains have been removed, and in the case of seal and porpoises, deep corkscrew lacerations running along the entire length of their bodies.

The third and final installment of this article will be published tomorrow Sunday, March 23, 2014!


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